News: Hillary Says Faith Got Her Through Hard Times

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Cindy, Jun 9, 2003.

  1. Cindy <img src=/Cindy.JPG>

    Oct 27, 2000
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    (New York-AP -- Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton says she
    relied on her faith during the ordeal of learning of her
    husband's infidelity and the attending scandal.
    In an interview aired Sunday night with A-B-C's Barbara
    Walters, the New York senator and former first lady says she got
    on her knees in prayer struggling with how to save her marriage.
    And with the help of a theologian friend she came to
    understand that there are two kinds of sins, sins of malice and
    sins of weakness, and that her husband's were the latter. She
    described the former president as a good man with a good heart.
    Senator Clinton has been giving interviews in conjunction
    with the release of her memoir "Living History."

    [ June 26, 2003, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: Squire Robertsson ]
  2. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    Cindy, thank you for posting this information. i missed the interview. I am proud of Mrs. Clinton for her courage in sharing this information in her book. She and Mr. Clinton have proven that marriages can survive in the fact of some of the worst things. When I think of all the Baptist preachers I have known and know about who marriages failed at this point of infidelity ... philandering preachers ... I praise God that they kept their family together in the fact of such a brutal attach from the Christian right. Thank God for their witness.
  3. new man New Member

    Sep 24, 2002
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    Hilary Klinton is a documented liar, just as her husband is.

    Hilary the Great.

    Russ &lt;&gt;&lt;
  4. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Too bad her so called faith only makes a difference when it's convient for her poilitical life. If it made a real difference in her life we'd all be able to see it, she wouldn't have to tell Barbra Walters about it. Too many things we've heard from her and about her in the past have ruled out faith in God having made a difference in her life.
    She's a phoney.
  5. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    Hilary Klinton is a documented liar, just as her husband is.
    I am sure that the Moonie Owned newspaper, the Washington Times, would not be supportive of Mrs. Clinton. And I would not expect loving Christians to give her the benefit of the doubt. Most just cannot stand that she is os successful. Hundreds are standing, as I write this, outside Barnes and Nobles in NYC to buy her book.

    Since you alledge that Mrs. Clinton is a documented lair ... maybe you would share some of that documentation. I assume you me Mrs. Clinton even thought you typed Ms. Klinton.

    Too bad her so called faith only makes a difference when it's convient for her poilitical life. If it made a real difference in her life we'd all be able to see it, she wouldn't have to tell Barbra Walters about it. Too many things we've heard from her and about her in the past have ruled out faith in God having made a difference in her life.

    I am sure Katie 007 that you consider yourself to be a born again Jesus loving Christian ... but you are unwilling to be obedient to the commands of Christ which call upon us to not judge others, to love our neighbor, etc. Please offer some proof that Mrs. very sucessful Senator Clinton is a "phony." Why not just admit that you cannot stand a strong sucessful woman. Didn't she and Mr. Clinton set a good witness in keeping their marriage together. Great example for strong support of the family. Praise the Lord.
  6. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    bobfrgson, I'm sure you will not be moved on this issue. Your opinion on the matter is set, as are the opposing opinions of others. Therefore, why debate? We're all wasting valuable time on an issue that will never come to resolution between the two parties of opinion. (Unless of course that is the point: the debate somehow being "fun.")

    Each side has their own reasons for clinging to their stand, with neither having real objectivity. I don't know what is presently going through the mind of Ms. Clinton, nor would I pretend to know her intentions. I do know what the evidence suggests though.

    Since all of this confidential information is known only to her and the Lord, I resolve to not draw any conclusions about her present walk with the Lord. I can only pray for her, because it appears as though she's purposing to put herself on the "fast track" to success.
  7. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    you are right. I will not be moved. Jesus has given clear instruction as to how we are to regard each other as Christians. The Clinton's have been demonized by the religious right worst that anybody in recent history and yet they remain popular, on top and going on ... go figure.
  8. ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    I never cease to be amazed at how so-called Christians can be so "unChristlike" in their attitudes. Nothing but hate. If one believes that God knows the heart of a person, who are any of us to judge Senator Clinton. She has been through things that none of us know about, we have not walked in her shoes. Yet so many rush to judgment. If it is politics, be upfront and say so. However, some of the statements made here are very much not from a spirit of love.
  9. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Love for lying and adultery isn't something that should happen, and what about turning them out after 3 warnings? Is that love?
    Didn't she have an affair herself with Foster, who is now DEAD, as is the person who worked up the files on her beloved hubby?
    But let's forgive and forget and put them back in charge of our national would be the thing for any loving and responsible Christian to do...wouldn't it?
  10. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    You are bearing false witness. None of the things you are sugesting are true ... not a single one and in fact all have proven false.
  11. ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    You read too many unproven allegations. There has been NO...ZIP...NADA...ZERO evidence of the things your allege. You infer that Mrs. Clinton even had something to do with Vince Foster's death. Time to be a little more of a critical thinker.

    There is no evidence of her being involved in adultery, an affair, or murder. Carrying tales and gossip are also a sin. You have no knowledge of any of these things being true. Time to get the beam out of your own eye. I suspect that the Hillary bashers would not be satisfied regardless of anything she could do, and that this rabid hate is a by product of political leanings and a lack of examining facts vs. gossip.
  12. PastorGreg Member
    Site Supporter

    Jul 12, 2000
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    Yes, Jesus gave clear instructions. He said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." Neither Mrs. Clinton nor her husband demonstrate any fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit. The fact that their marriage "survived" does not make them good Christians. Their ungodly lifestyle and evil positions on moral issues do indicate the opposite. By the way, nothing that Gina said has been proven false.
  13. ColoradoFB New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    People do not have to disprove allegations against them. It is up to the accuser to prove them with evidence. Anyone can allege anything against anyone. Doesn't make it true.

    Carrying falsehoods is lying. Who is it that is the father of lies?
  14. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I have no problem with successful women(I am successful at what I have choosen for my life),and admire strong women(if I am nothing else I am a strong woman). But phoneys who use christianity as a puppet, nope sorry. Jesus is more then that, get used to it bud. He is apparently nothing in her life. If they supported family values, they wouldn't support killing babies, there would be no adultry, they would support christianity, where as everything they've said and done speaks otherwise. You are so ultra leftist, anti christian it's pitiful. Your posts always convict you of it. You prefer wordlyness that supoports you, then the word of God that opposes you and your worldly views.
  15. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    I am happy for you in you chosen field ... what ever that may be ... good on you. Why do you call Ms. Clinton a phony? How does support for Roe v. Wade imply a lack of support for "family values"? Are you accusing Ms. Clinton of adultery? What evidence do you have for that? And now you attach me as being "ultra leftist, anti christian and one to be pitied ... my goodness .. just because I don't happen be in lock step with right wing Christians and agree with you interpretation of events .. I am convicting my self of "wordlyness" (what is that?)and I do not believe the word of God? And you are certain that I have worldly views ... How can you make such a strong case against me?

    I believe that when a person says they have accepted Christ as Savior and that they pray and seek God's strength and direction ... that that is something to be applauded and to be thankful for ... Your mean spirited accusations, devoid of grace, are very disturbing ... It is attitudes like this that are killing the Christian witness in the world today. I am going to pray for you girl. That God will open up your heart to love and mercy.
  16. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    It's too bad that that we Baptists often think we have a copyright on faith, and that politicians aren't allowed to allude to a faith without the express written permission of Baptists. :rolleyes:

    I don't particularly care for Senator Clinton, but if her faith in God got her through hard times, who am I to judge it, lest I judge God?
  17. WallyGator New Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    Well said, Johnv
    Judge not, least ye be judged!
    Love your enemies.
    Christ's blood covered Ms. Clinton just as much as it did me. Praise God!
  18. Mitsy New Member

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Despite whatever marriage arrangement the Clinton's have, I would have to believe that there is a certain amount of love there - regardless of whatever infidelities have taken place. It would have actually been much easier for her to have gotten a divorce and gone on with her life. I believe that there are many other presidents who have cheated on their wives (both Democrat and Republican) but just were not caught. It's easy to throw stones at public figures when they seem to have some obvious sin in their lives, however, only God knows their heart and knows of whatever repentance has been made. And some people are a lot more private about their faith. I have oftentimes been guilty of assuming things about people without knowing the full circumstances or about their faith issues only later to find out that they are believers (albeit not always obvious to everyone else). I will say that the Clinton's seem devoted to their daughter and have a genuine love for her that is without question in my mind.

    Do the Clinton's have what I view as the ideal marriage? No, but I think there is something real that holds them together, despite whatever problems they might have. And to those who think Hillary wasn't hurt or didn't care about her husband's affairs, I have to honestly say that they aren't cutting her any slack. I think almost every woman who has had a husband who's had an affair, will always hope that he changes his ways or becomes more committed to his marriage. I think Hillary and Bill are both a lot more human than a lot of people give them credit for.
  19. chargrove <img src=/chargrov.jpg>

    Feb 10, 2003
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    &lt;&lt;Message Edited to Reflect Reality and not fuzzy memory. My apologies and condolences to this post. See, it CAN happen to you when you type before you try to remember the way things actually happened.&gt;&gt;We are NEVER told not to judge others' behaviors, by the way...that is a gross misinterpretation of what Christ said.

    [ June 09, 2003, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: chargrove ]
  20. bobfrgsn New Member

    Mar 22, 2003
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    Well said Mitzy. With love, mercy and grace. I like the idea of "cutting a little slack" ... who of us may not need that at some time. Well done!