North American Union Update.

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Baptist Board has rules. Questioning another's salvation is against those rules, unless your name happens to be Daisy and you also happen to be a liberal. Then it's okay to not only ask but to demand an answer from you about the status of your salvation...apparently. But Carpro isn't Daisy is he?
  2. Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    Rules of board

    You have been around long enough to know the rules; so why are you encouraging someone and telling them that a political preference will get you in trouble?

    You should change that from being liberal to believing every ridiculous conspiracy theory you read about.

    The information you are posting about is primarily NAFTA which is concerned strictly and primarily with the marketing taxes between the member countries. It has NOTHING to do with some idea that means a one world government.

    I work in the Army Poncho and believe me, NOBODY wants to give us any of their land and any elites don't want to try to become rulers of hunks of swamps all over the world or Siberia for instance.

    Believe me, I know how far you will go because you wouldn't stop on the world trade centers saying it was bombed from the inside and the government did it on purpose.

    So, maybe I'll let you leave your post if you will change it from being liberal to being a conspiracy chaser and believing everything from some kind of gas dumped out of planes (for what Earthly reason I wouldn't know) to the U.S. attacking itself, which being in the
    Army shades on treason to me.

    See if we can get this back on track or we will just shut it down. In other words, board rules say stick to the subject of the thread and if that's not the subject start a new thread.

    Thank you,
  3. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I know the rules. I don't question anyone's salvation, ever. I wasn't encouraging anyone Phillip I was telling them that some people on this board and I didn't name names repeatedly demanded that Daisy confirm her salvation, Daisy was banned, the demanders who broke the rules are still here. To me that ain't right.

    I'm not changing anything. Ridiculous?

    Now that truly is a ridiculous statement.

    What? Since when did the Army start training people to think like the global elite? That's two ridiculous statements. Especially considering the number of books and policy papers that have been published by those same people saying the exact opposite of what you just said. Don't you ever read anything they publish? Obviously not, if you had you wouldn't be makinge such ridiculous statements as this.

    Hey don't blame yourself Phillip you gave it a shot and it didn't work. There's to much evidence pointing at factions within the government.

    If the Army had trained you to think like the elite then you already know that to them we're nothing but chattel to be ruled over and controlled. They see us as useless eaters and wouldn't mind getting rid of a few billion of us. Don't believe me? Go read some of the garbage they've been writting over the years! I personally believe you aren't even capable of thinking like them and I'm quite happy to keep believing that too. The U.S was fully willing and prepared to attack itself for a pretext to invade Cuba even killing it's own citizens on American soil you can deny it but it doesn't change the facts. If they had gotten a green light from the exectutive they would have done it, and we'd be arguing about that today too, I'd claim it was a false flag attack and you'd claim I believe every ridculous CT that I read, and you'd be wrong agin. Don't be so naive man! The people at top are ruthless scum bags that care nothing about this country or it's people...Our freedom has always been a threat to them. Admit it to yourself, then start sticking up for your country instead of bunch of perverted homocidal maniacs that pose as "our authorities" and your employer.

    Board rules seem to say one thing and board actions another.

    No thank you,
