"Nothing But the 'Blood'"

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by ktn4eg, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    No, this isn't one of those hymns vs. CCM threads, and I hope this isn't taken to be offensive or sacreligious or anything like that.

    I'm posting this here because today (7/2/12) I finally reached one of my long-term goals---namely to have successfully made my 100th blood donation (i.e., 12.5 gallons) through the American Red Cross.

    Way back in the early 1970's, my aunt needed family and relatives to donate blood because she was about to undergo an open heart surgery. The hospital where this was done said that they'd need donors to re-supply their stock of human blood due to 1) They would have to give my aunt a blood transfusion [or something like that] so that she could recover from her operation, and 2) That area's blood supply was very low at the time.

    All this got me to thinking (maybe it was the Holy Spirit--don't know for sure), "You know, if my aunt needed blood, I imagine that there's others out there that probably need blood too."

    Moreover, [and here again I mean no disrespect to Him at all] I felt that if Jesus willingly gave His sinless blood for me, maybe I ought to give some of my (allbeit "sinful") blood to help some of my fellow creatures (who also were created in God's image) who are facing critical medical procedures.

    Anyway, long story short, since the 1970's I've tried to donate blood to the American Red Cross. Sometimes I was deferred for various reasons, and the donation sites varied in location, but, God being my helper, I finally made the "century mark" for my donations.

    I'm not bragging, and I know there are probably many individuals out there who cannot, for various reasons, donate, but I do thank God for allowing me to reach this personal goal.

    If anyone who reads this feels led to donate blood, I'm sure your local chapter of the American Red Cross would be more than happy to help you do so.

    The need for blood is constant (especially during the summer season); the gratification is instantaneous; and the gratitude by others is long lasting.

    "Think on These Things."
  2. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    The Lord bless you, and thank you.

    I cannot donate for health reasons, so I donate a few dollars each month to an organization which has given unselfishly over the years, and especially in wartime,,and on the battlefield.

    During the 2nd WW, the Red Cross was known by both sides and respected. Uniform did not matter; they served.

