Nothing Compares to God

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Jon-Marc, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    As I lay asleep this morning, in one dream was a man singing "There is nothing that compares to God." I decided to talk about that here.

    Down through the centuries man has tried to stamp out the name of God and of Jesus Christ. Laws have been made to eliminate their usage in public places and in especially in schools. Children can be taught how to have sex and to protect themselves from making babies. They are taught that homosexuality is acceptable and is an alternative lifestyle. Yet they are taught that it is inappropriate, rude, offensive, or politically incorrect to speak of God or of Jesus in school--except as profanity.

    I remember in school being very offended when a boy asked me "Do you believe in God?" I cussed him so loudly that all activity in the classroom (wood shop) ceased as everyone listened. No one criticized me for my language--not even the teacher. Using "God" or "Jesus" as anything other than profanity is very offensive to many people, but profanity is perfectly acceptable.

    Lucifer in heaven proclaimed "I will be like the most High." Yet he didn't and doesn't compare to God. He was brought low and cast out of heaven since sin cannot remain there. He is powerless against God.

    People worship, adore, idolize, and desire to be like other people--people who are drunks, drug addicts, but who are famous and wealthy. Such people are put up on pedestals and often called "heroes". Children dress like them, act like them, and want to BE them, but how many desire to act like and be like Jesus? They turn away from the One Who truly loves them and gave His best for them. No one compares to God.

    No one and nothing compares to God. Man has created gods after his own image. Man-made gods that are very much human-like in mannerisms and behavior. These man-made gods are often selfish, envious of other man-made gods, if you have seen TV shows that depicted such gods. They are fallible and limited in power, knowledge and wisdom. Yet none of them compare to the One True God, Who is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, righteous, perfect, incapable of sin, and full of love, mercy, and grace. No one and nothing compares to God. Absolutely NO ONE and NOTHING.
  2. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Triple "amen" to that.

    Praise God!

    Regarding our degenerate society (Pro baby killing/anti biblical truth, Pro free speach/anti biblical speach, etc etc) never ceases to amaze me how utterly blinded, hateful, ignorant, stupid and hypocritical society can be regarding these issues. These poor ones are completly blinded to their error and hypocrisy.
  3. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    I never cease to be amazed that society accepts so many degenerate things as normal while rejecting the truth of God's word, rejecting His love and His forgiveness of sin.

    People are seeking love, joy, happiness, and contentment in everything (drugs, sex, alcohol, money, possessions, and yet don't realize that God offers all they need if they will just turn to Him.
  4. Iconoclast Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    We have a great high priest, a great saviour.
  5. Old Union Brother New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Thanks be to the God of all glory that sent the perfect sacriface to shed the blood that made us free. Nothing compares to God. I give him thanks that he is working with me daily to make me a bolder soldier in His army.

    I am a public school teacher and I see daily the things of the world where the young are seeking enjoyment. God has made me bolder in his service and let me tell my students where I stand on on the sin that they pursue. I am so thankful that we have an advocate with the father, what an amazing saving God we have.
  6. Tom Butler New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Jon-Marc, I used to be amazed, just as you are. Then I got to thinking. Why should be be surprised? These are fallen human beings acting naturally. Except for God's transforming grace, that's us.
  7. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    I have been saved since May 18, 1963, and I still never cease to be amazed at God's wondrous love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness toward sinners. I still find it difficult to understand why people are more interested in finding everything on their own that God offers just by turning to Him (except riches). People desire wealth above all else. They even think they can buy their way into heaven. They believe so strongly that "money can buy anything or anyone" that they believe it can even buy God.