Nothing like this has ever happened to me

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by TheGriff, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. TheGriff New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Forgive this very large post, but this is too important to keep to myself.

    Two weeks ago I was offered my first permanent teaching position after 1 1/2 years of subbing. It is a position which will require me to move out of my parents' house and into my first place. Immediately, I started searching apartments in the areas and they started at $500 a month on the lower for efficiency apartments. Better apartments were priced between $600-$800.

    I then looked on Craig's list. I found an ad looking for a roommate. According to the ad the house had 5 bedrooms and there were 4 other residents. Two of the four were law school students and two were full-time workers. The house had 1/3 of an acre yard. Rent was $275 every month plus 1/4 of the utilities and a $50 contribution to a slush fund which would cover cleaning supplies and consumable products like toilet paper.

    It sounded like a great deal. In fact it sounded too good to be true, but it was far and away the cheapest rent that I could find.

    This past Tuesday I had to be at the school to sign the contract and get the curriculum and standards and the materials to start planning, so I made an appointment to meet with the owner on Tuesday.

    I was still harboring doubts more than a little doubt that there was something not right with the deal.

    So Monday night I sent an announcement through our church's yahoo groups forum asking for prayers for discernment. I had been praying that prayer myself.

    That night I had a vivid dream. I dreamed that I was in a room with baby blue floors and a blinding white light from one of the floors. I was sleepy and was looking for a bed when suddenly there was someone beside me.

    He said to me, "This is no time to sleep; there is work to do."

    He handed me one spade and said, "Go outside and weed."

    I protested and said that I need to get some sleep and he said again, "This is no time for sleep; there is work to do."

    I get angry but go outside and I pass a room that had a washer dryer next to a door. Outside the door was a porch with a hot tub on one end. And I start to weed. The weeds are sprouting before my eyes. Then the same man is there and he said, "Great work! I knew you could do it."

    And then the dream drifted off into me walking down a hallway becoming agitated that I could not find the room I was looking for.

    At that point the same man appeared and said, "You're new here but you'll find your way around."

    That's about the point where I woke up.

    I didn't think much more about the dream after I woke up and I found the school board office and signed the contract, and got the materials.

    I then set off to find the house.

    It is in a residential street about six blocks from the school--within walking distance--and 3 blocks from the city's business district.

    So the location was perfect. I found the house and was told my room would be the converted attic and I would have to get an air conditioner. Immediately visions from the old Disney movie Pollyanna popped in my mind. But then we went to the room. It was the same room in my dream. Baby blue carpets and one window that had direct sunlight streaming in.

    After seeing the bedroom. The laundry room was off the kitchen and just in the dream, the washer and dryer were next to a door leading to a porch with a hot tub on one end.

    "You'll have access to the hot tub" the owner explained.

    I firmly believe the Lord showed me these rooms to reveal this is the place He wants me to be. In my dream I did not recognize the man. He didn't seem to be the owner. I didn't recognize him as Jesus or the Father. But it also seems to me that the Lord in revealing the house to me is also revealing that I have a work to do.

    I know that God communicates with both believers and nonbelievers through dreams, but this is a new experience for me.

    I was offered the room and I took it.

    I haven't told anyone about the dream. When I got back home I sent another yahoo group message that the I felt the Lord laid on my heart where I was supposed to stay, but didn't get any more specific.

    I apologize for such a long post but I do covet other people's reactions.
  2. billreber New Member

    Apr 14, 2005
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    The Lord works in mysterious ways, my brother! I think He wants you in that house!

    I find it ironic that we in the "Western" world do not give much credence to dreams. Both in the Bible and around most of the world, people recognize the use of dreams by God. Shouldn't we?

    Bill :godisgood:
  3. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Hope everything works out for you in your new location. One's first time living away from your home/parents is often quite an adventure in itself. From what you posted, it really seems as if God was paving the way ahead of time for you.

    May God richly bless you in your first full-time teaching position. May He give you a burden for the ones you'll be teaching. May they see Jesus living and working through you!
  4. TheGriff New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    That was my take too. It also seems that the Lord is preparing me for some "work" to. The part of the dream about weeding. This was reinforced Sunday morning. The offertory song was "Little is Much":

    (public domain)

    In the harvest field now ripened,
    There's a work for all to do.
    Hark! The Master voice is calling
    To the harvest calling you.

    Little is much when God is in it!
    Labor not for wealth or fame.
    There's a crown and you can win it
    If you go in Jesus' name.

    Does the place you're called to labor
    Seem so small and little known?
    It is is great if God is in it
    For He will not forsake His own.


    When the conflict here has ended
    And your race on Earth is run
    He will say if you've been faithful,
    "Welcome home, my child, well done!"

  5. TheGriff New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Thanks. I'm excited about this next phase in my life I think my Mom is excited too. She told me if I take anything from my room, I have to take EVERYTHING from my room :). Apparently she has plans for it.

    I've been hording pennies like a miser for the day I would move out and have to buy everything needed to set up my own place. As it turns out there's precious little for me to buy. :cool: