Online Accountability to Self

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Gina B, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    For some it may never be a problem, but a couple of years ago I found myself taking too much advantage of online privacy. Chat rooms, email, and private messaging made it extremely easy, and it didn't feel that wrong, like similar conversations would if they happened in person.

    I've found myself shocked at the number of people, and even who some of the people are, that have had similar issues. The internet makes it VERY easy to get out of line. (ha...too punny)

    What do you do, personally, to ensure that you remain as pure and blameless in your online ventures as you do in your church and community?

    I have drastically changed my online habits. I rarely frequent chatrooms, and am very cautious about who I send emails/pm's to, especially men, and what I say, so as to not have my intentions misunderstood if I do feel I need to talk to someone privately.

    I also visit non-Christian message boards much less frequently, and quit posting on pagan sites so as to view less materials that would put wrong thoughts in my head, although I joined them before with the intention of witnessing. Still, the things said and suggested can get people on the wrong track sometimes.

    So, to repeat myself...What do you do, personally, to ensure that you remain as pure and blameless in your online ventures as you do in your church and community?
  2. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    My wife serves as a filter----what passes through my computer hard and soft ware is before her eyes for examination.

    I have an online filter also from besafeonline---it will filter out Bugs Bunny if it knew that he and Yosemite Sam were "Funny Bunnies"(Mercy--I pray they're not, though--it would really disappoint me if I found out my cartoon hero was "loose as a goose!"---know what I mean??)

    The Christian chatrooms and even Christian boards such as this are good places to be online---but can quickly turn into online soap operas--
  3. TaterTot Guest

    I try to stick to the open forum format. I dont chat in any chat rooms, and I only IM with people I know.
    Temptations are real and no one is exempt.
  4. USN2Pulpit New Member

    Mar 19, 2003
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    I use Covenant Eyes. It doesn't prevent me from going anywhere on the net, but my accountability partner gets a report of all websites my computer visits.

    This works as a back-up for me, too, by the case I were ever to be accused of inappropriate "browsing," I have hard data to backup the fact that I have not done so. It's kinda nice to have that, too.
  5. Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    I stay in open message boards too. Chat rooms aren't that great to me anyway. I'm very cautious of talking to men in PM's or the like, too. I use IM for people that I know. I do use non-Christian boards and I hope to use them for witnessing alot of the time.
  6. le bel New Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    I use open and private boards. The private boards being mainly parenting and military related. I don't use an IM service, though.
  7. Elnora New Member

    Jan 4, 2001
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    I only tried a chat room once, and it was definately not for me, I am actually a loner that is struggling to be more friendly. I find everyone but me interesting.

    I do not make it a habit to pm a man and if I do, it is straight and to the point. I never struggled with that temptation myself but I don't even want to give the wrong impression so as a rule I don't. I only IM my friends. They are women.
  8. Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    That's ok, we find you interesting enough. ;) :D
  9. Deacon Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 23, 2002
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    1. The computer is in the library, a central area of our house.

    2. I use a filtering service (B-Safe) that minimizes potential exposure to unsavory sites.

    3. I have accountability partners who ask about such things.

    4. I send copies of my web activity log weekly to a friend electronically (through B-safe).

    Let me add that despite this I have recently been hit hard with various nefarious "malware" bugs. I'm still in the preocess of re-installing everything after cleaning up and starting over after a particullarly nasty infestation.
