Outspoken Arizona Senator Questions 9/11 Official Version

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    A senator that actually cares about constitution law and US sovereignty, questions big corporate infested government and promotes freedom? Karen Johnson is undoubtedly kooky and most possibly evil.

    Full Article...

    She's probably with Al Qeada.
  2. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Reminds me of the time when Arkansas successfully got rid of their no-good governor & his meddling wife by pawning them off on the American Public.
  3. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    The Patriot Act was written before 9/11. That much I've been shown. And I also believe the gov't took advantage of the disaster to implement it, in secret, without any input from us. I fall short of saying anyone but angry muslims are responsible for that day. Actually, Dr. Paul himself blames muslim terrorists, for 9/11.
  4. betterthanideserve New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Check out the DVD the birth of Treason,on the web you just may change your mind. I think it could have been a false flag act.(and thats hard to say)I don't really want to think it but facts are funny things.:tear:
  5. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Angry muslims may have been directly responsible for the act itself but they were protected by the state prior to the attack. In the 1993 WTC bombing one of the "terrorists" worked for the FBI. In the London tube bombing Aswatt was a double agent working for MI6. This is all admitted.

    How did Al Qeada get our air defenses to stand down that day? How did Al Qeada get the state to run six seperate terrorist "hijacking" simulations on that same day at ground zero? How did Al Qeada get the British to run a simulation that exactly paralleled what took place on 7/7? Who was the "inside trader"?

    Who really benefits? Gary Hart seemed to think the NWO would benefit. Listen here to what he had to say.

    I disagree with Ron Paul on this. Always have. And now it looks like other libertarians are starting to disagree with him. Ron Paul did say this about the NWO...

    Click Here. Who benefits?

    Besides the state has used false flag terrorism as part of it's over all foreign policy for decades. Iran in 1953, and again in Guatemala and other little banana republics all over the globe. If the state has used false flags (which it has...it's documented) to empower it's favored vassals in foreign countries why wouldn't it use it on it's own people to grab power here. You really don't believe people who do this sort thing for a living would have any compunction about doing it in CONUS do you?
  6. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Well guys, I have researched it, and have decided that it was an attack by outside forces. I'm with you on the reasons, and I've read about the false-flaf terrorism even J.F.K. considered, to rally Americans into going to war with Cuba.

    But my opinion is that wing of the movement is hurting the Ron Paul campaign, and I also thing that if the movement becomes strong enough, and enough true constitutionalists get in, false-flag terrorism would be one of those problems that kinda just disappears, you know ?
  7. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    So then we should ignore the possiblity that people within our own government may have had a hand in the murder of thousands of innocent people? I'm not sure I can do that Bro. Guess I believe in justice too much or something.

    No, I don't think it will disappear if we ignore it anymore than I believe the state has our best interests at heart. I think we'll see more of it because the state knows we're to intimidated and submissive to stand up and do anything about it. Like demanding answers.
  8. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    I agree with you on all that. I think you are missing my point. It would be a lot harder for a government to pull something like that off, if the preople were really in charge.
  9. betterthanideserve New Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Read "THE UNSEEN HAND" by A Ralph Epperson (Publius Press) www.ralphepperson.com and you might see that "we" haven't been in charge in a long long time.
  10. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yeah maybe but no one is able to agree on how that should be done. One thing is for sure it'll never happen if we keep accepting these bought and paid for "candidates" backed by the corporate elite who benefit most from their mutual congenialty.

    We can't stop thinking as lefties and righties long enough to figure out the whole government of the United States has been co opted by a foreign power that plays both sides against one another. And it has.

    If we try and point out the obvious we're tagged as fruitcakes and lunatics by the corporate controlled media. You saw what they did to Ron Paul and how they tried to paint his supporters as dangerous extremists.

    The state is scared stiff that we're begining to wake up to it's off the charts criminality and is already getting it's boot polished to grind in our faces.

    Speaking to the vets out there which one of us here joined up and took an took oath to protect and defend all that? I sure didn't.

    Guess I better quit now before I alienate even more people.
  11. NiteShift New Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    I'm assuming you mean Ali Mohamed, who is now sitting in prison.

    Ali was a trainer, but took no part in the bombings. He was an FBI informant, and this only because he had been stopped by the border authorities in Canada, while trying to enter the United States using false documents. He cooperated with FBI in order to avoid arrest. Not exactly 'worked for the FBI'.

    He was later arrested for taking part in the East African embassy bombings.

    NORAD never had monitored domestic airspace until after September 11th, 2001 when their mission was redefined. If you look at their website you will see that.


    It was nice to have a little break from all the 9/11 CT stuff. I guess that's over now though.... FullSpeedAhead, Mr. Boatswain!
  12. NiteShift New Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    And BTW, this is just one of the reasons we should have good cooperation with our next-door neighbors. Not union, but cooperation.
  13. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    No, actually I was speaking of Emad Salem a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer. Apparently you assumed wrong.

    NORAD? Who said anything about NORAD? I said air defenses that would have fallen to the Air National Guard on September 11, 2001.

    That's the problem with you official conspiracy theorists. Y'all can't seem to get the official facts straight.

    Just doing my duty as a citizen of the USA defending and protecting the U.S. Constitution. Somebody has to do it and obviously it isn't going to be you. I doubt anyone who'll unquestioningly take the state and mass media's word for everything could understand all that anyway. Part of that "worldly attitude" we were warned about having I imagine.
  14. NiteShift New Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    Well, it’s hard to know, when you don’t specify.

    The fact that the FBI had a U. S. citizen who had infiltrated the cell seems like a positive thing, and good police work. It allowed them to quickly pinpoint the bombers. On the negative side, FBI supervisors thought he was dreaming up tall tales and fired him. Not such good police work.

    As his handler, FBI agent Nancy Floyd said:
    I felt that the people on the squad, that they didn’t have a clue of how to operate things. That the supervisors didn’t know what was going on. That they hadn’t taken the time to learn the history. ​
    So bad on em.

    ANG standby units do not, on their own, shoot down planes. They would do so only if ordered to do so by…NORAD. But as we know, it was not NORAD’s mission at the time to monitor domestic flights.

    Yes yes, keep up the good fight poncho.