Pastors posting on the BB

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by webdog, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    Let's see...first I ignored your alleged "quip" the story is that I became agitated over it. Inconsistant much? Also, for years I have stated my pastor was a calvinist. Stating I am just now revealing this is about as honest as this "quip".

    I see you are back to being a seer. Anyone can simply click on a profile HERE to see the times of do not have to play Colombo and research a person's church, particularly when one is so busy. I have no desire to look up your church. That's borderline "weird".

    I never mentioned any names, btw, and my op was questioning if this practice is normal in the pastorate. No gossip (by me at least) on this thread.

    Maybe seeing some guilty conscience on this thread?
  2. glfredrick New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I've not seen you say it before. And, I've asked you often (OFTEN) to define your personal theology. You always seem to refuse.

    So, let me get this straight... Okay for you, not okay for anyone else... Okay, I got it. :wavey:

    Nope. Not on my part. I already owned up to the fact that I spend too much time here, but hey, my computer is on 24/7 and I'm often working round the clock, so I click in. Once in a while I get involved with a couple of debates and wish to carry on the conversation. Other times, I can go away for a week or more and not really care. Just depends on my time, how hot it is outside at the time, and if I'm wanting to debate some point or another.

    As for the board itself, for all its weirdness and peccadilloes, I find it an invigorating and stimulating study in hostile apologetics. When I'm in a debate, I often find myself digging into the Word, looking up history or theology, and working to sharpen my arguments. I don't expect to "win" (can't win when mods with a different point of view hold all the keys to their little kingdom -- and when the debates are not moderated for structure in any way, save to stop someone from calling a Pelagian a Pelagian!), nor do I expect to be edified. Rarely, if ever, happens. So, at the end of the day, it merely beats solitaire, for at least I am in the Word because of the board.
  3. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    ...and right back to dishonesty. In 8 years I've more than defined what I believe. You just don't like it.

    I thought we already established I don't go beyond this site in interaction with BB member. Your reading comprehension skills are atrocious.

    ...and here is the perfect example to my OP. Thanks for providing it.
  4. glfredrick New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    If that edifies you, then I have done my Christian duty for today... :smilewinkgrin:
  5. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    For what it's worth (and probably not much), I don't care how much my pastor may be on a site like this as long as he is getting his job done. And if he thinks it is beneficial, then I'm all for it.

    Side note- I chuckle when I read this thread. Baptists will definitely argue about anything.:laugh:
  6. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    often times in ministry, one needs a deviation from the routine. I used to walk the privacy of the local golf courseevery game,,just the walk. I needed that break.

    This may very well be that break for some.


  7. TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    Yes, a valid question indeed.
  8. Luke2427 Active Member

    Jun 29, 2010
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    Yea, I think it is a silly question. Take me for example. My average daily post number is 9.3. It takes less than 3 minutes to read a post and respond to it usually.

    So what's that? Thirty minutes?

    And here is how I usually work. I spend two or three days and sometimes a week away from baptistboard while I am VERY busy with my church.

    And then I may spend two days spending a significant amount of time on baptistboard. This is because the hospitals have been visited, the needy members have been checked on, sermons are ready, etc, etc, etc.

    And there is another thing that ought to be considered. Most of us pastors spend much of our time in front of our computers in our offices studying.

    I often read a chapter or two and then take a break and make a post or two on bb.

    Posting on baptistboard is the result of me being right where I am most needed- In my study.

    And one more thing.

    How many of us watch tv? If most of us were honest we'd admit that we have several shows every week that we follow. We do this to relax.

    If a pastor like myself had rather spend his relaxation time resisting the error that people like Webdog promote than watch reruns of Frasier- then it ought to be commended rather than condemned.

    Resisting error and sharpening iron are better uses of time for most of us.

    And as for the time stamps and what hours of the day people like myself post:

    My schedule is very strange. I have five children. I am taking online courses. Studying at night is easier for me. IT is quiet and rarely interrupted. But it does not prevent me from being in the hospital waiting room at 5am for one of my member's surgery.
  9. convicted1 Guest

    Jan 31, 2007
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    To be fair to Bro. Webdog, those who scoff at the notion of him holding Pastors to a higher standard, shame on you. Read 1 Tim. 3, and Titus 1. These are the standards that are to be held by the Pastor/preacher, and deacons. The average laymember? Where's their standard? A contrite and humble spirit. So, yes, Pastors need to be held to a higher standard than the laymembers. Where much is given, much is required.
  10. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    "Scolding" preachers for posting on the BB doesn't equate to holding them to a higher standard. I see it as unecessary, judgmental, ingracious, and as defamation of Gods men.

    It's also not obeying the call to count those who study and labor in the word to receive honor. No, double-honor. 1 Timothy 5:17.
  11. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Back when my daily post count was up around 13-14 a day a supporting pastor contacted my pastor.

    I asked how much time pastors spend fishing or hunting or watching sports or golfing or having coffee with pastor friends or whatever.

    The discussion did not last long.
  12. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    Webdog didn't "scold" anyone! Perhaps some of those most upset are responding out of guilt rather than true concern about his motive for starting this thread.

    In the overall, I don't think how long a pastor spends here has any bearing on his job performance. It is a matter of character, not keeping a record of who does what for how long. And, as in most occupations, those who are lazy usually find themselves on the outside looking in after a while.
  13. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    There was more of this on another thread where he was coming across that way, then he started this one to continue upon it.

    He called them "alleged" pastors." You know, antagonistic and sort of snide and snarky. :love2:

    It's an unbiblical attitude, by the way.

    It can be seen here:

    Now you know the rest of the story. Also, I already know you won't agree with me. :laugh: :wavey:
  14. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    I don't think it matters as much that we agree as it does to understand that even if Webdog had hidden motives (which I'm not saying he did) to post this topic, it doesn't matter.

    A pastor being active on the BB for extended periods means nothing! He could be goofing off, he could be relaxing, he could be using the BB as a study aid, he could be looking at prayer request...the list could go on and on.

    Using the BB as a measurement of a pastor's job performace is not accurate.
  15. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    I agree! We must have been raptured cause you're starting to think like me!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: :love2: :wavey:
  16. Skandelon <b>Moderator</b>

    Jan 19, 2003
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    I can attest to the fact that Luke spends very little time reading and responding when he posts. It is very evident. :smilewinkgrin:

    Just joshin ya bro!
  17. Crucified in Christ New Member

    Sep 3, 2009
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    I have held off posting on this thread because I do not know webdog. Still, it does seem a very hypocritical topic to bring up. Yet this accusative question is coming from a man with an enormous post count.

    Yes, Pastors are called to a very high standard...I personally believe it is a great honor, but is it not true that we are all, as believers, ministers and ambassadors on behalf of our Master? Your calling may not be leading a church, but you are employed somewhere. Are you doing that work as unto the Lord if you are spending large amounts of time on the internet? Just because your job has such "downtime" does not mean that you are using it appropriately. Why not spend it in prayer? Bible study? These are callings for all believers.

    I am certainly not saying that pastors should be held to a higher standard, they hould be. My point is that all of us will give an account for how we used the Lord's time...that account includes more than just pastors.
  18. Batt4Christ Member
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    Sep 27, 2009
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    Well - I guess my history/record here on BB might not be the best example of my thoughts on the issue - I haven't visited all that often (months between visits).

    But my purpose for "coming here" is to ask questions, and maybe have the chance to answer other's questions. IF I can offer encouragement - then I am blessed by it. If I garner some knowledge or encouragement - then great.

    And sometime we might need to vent. Those of us who are pastors, especially in a single pastor church, have a unique set of circumstances: We are the only ones in our church without a pastor! Sure we may have some members/leadership that we can bounce ideas off of. But for many things - our spouses can get awfully tired of being a listening post for our venting.

    BB can be that to.

    Its one thing for a Pastor (or any other believer in Christ) to become addicted to the 'net, and spend inordinate amounts of time on it. But that is wrong for anyone, not just a pastor.

    I frankly have little time to spend just "surfing" the web. I mostly use the internet as a tool. If I use it to ask questions, carry out debates, learn, and grow - then there isn't a problem. If use of the computer and 'net begin to interfere with my responsibilities to my family and to God's work - then there is a problem.
  19. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    What exactly is hypocritical? Am I a pastor or ever stated such? Did you not read the op where my job affords me much downtime to be online? What does post count have to do with anything, particularly when they are over 8 years and some with less posts are on pace to have the same or more when they reach 8 years?
  20. preacher4truth Active Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    As many employers would say "you can ALWAYS find something to do."