Perry for bigger government and socialist agendas

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by freeatlast, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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  2. th1bill Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2009
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    I am an Independent voter! Let me explain before I comment. I voted for the Peanut Farmer from Georgia and God has forgiven me for that ignorance and I voted for both of the Bushes. I was raised in a Registered, Liberal, Bleeding Heart Democratic household, when the Democrats actually stood for the poor. I am not a silly Tea Party Conservative but I do stand on the principals of the Holy Bible for all of my life, not just on Sunday.

    Now, you title for this string is vicious and of the World and is not Christ-like! It is extremely fight provoking rather than thought provoking. Not only that, based on Gov. Perry´s record, it is, at the very best, a fib!
  3. mandym New Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    I believe you are correct.
  4. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Hello Bill and thank you for your thoughts. I too am independent. I am independent because both parties are so corrupt today and neither represent the countries interests much less the things of God. As to the title being incorrect I don't agree with you as it being a lie. Let's be honest there is no such thing as a fib. I would point out there are all levels and extremes of socialism and Rick Perry is very good at hiding his true agenda. If you have been listening to this man when confronted with what he did in regards to the executive order he admits he did wrong and then turns around and justifies it. . In other word bigger government to run the peoples lives as long as it goes through proper channels. Now those are not his exact words but that is the essence of his statements. That makes him a socialist in my mind seeking bigger government.

    His claimed stance against bigger government only applies to Texas if it disagrees with his agenda. If he gets into the white house it will be a disaster as he is a do nothing governor and will be a do nothing president. I am surprised at how many he has already duped into believing he is a sound Christian by his prayer vigil. Before him considering seeking the office of president no one could tell him from the world. Now all of a sudden he is deeply religious? Yea right!
    So again I do thank you for your thoughts, but I do not agree that they are inaccurate.

    In reading your posts it seems that you take a stand for the truth and I praise the Lord for that as few today seem to have that desire. However the fact that you admit you voted for Jimmy carter should send you a message that your decision process can be in question. I would ask you to take a real good look at Mr. Perry and see what he is really all about. Just his agenda on giving illegals a tuition break sends a big message and should not be ignored.
    So like I said I feel the title is accurate, but again I thank you for sharing your thoughts and covet your prayers as I certainly do not seek to dishonor the Lord in any way. God bless.