Plame Outed by Husband, Joe Wilson!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by carpro, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    Media Matters for America is staffed with political hacks, who's purpose is to discredit conservatives. Look at their issues and topics and you'll see they are political hatchets for the liberal dem's.
  2. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    Bottom line? The WH tried to get revenge on Wilson for blowing the lid of the fake "African Yellowcake" story. They were willing to even out one of our covert agents to do it.

    And one of them got indicted as a result.

    It was criminal and cowardly and only the very strict rules on treason indictments saved some others.
  3. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    All of that has been shown to be wrong, Galatian. Repeating it wont' make it true. The story from Africa was verified by two independent commissions, which of course is old news to those interested in the truth. A covert agent was apparenlty not outed, and certainly not illegally outed.

    When will you start telling the truth, even when it disagrees with your own ideas?
  4. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    They admit it.

    Hardly a credible source for any subject I can think of.
  5. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    That would carry more weight except that they include the original source or links to them so you can check it out yourself --- unlike some political hatchet sites that only pull selected quotes out of context.

    No, it hasn't.

    Just to be sure that we're talking about the same thing, which "story from Africa" are you referring to, what are the two independent commissions which verified it and Plame was "outted" according to Fitzgerald's indictment of Libby.
  6. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    He and his wife revealed classified information . . . illegal.

  7. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Actually it has, for those who are interested in the truth. Those who have political agendas continue to deny it.

    Didn't you read Galatian's post? He identified the story out of Africa as "the yellowcake story" which was verified as credible by both a US and British investigation. I beleive the British investigation was the Butler report, but I don't remember for sure. This news is several years old now, and is common knowledge to those who pay attention, or who read much. Those with an interest in the truth already know it. As for Pllame, it is not clear that she was still covert or classified. Reports say that she had been out of covert activity long enough to not be able to be "outed." There is some debate about that, however. I have seen no conclusion yet. However, this is hte biggest nonstory of the year. If she was illegally outed, then there should be charges, and Fitzgerald is incompetent (or willfullly hiding criminal activity). If there she was not illegally outed, then you should chnage your position.
  8. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    There was a really interesting news story on tonight . . .

    They pointed out that the liberal bloggers were continuing to post old news to continue the life of the news in order to change the political landscape . . . .
  9. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Sounds like what is going on here often.
  10. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    The opposite of what you said.

    The Nigerian papers were determined to have been a crude forgery and Iraq did not obtain any yellowcake from Nigeria. The US investigation did not "verify" the story as credible which is why Tenet advised Bush not to include that in his November 2002 State of the Union speech. Bush then said that the British intelligence determined that Iraq sought yellowcake. Why did he disregard US intelligence in favor British? One popular theory is because the British intelligence supported his predetermined conclusion.

    The Butler Commission, which was post-invasion, determined that Iraq had no nuclear programme.

    Which US Commission are you referring to?

    I kept a copy of the Butler Commission's report in pdf format. I may still have the US one if I knew which one you're referring to.

    Libby's indictment states clearly that her job was classified and not widely known. The CIA asked for the investigation because it was classified information.

    Reports by whom and for what purpose? Probably by right-wing hacks, in order to discredit the investigation.

    Try reading Libby's indictment (linkie) Pay particular attention to Count One page 3 paragraph 3 section f, page 4 paragraph 5, page 6 paragraph 14, page 7 paragraphs 17 & 19, page 11 paragrah 33, Count Two page 15 paragraph 3, Count Three page 17 paragraph 3, Count 4 page 18 paragraph 2 and Count Five page 20 paragraph 2.

    There are charges - the Libby indictment. Two words used therein are "knowingly" and "corruptly".

    Before you condemn Fitzgerald, you might wait until his report comes out. Question is - will it come out before or after the elections?
  11. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    The indictment was for perjury, not revealing classified information. Why do you think that is? If it was classified, then it is indictable. The fact that that is not the subject of hte indictment seems to indicate that it was not classified. Going from memory here (which may not be wise, but I am too lazy to look it up), I believe that any criminal activity involves knowledge of classified status with intent. I am not sure of the exact wording. But I have also read in several places that her status was no longer classified at the time involved. Fitzgerald's indictment says otherwise, but an indictment is not a finding of fact, but an outline of charges. So I am not sure we can take that statement as gospel truth. It may or may not be true. Furthermore, there is still the report that Wilson revealed his wife's employment more than a year earlier in 2002.

    As for the reports, I don't recall the two reports specifically. It is such old news that I have lost track of it. It was not well publicized at the time because it provided no real fodder to attack the administration. But it was known, and in fact was talked about here as I recall.

    As we have pointed out many times, intelligence was conflicting. So it was necessary to pick a position based on all the information. Now that we have hindsight, it is easy to say we should have done things differently. But we don't have hindsight. Leaders don't have that luxury.