Porn Sunday

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by shannonL, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    No, I said that someone who is wearing very little typically doesn't affect me.

    Your assertion is false. Molesters typically do not get motivated by a woman in a bathing suit to molest. Molesters target children (most often of the same sex), not adult women.

    But should she have to? No. A person should not walk into a chinese restaurant and complain that there's no lasagna on the menu. Likewise, a person who goes to the beach and complains that there are too many bikinis is simply displaying his/her own self-righteousness.

    They're called "dirty pillows". I hate to make a judgement towards you, but I think it's called for.

    I think you have a dirty mind. I think this is a problem which you need to personally combat with prayer and meditation. I say this not out of anger, but out of love. I'm completely serious here.

    And rightly so. Jesus even says that anyone who looks at a person lustfully is committing adultery. Jesus did not make any exception for the style of clothing that person was wearing.

    Likewise, I can find no scriptural support for the idea that a thief is not stealing if the house he breaks into is unlocked.

    Context, context, context. I will not allow my daughter to go to the mall in a bikini. That's inappropriate. But I will allow her to wear a bikini at our pool, or when we go to the beach. So long as she's not dressing in an overtly sexual manner, then I will allow it.

    You do? So if a compulsive speeder consistently goes 50mph in a residential (25mph) zone, then it's the fault of the neighborhood for not having a higher speed limit? That's completely ridiculous.

    You do? I thought you combated an alcoholic by taking away his license, not by blaming the place he got the alcohol from.

    Dogs do not have self control. People do. (typically, though, the exception is if the dog in heat is leashed. Many municipalities have laws against allowing a dog in heat to be "at large", which generally means the dog may not be in public without a leash.)

    According to scripture, it's the fault of the thief. Scripture doesn't maky any exception for being enticed into something. In fact, people are convicted for police-run sting operations prostitution and drug buying. Most often, the defendants make the defense that they were "enticed" or "entrapped" into it. And guess what? The law says they've got no defense.
    When did America lose its sense of personal responsibility instead of blaming it on the other guy?
  2. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    "not all people on the sex offender registry did something to a child."

    I heard that point, but didn't understand it. What point are you trying to make? That because they sexually abused adults they should be trusted?

    "For a Christian, you are very vehement about killing these people. You won't even witness to them. Isn't that our purpose in life?"

    Ok, we're going to judge each other, let's do it. How many molesters, murderers have YOU witnessed to lately, Blessed?


    Let's examine this scenerio a bit:

    **Knock-Knock** "Hello, My name is VIJ and I'd like to share the Word of God with you."

    "Oh, God bless you, VIJ! I've been waiting all my life for you to knock on my door. Please do come in."

    "This report just in. A woman named VIJ went on visitation this morning and never returned home..."


    Read my post more closely. No, I will not witness to these people. But I do think they should be witnessed to. Maybe our churches should have prison ministries.

    But, I still believe they should be given the death sentence. Sad thing is many of them are CRYING OUT to the government for castration so they can control themselves and our government turns them down. I'd settle for this. I'd settle for chemical castration if it was permanent (I haven't researched this to even know what chemical castration is).

    No, I am not objective. I don't straddle the fence. I see everyone defending the right for women to wear bikinis and molesters to be saved, but what about the salvation of those kids who never got the opportunity to get saved because they were murdered? I'm beginning to sense nobody cares a bit for victims in this thread. And I'm the one being judged. Um. ok. :rolleyes:

    "Your assertion is false. Molesters typically do not get motivated by a woman in a bathing suit to molest. Molesters target children (most often of the same sex), not adult women."

    No, John, they molest whomever they feel like molesting.

    "But should she have to? No. A person should not walk into a chinese restaurant and complain that there's no lasagna on the menu. Likewise, a person who goes to the beach and complains that there are too many bikinis is simply displaying his/her own self-righteousness."

    This is NOT ABOUT LASAGNA and this is NOT ABOUT SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. I don't CARE what I look like or sound like to others. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even touched this subject. I care about THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN AND WOMEN!

    Get your facts straight. As for the rest of your post, I hope it gets deleted because you know nothing about me, you know NOT why I'm posting, you seem to care less about children and women who are molested. Your post is verbally abusive.

    I'm out of here. I can see why we have all the pornography in America that we do. It's very obvious. We have wimpy Christians in America who don't want things to change.
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I have not witnessed to any murderers that I know of, but I witness to several molesters on a monthly basis - many of whom accepted Christ, turned their lives around, and are leading productive, Godly lives.

    The blood of Jesus covers every sin doesn't it?

    Or are we putting the blood of Jesus on trial?
  4. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    And as this thread is tipping into the realm that the Apostle Paul said was better to be left unspoken, I am issuing a Six Hour Warning.

    No Earlier Than 5am tomorrow morning, one of the moderators will close this thread.
  5. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    "The blood of Jesus covers every sin doesn't it?"

    Apparently it doesn't cover the "sin" of a child helping a man look for his dog...or accepting a piece of candy...when that's the last thing the child ever gets a chance to do in his/her life before being murdered. They just want to be kids, but end up experiencing the most brutal events no adult could claim to experience...if they weren't saved and reached the age of accountability, they're in hell right now.

    I never said molesters did not have the right to be saved.

    I never said we should blame victims for their crimes.

    I did say we should try to prevent such crimes by watching how our kids dress, teaching them how to dress and taking a stand against pornography.

    I did say rapists, molesters, murderers should be given the needle. I'm happy those molesters were able to accept Christ, but what about their victims? What about their salvation? Don't they deserve to go to heaven? If they didn't die at the hands of the molesters, many are turning their backs on God...They can't believe God could allow such a horrible thing to happen. Many become molesters themselves...especially if they are boys. Others just want to kill themselves...and succeed to do so without Christ. They had no chance to live a Godly experience the joy and happiness people should be able to enjoy.

    I do not have a dirty mind as mentioned by john. I find his accusation repulsive and abusive. I reported his post and asked moderators to remove that portion of his post, but it didn't happen and I've changed my mind, anyway. Leaving it as is will let others see who really DOES have the dirty mind. I tried looking up the phrase he used and it surprised me what I came up with. I don't talk like that...he did. Yet he made the accusation toward me.
  6. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    So would you suggest we give the victims of molestors the needle BEFORE they grow up and possibly become molesters themselves?

    I think you might have more compassion if you shared in a prison ministry. These men are not happy about what they did and most are praying daily for some way to make restitution to their victims.

    They realize their victims are paying dire consequences for what they did to them, just like they themselves are paying, and they would do anything to change that.

    Unfortunately, they cannot, but they CAN live the rest of their lives for Christ.
  7. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Uh, yeah, that's what I'm suggesting. [roll eyes] Give me a break!

    Why not stop the cycle before it begins? Why not get rid of the pornography? Ask your molester friends how they got started? You're so close to them...research it.

    Oh yeah! But women have the right to wear bikinis!

  8. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    We're going to go around and around in circles: You have compassion for molesters...I have compassion for could-be victims. I think we can do something about it before some people become molesters and before people become molested and murdered. Yadda...yadda...yadda...

    I don't expect to change your views, but I am finding myself having to straighten out the twisted words you put in my mouth.

    I'm not going to change how I feel.
  9. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    We will have to agree to disagree on this one then, because I will continue to have compassion for the perpetrators as well as the victims.

    I have done research and, as you said, a lot of the perpetrators were once victims themselves...

    As far as breaking the cycle. The molesters who have turned to Christ, and are living for Him, ARE breaking the cycle.

    BTW, I fight against pornography every chance I get and I don't wear a bikini...

  10. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    I'm not asking you not to have compassion, Blessed. I'm not against you for that...or for any reason But please don't throw stones at me for seeing things a different way. I can't explain why this is such a bitter subject for me. Just trust me that it is.

    I believe you do fight pornography...I believe you have reason to. You see what it has done to molesters. This is one thing we do have in common. We're on different sides of a coin fighting a cause for different reasons.

    Hopefully we can find enough people to fight the unnecessary displays around us that cause so many people to react unfavorably. While it makes some people "feel good", it makes so many many people feel bad. It's not worth the loss. And we do have Something...Someone Who can make them feel much better than porn can ever make them feel. They just need to accept Him.

    I don't want to lose your friendship over this. You're an inspiration on this board.

  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thank you for your kind words, and don't worry, my friendship doesn't hinge on disagreeing with someone or I wouldn't have many friends. :eek:

    Please believe me when I say I am not condoning or excusing molesters. I am just trying to introduce them to the One who can change their lives.

    Well, it is time for THIS one to go to bed.

    Pleasant dreams!

  12. Victory in Jesus New Member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    You too. Nite-nite
  13. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    As it well past 5am EDT, I am closing this thread.