Problems With The "Youth Ministry"

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Mark Osgatharp, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Sincere New Member

    Aug 10, 2003
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    Hello, I am a Social Worker and have been a youth advocate for almost six years now. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with having youth ministries, but just like anything else if it's not lead by the right person (A person that God directed to lead) then it's not going to be effective. I've seen and been apart of many youth programs in different churches that are teaching their youth how to be effective Christians.

    The truth is that because of the lack of knowledge of some parents youth ministries are essential for those youth that are seeking Christ. It's just like any other ministry that's purpose is to eduacate God's people so that they can be saved. Parents are not doing their jobs because most of them don't know how to and we shouldn't allow our frustrations of today's youth and their parents to discourage us from being a teacher and witness to all of God's people.
  2. Mark Osgatharp New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Yes, Lakeview Missionary Baptist Church has two pastors.

    Mark Osgatharp
  3. Walls New Member

    Mar 1, 2002
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    Not having read the entire thread, I will state what we believe.

    The first institutions God created was the home. The church came afterwards. So I, believe that any ministry geared towards the youth must include the entire family. That is why so many young ones get into trouble, there aren't strong family ties anymore. A church should not seperate the family, but bring the family together. You get the families right before God and then the churches will be right with God.
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    Walls said:
    Families in our church are expected to be active in the ministry with their youth. However, we have a good number of youth who are from non-Christian families. They need our help more than ever!

  5. Mark Osgatharp New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    So what do you mean by "active in the ministry with their youth"? If you mean that families are expected to set a godly example before their children, bring them to church, teach them the Scriptures, then well and good.

    If you mean that families are expected to participate in church orchestrated youth activities, programs, and outings, then you have no right whatsoever to require nor expect anyone to do these things. The only thing we have a right to "expect" out of church members is what God has commanded them.

    One of the great problems with the "youth ministry" as it is practiced today is that the "youth ministers" come up with a big scheme and expect the families to follow and foot the bill. Anyone who doesn't jump on the band wagon is looked at as being less than spiritual, uncooperative, and unconcerned about youth.

    This may not be the case at your church, but it is certainly the case in many instances.

    Mark Osgatharp
  6. Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    All in all - I think you have a poor concept of children's/youth ministry - Mark/Kent

    The concept of the carnal sporting events is not just for fun - it is to see how the youth act out their witness - in a non "spiritual" setting

    And to make any event mandatory - Bah, thats foolish talk

    That's not the point - Where I grew up we didnt make a single thing mandatory - but the adults watched what people showed up to what events, and thus tailored to each individual youth as best they could the study of doctrine, some would not show up to Sunday School, or Bible study, but they would show up, for a Bible study, that had sports afterwards. And some of those sports only people got upset when people interrupted the Bible study, later on - because what we studied they were taking at Catholic school - and it helped them to get better marks - though they didnt know this until a month after our series on the Beattitudes

    If the Word nevers returns void

    then even just having someone hear it is useful, and possibly might be used of the Spirit to save them later - or break down their resistance to entering a church

    See the viewpoints here are "generally" representative of what we believe in other areas

    C/A of course - God will lead the people He wants into the church - we're not supposed to do anything

    Or my viewpoint

    God will lead poeple that need to be in the church to the church - but He's asked us to go forth and bring them in already; so why not go pre-emptive and bring everysingle person on the planet you can in - by any method that does not violate Scripture

    What event violates scripture from the list below

    Mall Scavenger Hunt
    Bible Study
    Sunday School
    Movies (rental)
    Canoe trips
    Youth retreats
    Sports nights
    Board Game nights
    other game nights
    Airport Scavenger Hunt
    Photo Scavenger Hunt
    Sports Tournaments
    Charity work
    leading a service
    running an Easter breakfast fellowship
    Church Picnic with games
    Evening services
    Giving blood
    Cleaning the church