Race Riots pt 2

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Sapper Woody, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Sapper Woody Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Since the other thread was closed, hopefully we can continue the discussion civilly this time. My last post on the other thread:

    First off, I apologize, Zaac, for saying you called me a racist. You didn't actually call me a racist, I inferred it from your comments.

    Secondly, we're obviously not going to agree on probability based on the statistics. What I think we can agree on is the past statistics. In 2011, a far greater percentage of the black population committed murder and rape than the percentage of white people who did. I think we're in agreement so far.

    Now, not much has changed since 2011. I would wager the numbers are still the same, or close.

    Now, hopefully you'll agree with me that based on past statistics, there is a problem. There has to be some variable(s) that are different in one group for that group to have such a higher rate.

    The question is, what do we do to make a difference? In all honesty, the only thing I've been able to do while in the military is volunteer for some school programs every once in a while. Before the military, I worked with inner city kids.
  2. Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Sapper, I sent this to you after the other thread was closed.

    Sapper, the numbers you mentioned are correct if you're looking at the group of people who were murderers or rapists. The 5Xs and 3Xs applies to THAT group, not the general population.

    The numbers from the FBI and the DOJ show that out of people who COMMITTED murder or rape, that Blacks committed 5Xs and 3Xs.

    Those numbers CANNOT be stereotyped to the general population because everybody isn't a rapist or a murderer. That's the only way you can generalize about randomly picking a black person and a white person and the black person being more likely to have raped or murdered.

    For the folks who have ACTUALLY committed murder or rape, I too doubt it's changed much.

    I agree that there is a GOD problem when anyone takes anyone else's life under any circumstance. And what you're seeing with black men, you can expect to see with white and Hispanic men too.

    I've told my Black friends in the past that what has happened with black men has been about the enemy destroying God's plan for reproducing Godly offspring. Destroy the family as God intended it to be and you can do a whole lot of damage in preventing folks from coming to Christ or just plain being decent.

    Black men, for some reason, have been stepped on in the United States. They are at the bottom of the totem pole and the water is quickly covering them. They are economically disadvantaged. They are absent fathers. They are absent education. They fill our jails. And they constantly see themselves killed with no apparent recourse. Just those handfull of things would probably cause most people to trend to the worst common denominator.

    I see so many inner city kids in this situation and we, the church, don't seem to be doing much to take back the ground that we've ceded to the enemy.

    Keep doing what you're doing with black, white, hispanic and any body who needs to see the love of Jesus.

    Unfortunately, and this is from many discussions that I've had with black youth, the average white person in the evangelical church displays the kind of attitudes that are visible on this board, where if it isn't white and Republican and aligned with all things Republican, they don't really show any genuine concern.

    So what does it say to these kids who are just trying to make it and stay alive when we say you're 5Xs more likely to murder or 3Xs more likely to rape than a white person? It tells them that we already expect the worst for them.

    I have to speak with them from a Christ-centered perspective and tell them His truth: You are no more or less likely to do ANYTHING than the next person because GOD HIMSELF has given you the ability to make choices.

    You can't be 5Xs more likely to murder than the next person if you CHOOSE to not murder. You can't be 3Xs more likely to rape if you CHOOSE to not rape.

    I've said this in the past and I think it warrants repeating. The church has too closely identified itself with political parties on both sides to the detriment of people's eternal souls.

    When a person on a Christian website says of a young black man killed with no weapon that he got what he deserved, THAT is what is working against them. Wickedness increases because the love of many has grown cold.

    I just don't know how effective the majority can be anymore because we've taken on the face of politics instead of the face of Jesus. And the young black men as well as the rest of the world can clearly see that the face of politics is nowhere near as appealing as is the face of Jesus.:tear:
  3. Sapper Woody Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Zaac, I think we've found some common ground, in that we agree that the root of the problem is an absence of God in the lives and hearts of the perpetrators of all races.

    One thing that has been accomplished with this discussion is a rekindling of my burden for the inner city youth of America of all colors and race.

    The inner city culture lends itself towards raising adults that are selfish, greedy, and lazy. They disrespect and distrust authority. And this is all races and colors, not just one.

    Just preaching the Gospel is not enough, IMO. "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." In order to change hearts with preaching, we have to win hearts with compassion.
  4. Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    ABSOLUTELY Sapper. But that's the sad thing about what I keep seeing on this board and throughout the evangelical church.

    There is a remnant, thank you Jesus, who understands. But the lack of compassion that I see daily on this board and coming out of the church for anyone and anything who isn't just like them is heartbreaking.

    If people aren't following Christ, I doubt they will ever see a need to if that means developing the type of non-compassionate attitude that has taken over this board and a lot of churches.

    The love of many in the church is growing cold and that allows an already lost world to really act lost.