Racial segregation

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Mickes, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Bob Alkire New Member

    Mar 23, 2001
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    So true, Jim, I was taught the same thing. A lot used the teaching that Israel was not to get married to non Israels so marriage was to be within the same race and many other such teachings. I recall some one saying if white and black would marry divorce would be much higher and the mother and child would be left to themselves, no child support for most of them. There were many other such teaching, some miss interpretation of Scripture, some out of fear of the unknown some due to lack of knowledge some due to racism. Some of what they were saying have turned out to be correct and some not.
    I've seen it all over this country and not just on race but on income. There are some folks that I know that are proud that no one in their family has married a non Italian or put in any other race or country you want. In our church there are a few mixed race families and each have some problems from both sides of their families except for an Asian mixed family in our church.
  2. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
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    Feb 3, 2002
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    Perhaps, but I've seen far worse on this board with no complaints.

    And while I may not agree TOTALLY with the original statement, do you question the general validity of same?
  3. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    Unfortunately, as long as this world continues as it is we will have hatred and bigotry. So many people believe they are superior to others. There are some who believe that certain nationalities aren't even human and should be eradicated.

    I personally have no problem with anyone marrying anyone (male with female only) of any nationality. I don't think of us as different races; we are ALL of one race--human. We are different nationalities though, different cultures, different skin colors, different religions, but we're all one race of humans created by God. Everyone can trace their beginning back to the first two people on earth.