Rage on the Left/Right: The Difference

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Don, Mar 31, 2010.

  1. Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    Sarah Palin uses metaphorical language, which is defined by the media as inflammatory.

    Left-supporting personnel post links to websites talking about increased violence by the right, without actual evidence of said increased violence.

    A supporter of Obama actually threatens to kill a sitting US Republican congressman (http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/03/man-charged-with-threatening-eric-cantor.php).

    Which one gets more media play?

    The facts are: alleged violent right-wingers are not being charged with crimes; a left-winger is.

    Make your own judgment.
  2. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    lets see, accused violence with no existing proof, and violence with enough proof to be charged with a crime.
  3. windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    This is really funny stuff:

    A right winger says "I've a gun. It cocked, locked and loaded." ..... a left winger calls this a threat and a crime. Two months later, the left winger's got bunches of email from his district that says 'don't vote yes on xyz' when he does: Some are not polite: Some use the very 4 letter word he uses routinely when talking to the 'street' or in non recorded conversations. This is 'hate' speech. He gets a flat tire one day. Another day a bird suicides itself in the reflection on his living room window. His dog excapes and gets hit crossing a HWY: And several bloggers are calling him ugly names, calling a letter writing and phone campaign against him and encouraging a boycott of his business. A staff member gets mugged/injured in Washington DC. He's being persecuted and its a right wing conspiracy against him.... therefore 'a crime'... And the media (which is fueled annually by millions of campaign dollars from his party) agrees with him: The poor guy has suffered too much for it not to be a right wing crime.

    A left winger says, "I'm coming after what's yours." Three days later he pickets your place, then agitates a group to believe your the cause of their suffering and ignorance: They abuse you and threaten you. They damage your car: Call your house and leave threatening messages: They rob your business, kill some workers, set fire to the place. The thugs were just part of a gang. They get caught, go to jail, are criminals with a past. No association is ever made....... or, if so, is flatly denied and believed by media and society. Esspecially, after all, this particular minority is known for its violence, connection to gangs and drugs, and even though it may (make that MAY) have particular left wing voting habits...... this is NEVER talked about as it is just not 'pc'.