Reformed Tracts

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by Reformer, Oct 21, 2008.

  1. Reformer New Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    I have been looking for some tracts in the reformed tradition, focusing on, Scripture Alone, Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, The Glory of God Alone. I have looked at most of the tract sites mentioned in the Sticky, and while I do greatly appreciate their good heart and intention, I still find a overtone of Pelagianism over most of them, they tend to put the choice entirely in the sinners hands, there are many that do not go to that extreme but they almost always end with a invitation that equates a Prayer with Salvation and that is something I try hard to stay away from.

    Anyway, I have come to the conclusion that the best way to get the Gospel across is to present Christ Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone and I can't find any tracts that do that. Any info about where I might be able to find tracts such as that please let me know.

    Thanks in advanced.

  2. Bob Dudley New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Sorry, I don't intent to be too insensitive but, its in my nature - I'm a fundamental independent baptist, afterall. Anyway, this just struck me as funny. Isn't a reformed tract an oxymoron? Do you send the tract to God? I'm not sure I get the point.

    If you want a tract geared to the person that can make a choice whether to accept God's gift of eternal life or not, then try "What If?" put out by Sword of the Lord.
  3. Jerome Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Northwestern Publishing House
    "Searching for something to enhance your witness efforts? Take advantage of the new "I Am" series of evangelism brochures. Attractively designed, they speak to the unchurched in simple, straightforward language. Titles include I Am God's Child by Scripture Alone (04N1303), . . . I Am God's Child by Grace Alone (04N1301), and I Am God's Child by Faith Alone (04N1302)."
  4. Havensdad New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    "Reformed" does not mean "Not repenting and trusting Christ in a prayer". I am "reformed", but I still believe in beginning by personally entrusting your life to Christ through prayer: God ordains means as well...

    IN regards to "the sinners prayer", I totally agree. No one should have to "tell you" what to say...

    Try here>....

    Johnny Mac, Paul Washer, Aleister Begg, etc., all of whom have Reformed Soteriology, have endorsed these tracts...and as a full time reformed Street Evangelist, I do, too. They strongly push Spurgeon, who I notice you have an affinity for. Also, listen to this, if you have not already...
  5. Reformer New Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Thanks a bunch you two, that was just what I was looking for. I just couldn't seem to find it.

    Havensdad, if you are a fellow "Spurgeonist" you would probably like "Spurgeon Gold" compiled by Ray Comfort. It is a book of Spurgeon quotes (some long, some short) about sharing your faith, evangelism and such as that, good stuff in there.

    Thanks again :thumbs: