Sarko Wins One for the Global Elite

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, May 7, 2007.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Now that Nicolas Sarkozy has won the French election and appears to be the favorite of the French people—who are apparently as easily brainwashed as Americans, but of course with typical if oft satirized arrogant French élan—we can expect the idea of a supranational Europe, previously rejected by the people of France, to take center stage.


    Sarkozy’s immediate task will be to make sure there are no more silly mistakes and one world globalization remains unflinchingly on track. “The European Commission believes that rightist Sarkozy offers a better plan for the revival of the European Constitution, which would be placed for voting in the Parliament, while Segolene Royal wants to update the constitutional accord and hold another referendum which causes a risk that the constitution will not pass the referendum voting,” Javno explains. “Critics of Segolene Royal consider she did not manage to adequately present her program and that she is not feisty enough to become the future president of France, while on the other hand Sarkozy has showed more edge and feistiness, and his program was more substantial.”
