SBC to continue sacrificing children?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by James_Newman, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I found it here.


    So the ultimate goal of the resolution that got panned was for the churches to come up with ways to help those who were in situations that made it difficult to take children out of public school, such as the poor, single parents, etc...
  2. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    It is not as much that as it is the fact that many public schools today play paddy cakes with discipline and have allowed the thugs to take over their schools instead of correcting their bad behaviors and making them better.

    I pray for my students in the public school where I teach daily. I have seen first hand some of the horrible things going on in these kids lives. I feel very sorry for them. They, however, still should be held accountable for when they hit their parents and tell them to shut up, cuss out their teachers, and act like thugs. They, unfortunately, are not until they do something bad enough to end up in the legal system.

    My child will somewhere besides the school where the environment can be more controlled.

    Not my child. There is no way I am going to send my son into the home of a bunch of druggie parents who cannot control their children and expect them to be responsible for the well being of him. If that is your calling, then so be it. But, don't judge me for showing a little wisdom in how I raise my child and certainly don't come belly aching when your child ends up being abused or ending up in trouble.

    Please let us know the next time you send your child over to the school thug's house who has druggie parents for a sleepover so he can witness to them...perhaps, your indictment about our coldness might ring a bit more true when you do. As for me, I refuse to throw my son into the lion's den like that. Call me cold-hearted, but my first ministry is to my family, and I care a million times more about my son than I do about any kid at school.

    Joseph Botwinick
  3. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    Boy, you've got that right! If they kicked off my bus (which they do), all that happens is that they get more personalized service on a special ed bus. (After all, they just can't help it, you know.) No incentive there to behave, and the kids that truly need the special ed busses don't need to be exposed to those thugs.
  4. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    I live in one of the best (low crime) neighborhoods in one of the lowest crime towns in slc in a fairly low crime state. There is a new (5 or so years old) huge high school a block from my house. Nice school middle to upper class familes for the most part.

    Last year when I watched the life light hellicopter fly a kid that had been stabbed several times out of the parking lot, it made my decition to send my kids to private school easy.

    This is considered one of the best public highschools in the state.
  5. Seth&Mattsmom New Member

    Aug 13, 2005
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    I meant for YOUR child to invite that poor soul into YOUR home.

    I can't take it here anymore. I just don't understand ourselves as believers attacking and chopping each other up. I am feeling too much anger and resentment over a bunch of people that as I read, seem more and more unfriendly and snobbish day by day. I trust myself and my God to be able to raise my children in the best way I can. I am also raising my children to be witnessness for Christ. Raising them in a vacuum isn't going to help. I never said that public school was THE way to go. But I am not made of money and probably never will be. So we will use the public schools, and I trust in God. Christ is in all and through all, and I can trust Him to help me raise my children and excel in the common world as a shining light for Christ.
  6. Benjamin Well-Known Member
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    Oct 6, 2004
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    This will be twisted from your thoughts of getting to know your child’s friends and their parents and allowing a sleepover if comfortable with the situation to you sending your child to strange drug infested pervert’s crack house with drive-by gang shootings three times a night and playing Russian roulette in the unsupervised swimming pool. Typical rationale of a cloister mindset and needed rhetoric to support the view against your hopes and prayers to share the joy and be a light to those lowly murdering child thugs.

    Maybe we should discuss the home schooled preacher’s daughter or the private Christian schooled successful drug dealer that supplied the other schools while escaping detection and suspicion. Yep, a fact in the neighborhood I grew up in.

    And funny that two of the Pastors that I spoke of earlier sited this same gang violence and drug infestation as the reason why they will home and private school apart from the “unsafe” district my kids attend, which theirs never did and they had no way of even knowing, btw in nine years it has never even been a pertinent issue. Not funny what my daughter, who talks to me, said tonight about what was recently confided to her by one of them at camp. The evidentiary value of separation seems to be lacking in reality. Sacrifice??? Those so convinced the public schools are unsafe might want to take off the blinders and peek over the fence they’ve built.

    I’m with you, had enough of this topic! :sleeping_2:
  7. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    I am far from made of money. I am a state employee in law enforcement and my wife is also a state employee. I have very very little money. But I work overtime shifts and do without. That is my decition and what I think is best for MY child. We all make our own decitions that is mine. I am not telling you what to do with your family. You do what you think is best. But private school is doable with little money. Most will even assist you. I have not asked for it but may at sometime if I need to.

    You are looking at somewhere between 2 and 5 thousand a year for private where I am from.
  8. DeeJay New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    mom and ben

    You are right nobody should think that just because you send your kid to a Christian school they will be immune to things we would not want them to do. You still need to parent them and they may still choose the wrong path. But I want to say that I did absolutly everything I could to both teach them the right path and put them in the right enviroment.

    Another thing besides the enviroment is the academics. All the private schools I have looked at are lightyears ahead of the public schools. Now that is not to say that kids can not be smart in public schools. But they are smart in spite of the school not because of it. And again just because you put your kid in private does not mean you can forget them and they will automaticly be smart. But they have a better opertunity.

    I dont want my kids to have to work for the state.
  9. whatever New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Hi Mom,

    You are correct to not want to be chopped up and attacked. No one wants that. For example, I feel a little bit attacked when I get accused of raising my children in a vacuum, just because I think my kids can get a better education at home than they can at our public schools. Also, we are not made of money either. We have to do without a lot in order to have our oldest son in privarte high school, and then we have to buy all of the supplies and incidentals for our other three children as well. But they are worth it so we do without.

    I guess what I am asking is, if you want people to not judge you unfairly (which is reasonable to want) then please don't judge others unfairly either, especially in the same post. I think we can all do better.
  10. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I am a teacher who is digging his way out of debt. I am nowhere close to being made of money. That is part of the reason I am taking the advice of good men like Al Mohler and starting to save my money and prepare for the worse, and praise the Lord if that doesn't happen.

    As I said before, if public schools are good where you are and is what is best for your children, then God Bless you for choosing that route. Not all Public Schools are bad. The Elementary schools in my area are fine, some are exceptional. The Public Middle Schools in my area are not safe. I will not send my child there unless something changes. If you don't want to be judged for the way you raise your children, then do likewise to others who might choose something different for their children.

    Good Day.

    Joseph Botwinick
  11. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    A nation is only as good as the people. A church or any other organization is only as good as the people.

    Some friends of mine who live in another state told me that they would never send their kids to a Christian school because they are dumping grounds for the troublemakers from the public school.
  12. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    A generalization that is not true in the case of the private school my child attends. Goes to show that we should all examine our individual situations and do the best we can, not relying on generalizations.

  13. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Why would the SBC tell parents how to educate their children? Why would a local church tell parents how to educate their children.

    Kudos to the SBC for keeping their noses out of the parent's business.
  14. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Re: Generalizations

    All generalizations are false, including this one.
  15. Emily25069 New Member

    Mar 5, 2005
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    Both worlds

    In my case, public school was dangerous for me social-wise. I didnt do too well and got picked up by the WRONG kids for sure. I was in private schools for the first 5 years and it wasnt that great of an experience either, because it was mostly rich kids who tended to be a bit snobby, but in middle school, I talked my mom into sending me to the public school, where for the first time I met kids who talked back to their parents and did whatever they wanted. I started to think that maybe there was something to what these kids were doing, and totally took to the influence of these other kids and I think it made my parents job pretty hard.

    My parents were trying to instill good values to me, but I didnt understand why. All these kids at my public school were fine, and they were having sex and smoking and spending all of their time on the phone. My parents influence on me greatly diminished, as well as our relationship, and the kids I was surrounded by gained more influence on me. I stepped into more trouble than I needed to. Some of it I walked into, some of it walked into me, such as the time in highschool when I was hanging out on the beach with some friends and I ended up getting raped. But, I do think there are safety concerns in reguards to influence in the public schools. Eventually, my senior year of highschool, I was picked up by the Christian kids and ended up in youth group and church and was saved, but I wouldnt be able to tell you in good conscience that any of those kids are living for the Lord today. I would be able to tell you that most of them are not. Perhaps the influence they received in their formative years did end up taking a toll on them.

    I dont know what I will end up doing when my babies are school age. I really would like to try and avoid the public schools. WOrldly influences are everywhere in them.
    I dont believe that the homeschooled kids are socially stunted. In fact, most of the ones I have met are socially exeptional, and wise beyond their years, having most of their influence come from those older than they.

    I dont know that I have the discipline to homeschool.

    I do believe that we can still raise Godly children if we send our kids to public school, but I do believe that like being a stay at home mom as opposed to being a working mom, the advantage is in our courts if we do keep our kids home with us. I would like to keep my kids away from all of that negative influence until they are more prepared to deal with them. I dont think most kids are prepared to deal with that at the middle school age. That is an age where fitting in seems to be most important. It seems to be too early for most kids, though some would certainly do better than others.

    I dont agree that its up to a denomination or even a local church to tell parents how to educate their kids, but I do think it might be fair for Pastors talk about education and the advantages and disadvantages of both.

    Public schools are scary places for little ones. I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.
  16. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    As has already been pointed out, this may be true in some schools, but not in all. Since I visit other schools to make recommendations about accreditations, I can tell you that many Christian schools have very high entrance standards. Others have high standards of behavioral expectations.
  17. whatever New Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    The proposed resolution addressed churches and agencies of the SBC, and it commended public school teachers for their work. It did not address parents in any way.

    Now if you had asked something like "why would the SBC tell people what to drink?" then I would agree with you that the SBC should have kept their noses out of people's business.
  18. pituophis New Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    And to think the SBC might tell you who you should not have sex with (same gender) or what kind of clothes to wear (modesty) or what not to inhale, or what kind of words that should not be spoken, etc...
  19. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    We know for a fact that the strongest Christians come from the most challenging environments.

    I question the impact of Chrisitan schools on the basis of one question.

    Has anyone ever seen one Christian school ever teach kids by example how to make disciples and share their faith with others? In my over 30 years as a Christian I cannot think of one. When I was in seminary I was in class with students who had never shared their faith and had gone to a Christian school and a Christian college.

    Just because kids are educated intellectually in the Bible does not guarantee obedience while they are there or once they leave. Some of the strongest Christians I know today have come to Christ while in college through those in parachurch organizations. The percentage of my friends from college while in the Navigators who are still living for Christ is way higher than any church group I was a part of. Those Christians in the parachurch organizations teach new believers how to pray, study the Bible and share their faith.

    Why are the churches not doing the job of teaching people about the Bible, how to pray and helping them to share their faith? It does not take a Christian school to do that. That is the responsibility of every believer and every church. It is simply too easy to be a church member and rot in the pew year after year.
  20. Phillip <b>Moderator</b>

    Jun 29, 2001
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    I agree 100%. I also wonder if anybody has questioned whether or not all parents (or even a majority) are "capable" of providing a good educational to their children.

    These kids have to go out into the real-world and compete and if mom isn't qualified to teach those skills (not to mention to loss of interaction with different kinds of people), then I don't recommend home-schooling.