Schools aren't babysitters.

Discussion in '2008 Archive' started by The Scribe, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Texas students

    I don't get this. It's a public school.

    If they want to enforce rules like this they might as well have school uniforms.

    Schools are for learning not minor things like this. Schools aren't babysitters for when you are at work.

    No wonder America is falling behind so many other countries.

    School bans desserts.

    Since when is it the schools job to make sure children are eating properly? This is a problem that starts at home. It's the parents job to make sure their children eat properly. Schools are for learning. Schools aren't daycare and health centers.
    Unless you homeschool, which is a better choice.

    Parents need to start taking responsibility for their children. If they can't maybe they need to have their children taken away.
    Please don't have children unless you want to take care of them yourself.

    Your life doesn't revolve around work, especially if you're a parent.
    People need to realize this. Family comes before your job.
  2. SeekingHisTruth New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    While I agree that schools are not daycares, you can't say that children are the responsibility of parents entirely while they are at school, especially concerning eating.

    It is absolutely the responsibility of the school to make sure the kids have healthy things to eat. Now granted you can't "make" the kids eat the healthy food, but it needs to be provided.

    You can't just give kids candy bars and milk shakes and expect to have school :).
  3. The Scribe New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Well, it's not the schools place to regulate what parents pack in their child(s) lunch, or ask them to only pack healthy food. It's not their place.
    It's the parents responsibility.
    Children can't just eat junk food, I agree. But, that's where the parents have to discipline their children.

    If they try to regulate too much, children will start selling candy to their classmates.
  4. SeekingHisTruth New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    Absolutely agree here. If the kids are taking their lunch then the responsibility is soley with the parent(s)!!!
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I'm glad someone is cracking down on the hair. I wish they would do the same with the dress codes!!!

    The girls need to pull their tops down and the boys need to pull their pants up!

    I went by the public high school the other day and I could hardly believe what the girls were wearing (or not wearing) and the boys weren't much better. I don't know how some of them walk without their pants falling off.

    I guess I'm getting old. :(
  6. bobbyd New Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Someone needs to tell the parents of the students that the schools are not baby sitters and we may start seeing a little improvement. Too many "parents" (and i use that term loosely) see the hours of 8-3 on M-F as a chance to get their kids out of their hair, and could care less how they fare.
  7. tank1976 New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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    I agree. Of course , let little Jonny or Suzy get wronged in some way at school and then many parents come to the school are started blaming- yelling- threating.

    This is not my thoughts of the subject... this is my expeirence.

    I was all but threatened by a parent and a couple of students before, while working as a teacher. This happened because I expected( crazy) them to follow the rules, respect others & respect themselves.

    *I have found that children live up to & down to your expectations of them. It is ok to set a high standard.*

    *You have to be firm- fair - consistent with kids. They require structure - discipline- caring people in their lives*