Scripture Memorization

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by christianyouth, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. christianyouth New Member

    Oct 7, 2005
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    Unlike the usual posts that I seem to start on this board which somehow lead to debates, hopefully this topic will be light-hearted,informative, and up lifting to us all.

    So, The Bible is clear that we are to memorize the Word. While I cannot think of a text that exhibits this fact, I know that Ps. 1 stresses the importance of meditating on the Word of God. Obviously, if we are to meditate on the Word of God throughout our day, we will need to have the Word in our head.

    Does anyone have any testimonies on how memorizing God's word has helped you in a time of need?

    Does anyone have any tips on memorizing portions of scripture?

    The reason I post this, is because latley my prayer life has been really dry. I was frustrated, so when I prayed tonight I decided to try something new. I got down on my knees, set my Bible there, and I read the scriptures, and then prayed over what I read, trying to memorize it and to inquire of God to meet with me. The results were amazing! It was the first time all this week were I was really rejuvinated in my prayers. :thumbsup:

    So I figured I would pass it on to encourage you all to think about Scripture memorization, the benefiets, the methods, and the such.

    In Christ,
  2. Rachel New Member

    Oct 3, 2004
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    Very cool Andy! Remembering scriptures has helped me many times when going through something, good and bad.