She did it again !!!!!

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Bro. Curtis, May 4, 2006.

  1. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    I know pwople will attack this, and get it shut down, but she is dead on correct. As she very often is.


    ....The two big topics on CNN last week were (1) high gas prices and (2) the high cost of college tuition. (Also a story about an angry Hispanic lacrosse player who vanished from a cruise ship during Bush's low poll numbers.)

    CNN reports that college tuition has risen an astonishing 40 percent since 2000. But the proposed solutions to the exact same problem -- high prices for gasoline and tuition, respectively -- were diametrically opposed.

    The only solution to high gas prices considered on CNN was to pay oil company executives less, perhaps by order of the president. But somehow, no one ever suggested that the solution to the high price of college -- far outpacing inflation -- was to pay professors less. In that case, the solution is for the government to subsidize college professors' salaries even more than it already does...

    ...Why not subsidize the oil companies, which provide a product essential to allowing 300 million Americans to live, and put a cap on the price of college, which seems designed to turn out more liberal parasites on the productive?

    As economist Richard Vedder of Ohio University has demonstrated, every time the government subsidizes college tuition through tuition tax credits, college tuition rises by the precise amount of the tuition tax credit.

    How about investigating the "shameful display of greed" by college professors?

    Liberals think hardworking taxpayers who can't afford gas should pay more in taxes because it is vitally important that young people be taught that America is the worst country on Earth and that the American bond traders who were murdered on 9/11 deserved it.

    Maybe with a little less subsidized tuition, colleges couldn't afford luxuries like non-Indian of Indian studies professor Ward Churchill. He makes $120,000 a year as a department head at the University of Colorado, in addition to many speaking fees paid to him by other institutions of higher learning -- all heavily subsidized by taxpayers.....

    Yeah yeah, she rants a bit, probably a little too heavy on hyperbole. But let's face it. She's right.
  2. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I have to agree with you...

    Here is SC we have the Education Lottery...

    Yet, over and over again parents have to fork over money to buy supplies for the local school...

    Why? Where is the money going?

    It sure isn't going to primary education, it sure isn't going to sceondary education...

    It's going to Colleges and Universities!

    The same ones that have these big alumin fund raisers and whose alumnis can freely lobby for them!

    Yes, Annie... Preach It!
  3. Kilad New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Yesterday the congress passed legislation that will fine oil companies millions of dollars for price gouging. (which they arnt doing)

    How will this help gas prices? By causing them to go up. Oil companies are for profit businesses, if they have to pay huge fines they will pass that cost off to the consumer resulting in a higher pump price. Which seems to be what liberals want anyway. Remember one of Al Gore's campaign promises, he would get rid of internal combustion engines by 2007.
  4. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Gambling industry and entertainment. When people spend more on entertainment than they do on the education of their children we have a serious problem.
  5. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    An empty gesture to mollify the masses. :rolleyes:
  6. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Double post
  7. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Once again, her column strikes me as incredibly stupid and her comparisons inapt.

    Colleges and universities are competetive; oil companies are not - the OPEC cartel controls the price by controlling supply. If you can't afford to go to the most expensive university, go to a community or junior college for two years, then transfer to your State University. In NYC alone, there is the excellent - and tuition-free - Cooper Union on up to the Ivy League Columbia University and scores in between those two whereas gasoline prices might vary as much as 20 cpg (cent per gallon) for the same octane, but most are within fractions of pennies of each other.

    Why not subsidize oil companies? Um, we do.
  8. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    We come no where near the percentages of tuition subsidizing.

    Oil execs are under close scrutiny, every move questioned, while proffessors are allowed to make up curriculum, & re-write history. Tenure makes them untouchable.

    I think she does a great job exposing that.
  9. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Also, gas prices have not matched the inflation rate over the last 30 years. Tuition has increased at a rate much higher than inflation.
  10. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    You're probably right, but how do they compare? Tuition subsidy goes to students and corporate subsidies go to, of course, private for-profit corporations. I'm not convinced the two are comparable.

    Who is scrutinizing the oil execs' every move? And for what - compliance with the law?

    Professors are not only allowed to make up curriculum, it is in the job description, in conjunction with the department heads. As for "rewriting history", every generation does that as new evidence become available and different perspectives arise; otherwise we would only need a single history book with occasional addendums. When I was a child, I was confused and irritated by the changing maps in history - I thought a map should be one thing and one only. Then I grew up and became able to appreciate the complexities of this world. I realize that some people believe that universities should cater to a simple-minded, set POV, and there are some that do, but they are not yet in control. Tenure protects professors from the vagaries of politics and fashion, but not from faking evidence.

    Eye of the beholder; personally, less slander, fewer lies and a more temperate manner would be more convincing to me.

    Gas prices are pretty much one thing set by the cartel without much variance in a given region, but tuition rates vary from free to prohibitive, according to the market. I remember (no source) reading that when one of the Ivy Leagues (Brown?) increased its tuition, its application rates soared - some people want to buy exclusivity. Gas just doesn't compare.
  11. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    double post

    (how did that happen? )

    [ May 04, 2006, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: Daisy ]
  12. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Exxon's 2005 figure was 9.7 cents on the dollar. That puts the company at No. 116 on the Fortune 500 in that category.
    This year in the first quarter, though earnings went up, the profit was 9.4 cents on the dollar.

    In the first quarter of 2006, ExxonMobil made:

    Total earnings: $8.4 billion
    U.S. earnings: $2.3 billion
    U.S. tax incurred: $3.7 billion

    Source is Ken Cohen, VP of Public Affairs for ExxonMobil.
  13. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    I had some great college professors. Some who wrote books and were published with high regards in academic journals. One of my econ professors was brilliant... Not one of them taught me as much as a manager for my first company who worked his way up off the production floor and probably didn't even have a high school diploma.

    The econ professor was at least honest. In one class, he asked the rhetorical question, "Who of you believe you are learning all the skills needed for your career?" Most raised their hands. His response: "WRONG!!!" "All you are doing is demonstrating that you can learn."

    If not with the rant, I agree with the conclusion that the high price of college education should be investigated... and instructor pay should be cut or frozen just like any other industry that prices itself out of its market.
  14. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    -- Threatening oil producers because world fuel prices are up makes no more sense than threatening big ethanol producers. The price of ethanol went up just as much as the price of gasoline and is expected to climb higher.

    -- Oil company profits account for a very small portion of the retail price -- much smaller than taxes. Oil producers and refiners could not reduce their profits by charging less than the market price. Retailers and distributors would just pocket the difference, or they would quickly run out of fuel if they didn't.

    -- Suspending gas taxes for two months would be unwise because it would artificially stimulate demand at a very inopportune time.

    -- The millions that oil company executives earned from exercising stock options were entirely financed by other stockholders. Stock-based compensation has nothing to do with what the companies charge for products (which cannot be more or less than the market price) or what they pay employees.

    -- Subsidies to consumers who buy hybrids are useless. The highway mileage of large or sporty V-6 and V-8 hybrids is much worse than it is with small 4-cylinder cars.

    -- CAFE fuel standards are useless. Most vehicles on the road are used, not new, and fleet-average mileage standards for domestic producers have no effect on anyone's choice of a new car. Prices, on the other hand, have a big effect.

    The price system has important work to do. The House of Representatives, evidently, does not. If anything needs investigating, it's the Congress. Cheap politics cannot produce cheap oil.

    Alan Reynolds
  15. Kilad New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    Great line
  16. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Ann Coulter = no credibility

    Here's a game for you: pick ANY article she has written, or read as much of one of her pathetic books as you can stomach, and see how long it takes before you read the word "Liberal."

    Remember what it was to which she equated saying "Merry Christmas" in that article about her entitled Ann Coulter 2005?

    I do..... :rolleyes:

    Like I said: no credibility.

  17. Kilad New Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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  18. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    Hey BIR, let's talk about the issue, eh ? Anyone can slam anyone. I expect that out of the more childish posters, here, not from you.

    What do you think about the substance ?
  19. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Okay, Bro. Curtits, from the article:
    Okay: was that supposed to be funny? Why does Ann Coulter, if she is to be accepted as a legitimate source of information, feel compelled to offer that third point? Surely we are not to believe that over at the Fox News Channel, where she is such an esteemed guest in their quest for fair and balanced coverage, they strive to stay focused on the issues at hand. I watch as much Fox as I can stomach, and the two biggest stories are Natalie Hollieway (probably misspelled) and the Duke Lacrosse players [Sean Hannity proclaimed last night that "the evidence" suggests they are wrongly accused.] Notwithstanding that bizarre addition,
    I could certainly see how this analogy was made. We all know that the salaries for professors are right in line with those of the oil company executives, right? College professors are notorious for their enormous salaries, not to mention all those lucrative options on the university's stock, right?
    Oh, so the solution is to subsidize the oil companies? I guess that the record profits the oil companies (like Exxon Mobil) and the gasoline distributors (like Valero) aren't making enough, so we should subsidize them.
    Notwithstanding that, do you really believe that our colleges (and universities) are seemingly "designed to turn out more liberal parasites on the productive?" That is absurd nonsense. In that case, let's just shut down all of our colleges and universities, since they do nothing more than turn out "liberal parasites." Just like Rush Limbaugh, she could resist the opportunity to demonize higher learning (Rush refers to them as "pointy-headed intellectuals").
    Did Richard Vedder of Ohio University demonstrate that the rise in college tuition directly benefits the professors, or that the directly profit from these tuition hikes?
    Ah, yes: the LIBERALS are behind this! I knew it!!
    How many professors made the claim that she has offered in this sentence?
    By the way, can you guess who said this:
    "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building."

    Okay, there is one person who made those statements. BTW, how does his $120K compare to the compensation received by Lee Raymond? What is the ration of Churchill's compensation to Raymond's compensation?
    This is a prime example of why Coulter has no credibility whatsoever. This story started out with CNN as the target, yet she has somehow worked in AirAmerica. Well, since she brought it up, who is the person to whom she is referring? Moreover, how does this person fit into this story?
    The rest of the article is nothing more than Coulter revisiting the same information I heard on Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and of course let's not forget David Horowitz.
    Did she offer any solution? How about any prescience on her part? No, she didn't really offer anything, did she? This is the typical Coulter style: all attack, no substance. If you really think about it, she is not even that funny, unless you don't mind the comedienne who comes up to the microphone and uses the same routine ad nauseum. "Liberals, liberals, liberals."
    I expected more from a Dartmouth graduate.......

    To answer your question: I saw no "substance" in what she offered in this article: nothing that was insightful or substantive.

    Hope you and yours are doing well, Bro. Curtis!
  20. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Oops, double post.....