Should a Christian mother/ wife work?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by dianetavegia, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    I have already been asked this question by Saggy Woman and personaly I do not believe it matters. We are here to talk about the Bible, let us not Grade peoples ability to follow or interpret God's word based on there social, political, or legal status.

    P.S if you must know I am ingaged as of now.

    your servant
  2. joyfulkeeperathome New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
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    fish, I agree with you, if God had meant for Adam to stay home with the kids, he would have given him a womb, simply stated....

    Yes, I do believe that women are taking jobs from men. And if there were to be a depression b/c women stayed home, then perhaps the problem started many years ago when people started aborting their babies who would now be grown ups who would work and keep this country going (or, for goodness sake, maybe a few starbucks and McDonalds would go under, but do we really need one on every corner???? Just take away the unnecessary jobs....)
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    It sounds like women only work at 'fast food places'!?!

    Men would not want a lot of the jobs that would be left vacant if all the women stayed home.

    What are unnecessary jobs? I know a lot of women who are raising their children by working at 'unnecessary' jobs because the men don't want those jobs (it is beneath them).

    The hospitals and nursing homes would close because most of the employees are women and not too many men would want those jobs (doesn't pay enough).

    Secretarys, school teachers, the list is very long and the men would have to be qualified enough to fill all the positions and that would result in utter chaos and lack of services in the interim.

    I think, for the most part, women are filling a need in the job market. And they are doing it because they 'have' to, not because they 'want' to...

    Again, I applaud women who work and women who stay home as long as their families are cared for properly.

    Fish: Congratulations on your upcoming marriage. For Biblical support (since this is a 'Baptist' issue, according to you) is in Proverbs 31.

  4. dianetavegia Guest

    Maybe it's not the same in every area but the jobs being taken by women in metropolitan Atlanta are high paying / executivie jobs, according to the AJC.

    Last week there was an article on the unemployed recent college graduates who are having to work 2 and 3 part time $8.00 an hour jobs because there are no jobs available. If I can find it in archives, I'll post a link.

    FishnBread, my husband is just like you! He has been very upset when I had to have a temp job (even tho I was able to take Nick with me the hours Jim wasn't home to care for him). He feels very strongly that a woman is not to work outside the home. Maybe it's just the Aurora men who feel this way.

    Did Mary have a job?
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Doesn't this come back to what the husband (the head of the house) wants us to do?

    My husband appreciates the fact that I work part-time to help out (and believe me, we do not have a fancy house, car, clothes, etc.)

    I chose my jobs carefully so I would still have the time to home school and take care of my family.

    FYI, I deliver two paper routes and am a school crossing guard. Men do not want these menial jobs because they do not pay enough. Had there been a man to fill these jobs, I wouldn't have gotten them.

    It doesn't matter if your home is in order if YOU are not 'in order' in your home...

  6. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Women have high paying jobs because they earned them not because they took the job away from a man.

    Not all working women are wives and mothers.

    Not all working wives and mothers are doing so for selfish reasons.

    Many times husbands become disabled and cannot work. Their wives work to help support the family. I for one could not stay home when my first husband was ill and place all the burden on him.

    At that point, I was not a submissive wife because I could see that I needed to go to work. At first my husband was against it, but later he realized that it was the thing to do. Fortunately, my children were in school at this time.

    Did I go to work to have a house, car, food on the table? You bet I did. And when my husband died suddenly, I could take care of myself financially.

    Now I have stayed home and I have worked and of course, I like staying home better.

    No woman should be made to feel guilty because she is working outside the home. This is a decision that she and her husband must make together.

    From my understanding of history, the Germans during World War II would not let their woman work outside the home. Because the margin of victory was so close, if their women had worked as American women had worked, then we might be speaking German today.

    I don't think anyone would want to see what would happen to our country if all the Christian women stopped working outside the home.

    When I retired from my job, it took two men and a woman to replace me

    I admire women who step out on faith to do what God wants them to do. It may be to stay home or it may be to go to work outside the home. The important thing is to follow God's Will.
  7. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Thankful and Sue,
    Good points.
    Even if a woman stays home, it's a good idea to have training in something that can support the family if the husband cannot work. Life happens.
    There are several men in my acquaintance who are completely disabled. Their wives are not working for frills.
    But even so, not every woman is a wife and mother.
    And not every wife and mother enjoys being at home all day by herself.
    I enjoy my parttime job of substitute teaching. And I believe I provide a service when I do it. There is a shortage of substitutes in my town.

    We could certainly get along without my working. But our child in college would have to work more hours. We prefer for him to study more and have time for fun in school. He is doing well. And he is involved in several campus ministries that he could not do if he were working. He does work hard during breaks. One job upcoming is on a farm. People are NOT standing in line to compete with him. But he will make enough to make a difference.
    I also flat don't like to cook. I don't mind trading time on a job for money to buy some more convenience foods than I would. The Schwan's man likes me!

    My relatives for the most part live in a rural area that has low wages. But they have chosen this for the other benefits they get of living near family, in the country,etc.
    Others have moved to where there are jobs. This changes. 25 years ago, there was a major migration of people to OK from NY. Then the economy changed here and people moved out.

    Right now, unemployment nationwide is low. Demand is high for engineering majors. NOT so high for a B.A. in History with no other skills. Never has been.
    A trend among my acquaintances in technical fields is to acquire alternate certification and become school teachers. There is a large shortage of math and science teachers in many places.
    A Wall Street Journal article not too long ago said that there was a nationwide shortage of electricians, for whom starting pay could easily be $50,000 per year.
    A nursing degree will get a job anywhere. Medical technicians of all kinds are in demand.

    I am only speaking in broad terms. This does NOT mean than an individual who is unemployed or underemployed is doing anything wrong. Sometimes, and I really wish there weren't, there are REAL struggles and obstacles in life.

  8. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    originally posted by Thankful
    I would agree with what you just said if there was no such thing as affirmative action, but since there is, we can only conclude that some people are promoted because of there gender, or race, specifically women, and African Americans.

    P.S working because your husband is sick is not an act of faith getting on your knees and praying is, my Bible says what is not of faith is sin.

    your servant
  9. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Originally posted by Karen
    So we should disobey the Bible because we don't like our God given responsibilies? thats a good idea if you work for satan.

    your servant
  10. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    As a person matures in Christ, he/she understands the Bible more, including the definitions of faith, sin, and submissiveness. It is a learning experience as one follows the Will of God.

    Specifically, I believe it was an act of faith and following God's Will when I found it necessary to work outside the home.

    Further, my experience with Affirmative Action (I was an affirmative action officer for a group of 350 workers), a person MUST be qualified for the position in order to be employed. Later my title was changed to Equal Employment Officer because that was what we practiced.
  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I believe God gave me the part-time jobs I have. We needed the money and God supplied it through these jobs.

    If God wanted me at home 24/7, I don't believe I would have been able to secure these jobs.

    Our family thanks God everyday for providing us with our jobs so we can help each other with what we need to live.

    God provides food for the birds - but he doesn't throw it in the nest for them...
  12. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    That is a decision reserved exlusively between the husband and the wife. Scripture defines specific roles for the huaband and wife. However, it's up to the spouses to decide how those scriptural roles are going to be fulfilled.

    My fiance is a teacher. She will not stay at home after we marry. We have determined that we will both be better spouses to each other and to the Lord when we are both working, both contributing, both tithing, both saving, and both sharing our professional experiences with each other.

    This is not about keeping up with the Jones' (we don't adhere to that narrow mentality), or about maintaining a "certain lifestyle" (we don't adhere to that either). Indeed, God has provided us both with finanially adequate careers. It's about both us us desiring a Godly career. So long as the career doesn't compromise the marriage, then there is no reason for us to require that one of us stay home.

    But this is my marriage. Other marriage will manage themselves differently. That is their right. I have no right to judge them, nor they me.
    Excellent point!!
  13. JesusInFirstPlace New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    Ok- I don't really have anything to add, seeing as how I am not married. But I do have a question to further this discussion. You see, I am graduating from high school in May, and I plan on going to college, then med school to be a doctor. Do you think this is something that I should not invest so much time and money into? Like if I am just going to have to stay home as soon as I get married, or have kids, then isn't that a lot of training for a job? Does that mean that I shouldn't be a doctor, even though (after much much MUCH prayer) that is what I feel God is leading me to be???
  14. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    JIFP, there's no need to you to have to stay home after you're married. You've chosen an honorable profession that God has called you to. Later, after you've established your career, and you meet a Godly man and get married, the two of you can decide how you are going to fulfill your scriptural roles. Later, if you have children, it may be possible for you to take shifts that are during the children's school hours, so that there is always a parent at home when they get home from school. Also, don't forget that, one day, there will be no children in the house, and, if you do decide to stay home, you may want to retrun to your chosen profession when your children leave the nest.

    Again, there are no set rules. You and your husband will, at the right time, decide how the two of you will function in regards to your respective careers. No need to decide those things now.

    In short, Go for it! Enjoy medical school!!! Don't worry about it now, as it's not something you should even have to worry about until several years from now. The Lord will help you with your marital decisions later, when you're married. For now, let Him help you with your educational and professional decisions.
  15. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Originally posted by I Am Blessed 16
    Please be kidding with me. So your saying that because God allows something he is okay with it? does that mean God condons murder, lies or, blaspheme? I am sorry, but based upon the Bible I can't agree with that, and neither should you that is a lie created by satan to cause you to sin against Christ.

    your servant
  16. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Huh? The notion that a working woman is sinning is as false of a doctrine as KJVOism.
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    If we have a job it is because God has given it to us.

    We would have nothing without God because He gives us everything we have.

    You will have to take your argument up with Him, not me. I know in whom I believeth...
  18. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    originally posted by I Am Blessed 16
    So does that mean that God gave us the nature to sin? you know lying, stealing, killing, and if so does that mean God wants us to sin?

    your servant
  19. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Originally posted by Johnv
    what is KJVOism?
  20. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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