Should a church have....

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by ktn4eg, Apr 15, 2011.

  1. Site Supporter

    Sep 30, 2010
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    During the time Paul used the example of running a race, the olympics were performed naked. He also made comparisons to the act of sex. I don't think he was quite as timid with his examples or as anal-retentive as many baptists are when it comes to separation from any "worldly" references.

    This debate reminds me of my raising. My mother was fearful of saying words like butt, fart or breast because of her IFB upbringing. She believed using slang was a sin because it was "being like the world". Even as a teenager I realized how this revealed a shallow, immature & religious spiritual state. Those who are spiritual babes are easily offended in many areas of life; music, egg hunts, dress, hair length, slang, etc, and judge others for not being as "spiritual" as they think they are. It's just like young teenagers who have not matured enough to know how immature their words & actions appear to adults.
  2. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    It is clear that you have no idea of what you are saying or the extent of the consequences of what you have said. It is not your mother who is/was revealed as being in a "shallow, immature & religious spiritual state" my friend. If I had had a mother like that I would praise her and be exceedingly joyful of her instead of tearing her down and mocking her desire to live a holy life. You should be ashamed of yourself for dishonoring your mother by suggesting her good was evil. :tear: You are to be pittied!
  3. freeatlast New Member

    Mar 1, 2004
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    Fun comes in many forms. I know some who think it is fun to get drunk and party and might justify it by wearing a cross around their neck to be a witness to their friends. We are to do all we do in word or deed as unto the Lord, not seek ways to live like the world and pacify our consciences by shoving the Lord into activities that detract from Him. The world is confused enough without the church helping them confirm what they believe. If we celebrate a certain day once a year for the Lord's resurrection then let's not cloud it with secular games.
  4. Site Supporter

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Actually, she no longer believes those things anymore. She likes worship hymns mixed with traditional & slang doesn't bother her anymore. She would be the first to tell you how immature & shallow those beliefs were as well as how unholy & legalistic they were. It is never dishonoring to speak of where we came from & what religious beliefs we have outgrown. As adults we have had many conversations to this effect. Don't pity me, we have a great relationship. Pity those who are still held captive by such unBiblical legalistic practices.
  5. MamaCW New Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    Goooddd point! I'm looking forward to My little one's 2nd Christmas because he should be walking by then and can help decorate ! But when he thinks of Christmas, I hope he'll think of Christ being born into a world of sin to save it rather than Santa and presents...When he opens a present or gives a present, my hope is that he'll know that whatever he's getting or giving is nothing compared to the present God has given him by Jesus' birth..That is what we want to instill in our little one (and ones to come lol)
  6. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    DCCorbett posted...

    Its actually much more problematic than that

    If a church is going to have an "easter egg hunt" they should honest about it, and go all the way with it.

    Just be honest and have a worship service to the Fertility Goddess "Ishtar", because that is where the word "Easter" came from.


    God have mercy.

    I wont even speak the words "Easter Sunday" I call it "Ressurection day"
  7. revmwc Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Now AIC you just wrote them isn't that almost like speaking them? :smilewinkgrin:
  8. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Ha ha!

    OK, here goes...

    I wont even speak the words "****** Sunday". I call it Ressurection Day!

    Ahhhh. I feel so much better now! :laugh:
  9. revmwc Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    That's better and you have clear conscience now.
  10. Earth Wind and Fire Well-Known Member
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    Jun 5, 2010
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    Only if they accompany it with allot of cool prizes!
  11. revmwc Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Like the golden egg with $10 in it.

    Think about how you can use the colors to show things of God, Red the Blood of Christ, Gold God's diety.
  12. MamaCW New Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    The only question I have about this is how would not wanting to say fart, butt, and i cant remember the other one immature, shallow, and legalistic?

    There's nothing wrong with being completely pure even in the things that come out of your mouth..

    and also... people in a professional occupation , especially dealing with the public, would also choose not to use such words...that wouldn't make them immature.. in some culture, and social classes, using words like that actually goes again that class/culture's "social norms" ..doesn't make them immature or legalistic at all..
  13. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    It does, MamaCW, if one elevates the speaking of slang to the same level as speaking the Lord's name in vain as my parents and some of the churches we attended when I was a child did.

    In the same manner Alive in Christ, elevates the use of the word Easter and any celebration titled with the same as equal to worshipping an idol (or rather a false god).

    I believe this is legalism taken to a far extent. Whatever the "origins" of the word Easter, I don't use it to describe how I worship Istar, but how I worship I AM. English is a fluid language and we incorporate lots of words from other languages and frequently change their meanings to suit ourselves. So Istar no longer is the point of Easter and I have no need to concern myself over the origin of a word! I know the origin of the One I worship and that is enough.
  14. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    I'm actually not legalistic about it at all. Its just a personal conviction of mine. I simply refuse to speak the name of, and acknowledge, the fertility goddess Ishtar when referring to our Lords Ressurection day. My pastor is the same way, but thats not why I refuse to acknowledge the fertility goddess.

    The conviction came to me 1n 1982 as a new christian when I 1st came upon the connection. I immedietly started calling it the Ressurection day.

    But again, I'm not legalistic about it. I dont badger people about it, or correct anyone when they speak the goddesses name in passing. I know full well they are referring to Christs Resurection.

    Its just a personal conviction of mine.
  15. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Alive in Christ, yes, I know you well enough to know that this is a personal conviction rather than a blanket statement. I should have said "can be legalism" rather than "is" legalism, but I find I'm too late to change my original post. Accept my apology, please.
  16. Alive in Christ New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    No problem at all, brother. `I wasnt angry at all, I just wanted to make sure that people reading understood my attitude concerning it.

    God bless.
  17. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    When we get down to it have we really thought about these two days, now accepted by just about every Christian, as required obedience to the faith?

    When did each start?

    Who started these religious rituals?

    How did they come up with the date/s that so many Christians have taken to heart?
  18. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Does it really matter Itutut?

    Do we honor God any less by celebrating on a day that was overtaken from the pagans, or does the fact that the pagan holiday has passed into obscurity not glorify Him even more?
  19. ituttut New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    But has Satan passed away? Is he not still the Prince of this World? Does he masquerade as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14-15)? We do fool ourselves if we believe he has gone into hiding, or has been chained.

    But woman do you really believe what God said, Lucifer wants to know. Just listen to what I say, for God's Word will pass away.

    I ask; has the truth in Jeremiah 10 passed away?

    Do we as Christians allow Satan to vicariously live in us on the two days a year as we without question accept dates that Idol Worshippers have told us to accept?
  20. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    The truth in Jeremiah 10 that false religions are nothing to be feared has not fallen away.

    You'd do well to remember though that the first verses refer to idols which men made for themselves to worship and the last verses describe things that had similar counterparts within God's own temple. Go back and read what all when into the temple that Solomon built. It was highly decorated. The difference was in who was being worshipped.

    Paganism was condemned not for their trappings but because they weren't worshipping the true God in the way He commanded.

    AS far as that goes, do you think that only Christians have used the cross as a symbol of our religion? Better look again. We adapted and adopted the symbol from the egyptians who used something similar to refer to "life". You can google and find out if I am right or just making it up as we go.