So Help Me God, By Chief Justice Roy Moore

Discussion in 'Books & Publications Forum' started by Dale-c, Jun 10, 2006.

  1. Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I finished This book recently and have been going over it again. I actually got the audio version so I could listen in my car.
    It is a very good book explaining why the "Ten Commandments Judge" did what he did.

    If you have read it, let me know what you think.
  2. fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I know you're not going to like this but I found the book entirely unconvincing. I think he allowed his admirable and correct passion regarding the 10C on his courtroom wall in Gadsden County, Alabama to get the best of him.
  3. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    What are you FTR, a liberal or something? :thumbs:
  4. fromtheright <img src =/2844.JPG>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    You know it. Dale might think so. :smilewinkgrin:

    But you probably know me well enough by now to know I won't be going off the Right reservation. :)

    Dale and I have disagreed over Moore. I don't believe that the monument violated the Establishment Clause but (1) I don't trust Moore's intentions, (2) he was wrong to have violated a lawful order of a federal judge, which did not impact his rights one iota, and (3) it is disingenuous, as well as demonstrating ignorance, for him to argue that he "didn't know any better" about filing a timely appeal.

    I do believe that Dale's point about the legitimacy of the federal judge to order him is arguable. I just don't find it convincing.
  5. Aubre New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    I have not read his book, however, I don't think putting that Ten Commandments monument in the Supreme Court building in the middle of the night without asking anyone if it was ok was a proper thing to do. I don't think it was right for him to disobey the court, and I don't think it was right for him to stiff the taxpayers for the cost of the removal. I think that monument became an idol for him. I beleive what he did had very little to do with his faith and more to do with political asperations, and I think it is wrong to use the Ten Commandments in that way.
  6. Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    If you had, you would know a lot more about it.
    First, he didn'y "sneak it without permission"
    Who did he need to get permisson from?

    You probably don't realize this as most people don't but it was he that was the one to ask if you wanted to put something up.
    It is part of the job as Chief Justice to decorate the building.

    He didn't intened to "sneak it in"
    The truck was three hours late and it was supposed to be there as soon as the work day was over.

    It would have interfered with people work so he wanted it done after hours.

    That is simply false. He didn't "stiff" the taxpayers at all.
    The monument was entirely paid for privately. No individual was required to pay one dime for the monument.

    This is a book forum. The relative merits of the case were discussed in the politics debate forum. If you haven't read the book, then you are in no place to give a review of it.

    As to those that have read the book and don't agree, that is your business.
  7. Aubre New Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    -He should have asked for an Attorney General's opinion first in my opinion.
    -I never said he charged the taxpayers to put it there, I was saying it was wrong that when it was determined by the courts that the monument had to be removed that the taxpayers ended up paying for the removal of the monument, and not Judge Moore. I am saying he should have been the one to pay for the removal of the monument, since he was the one who put it there to start with.
    -I understand that you don't think I have the right to talk about this topic, but as a resident of the state of Alabama who went through this situation, I think I can offer my two cents.
  8. Dale-c Active Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I wasn't talking about the topic itself, I was talking about the book.
    Feel free to discuss the topic. We have a post going in the politics forum.
    Being from Alabama, I would think that you would be interested in learning his side of the story.

    There are obviously things you don't know since you haven't read the book thatwould be cleared up if you did.
    I can tell by your comments.