Sola Scriptura Question

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by TheGriff, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. TheGriff New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    One argument from Catholicism against Sola Scriptura is that it is invalid because Scripture is not self-defining. That it the cannon is not found in Scripture, but is handed to us by Church authority and Tradition.

    This is particularly frustrating argument for me since when unbiblical notions are spoken of as the truth and I say, "That's not in the Bible," my Catholic relatives fall back on that argument. "It is only by tradition that you know what IS in the Bible. How can you say that there is no absolute truth outside of Scripture?"

    Anyone who could help, I'd apreciate it.
  2. JesusFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    Dr daniel wallace helped me in this area on one of his blogs!

    need to go back to Jesus as the authority, that He indeed did proclaim the OT scriptures being from God, anbd were perfect in tjheir writting...
    he is God, so He also pronounced exact same for the NT scriptures, as the HS would inspire the NT authors exactly as he did those of the OT!

    Jesus is the key, IF he is God, than His view on Both OT/NT proves inspired and infallible from God!

    We tend to reason from lets prove bible first, than prove Jesus and doctrines...

    His point is start from jesus first, IF he is indeed God in Human form, He will prove the truth of Bible and its doctrines!
  3. TheGriff New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Thanks for the answer, but it isn't exactly what I'm looking for. I'm not questioning the authority of the Bible or its inspiration.

    Luther wanted James out of the New Testatment cannon. So how do we know it is cannoical? How about the Epistle of Barnabus?

    How do we know that Esther is Scripture but not the two books of the Maccabees?

    David Hocking suggests it is because the Aprocrypha lack a "prophetic spirit." But so does Esther.
  4. canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I see this as the Catholic Church taking credit for the work of Holy Spirit. What we have as scripture (OT and NT) was written and accepted by Christians by the end of the 1st century and preserved by Holy Spirit throughout human history. All is the work of God, Holy Spirit.

    The Christians of the 1st century and early 2nd century (long before an official "Catholic Church", had accepted these letters (NT) as having a direct connection with one of the Apostles. These were used as the measuring rod (canon) for later writings (gospel of Thomas, etc) and these later writings were found to be inconsistent with the "canon" of true scripture and rightly rejected by Christians in various places.

    The Catholic Church, once it was fully formed with its head in Rome, had a role in preserving these original writings of scripture, at least in the beginning. They tended over the centuries to subvert the authority of these writings in favor of centralizing its own authority in Rome by its "traditions". They have authority flowing through the Pope and downward throughout the church, instead our authority being found in God's Word.

    Thus, you can't really understand scripture on your own, you must go to the church (priest). Since the "Church" decides what is or is not scripture, (which is a lie since Holy Spirit decides what is scripture) the church can add writings not found in the original writings of scripture that support doctrines not found in the original writings of scripture (purgatory, prayer to the Saints, Peter as the first Pope, etc) You can't go directly to God for forgiveness, you must get forgiveness from the church (priest). Your marriage must sanctioned by the church. Your ministry must be sanctioned by the church.

    All the "traditions" of the Catholic Church tended to support the authority of the Pope and the Church to govern the lives of the saints instead of the authority of scripture to govern the lives of the saints.

    So, I would say don't let your friends in the Catholic Church give credit to the church for a work of Holy Spirit. To the extent they support the work of Holy Spirit in preserving scripture, then God Bless them. When they reject the work of Holy Spirit in favor of the traditions of men, they must be called to account.

    peace to you:praying:
  5. JesusFan Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2011
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    have to realise here that the early Church fathers, by end of the Second Century, had already wriiten and quoted on as having scripturally authority essentially all of what would be later called called the "NT canon"

    The OT canon had already been firmly fixed by time of Jesus, and it was seen by both Jesus and Pharisees as being the OT Canon of the Protestants bible, asThe Apocrapha and other 'disputed writting" added in by Council of Trent in middle ages, in response to reformation, as those books were ONLY source of disputed catholic doctrines...

    So catholic Council ONLY affirmed what was universally recognized by the Church fathers, that OT canon was fixed, and JUST the NT canon of the accepted Books were to be in Bible!