sunday School classes

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by hrhema, May 23, 2002.

  1. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Amen Katie and Ernie!
  2. tecwar New Member

    May 23, 2002
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    I teach a Sunday School class of adult couples. We spend most of out time in scripture and what it means in our lives now the Bible is a living book which reaches in to our lives. the only prayer request i do in class is for salvation of lost person that one in class is working with.If one has a need other than that we add it to Wed. nite prayer list.
  3. hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    yes, I think God may be leading me to make the decision to find a church elsewhere.

    I hate to do this because I do have a repoire with the music minister and most people in the choir but I do not feel like I am getting fed spiritually. Not from the pulpit and not in the Sunday School class.

    I know not all who are lawyers etc are shallow but honestly these people are shallow. Some of those who are not as financially secure throw themselves into heavy debt all the time trying to keep up with the others. We have a couple of men in the class who will not hold a steady job and depend on their wives salaries. Yet they are so far into debt trying to live in the fancy homes, drive the fancy cars and wear the fancy clothes when the man only works part time or not at all.
    It seems not a one of them realizes what this looks like to unbelievers.
  4. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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  5. Michael C. Lewis New Member

    Apr 29, 2002
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    Hi Guys,
    I do believe in Sunday school, tho it is not mentioned in the Bible. I also believe in the "rapture", tho that word is not mentioned either. I believe in the concept of both, tho I understand that there are Baptists who believe in niether concepts. And the Church of Christ believes because their is no mention of musical instruments in the book of Acts, there should be no musical instruments in church. And I do not share their belief.
    Yes, if we lived in an idealworld, where parents taught their children the Word as they should, there quite possibly wouldn't be such a need for Sunday school -- everyone would come to church ready to worship, and they would understand what the pastor preached! This would happen, because the Monday - Saturday schools that Helen mentioned would be in full swing . . . at home!

    I am a "called" teacher, and I have taught the youth (13-18 yr. olds) at my church for the past eight years. I prepare my own lessons from Scripture, while relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I use my "gift" of teaching with all the seriousness and caution that James 3 demands.

    I guess I'm mostly directing all of the above toward the Primitive Baptists who have posted on this thread. (But please don't think I mean any disrespect! Brother Glen, I think that you know we have agreed on many points on other threads.)
    But, in light of the fact that God tells us:
    How can teaching the Word of God be wrong, whether it's taught at home, at work, or in a Sunday school format in church?

    I understand the above verse to mean that God's Word is always effective -- in some way! And I have seen It's power in my Sunday school class!

    This should probably be another thread all it's own. But I couldn't help defending Sunday school!

    Tho I don't know your whole situation, from what you've shared in this thread, and the "Unfriendly Baptist Churches" thread, I tend to think that you are being led to either, take the matters up with your church to correct the situations, or maybe you're to find another church where you can be happy. This is all IMHO.

    In Christ,
  6. redwhitenblue New Member

    Oct 22, 2001
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    Goodness...I think I would opt for the series of the dangers of a church teaching any dangers of ccm.. :rolleyes:
  7. Ernie Brazee <img src ="/ernie.JPG">

    Aug 17, 2001
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    Hmmm,odd that you mentioned CCM, redwhiteblue. Today we started a series on music. There was a short exerpt played by PETRA. Couldn't distinguish between that and any other acid rock garbage!

  8. Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Of course you are right that the Word of God never comes back void. The man who led me to Christ was, well, not actually living the Christian life either.
    But, do you not think it would be more effective to teach fathers to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and hold them accountable as responsible for the outcomes?

  9. shdwpoet New Member

    May 23, 2002
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    I really feel that I need to add my two cents worth here. ;)
    Before my church started falling apart, I was the adult Sunday school teacher. I was requested by the pastor to take this position so the he could concentrate on the Sunday and Wednesday night services. He never said why he didn't ask our deacon to take this resposibility and I didn't ask, I prayed about it for a long time before agreeing and only after I felt sure in my heart that this was the path that God wanted me to follow.
    (As I mentioned before, the problems at my church would require an entire thread of thier own, so I will not get into that here. I will only say that I have, (again after many prayers and tears), resigned my post to my great sorrow.)
    I have read the other posts that speak against SS, and all I can is: if that is the way that God moves you, then fine. I happen to believe in SS for the reason mentioned in other posts, that there are many children who do not come from a Christian home, just as there are many adults who are currently in mixed marriages, (one saved / one not), where bringing out a bible will cause more trouble than leaving an hour early to come to the church.
    During my classes, we did not do prayer requests. These were reserved for Wednesday nights when the majority of people were members, not visitors. The time alloted for my class, about 40 minutes, was taken in prayer and the lesson. On Wed. the requests were serious: the sick, lost friends and family, those traveling, ect. NEVER would any of us, (members, deacon, or pastor), would tolorate childish, selfish prayer requests that were made to glorify the individual.
    SS classes, bible study, and services should all be taken in the spirit in which they were intended, with humility and a sober mind. These are times that we should seek to draw closer to God through His Word. It is not a time to stand up and brag, to to seek sympathy from others, ( that is something Jesus spoke out against again and again).
    The fact that people are allowed to make requests for drapes or carpet, says more about the spirit in that church than anything. I think it's time that someone called for a revivial, not of the church, but of the spirit.
    Satan has been allowed a foot hold in the membership and he will use it to drive a wedge right through the very heart of the people.

    I will keep you and your church in my prayers,
    your brother in Christ:
  10. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    I beleive in Sunday School. I especialy liked the point someone gave about sunday school and the rapture are not mentioned on the Bible,they still believe in them.
    I learn so much in sunday school. My teacher is in Bible college,so he learns a lot,and passes it on to us. I've done a lot of growing by being in that class.
    I also beleive in Bible study. I have heard a saying over agian:"sin will keep you from the Bible,and the Bible will keep you from sin." I am definatly NOT trying to offend anyone by that,but wanting to study the Bible is a heart matter. The Bible says:"Study to show thyself aproved unto God..."
    I also beleive it is the parent's responsibility to raise their kids by Bible standerds. A lot of who I am now, comes from the way I was raised. I have lived with grandparents since I was 4. They are very old fashioned,and I know that those beliefs have passed on to me. I am not ashamed of what I beleive or have been taught.In fact,I am very thankful for how I was raised.
    I also know that if God does allow me to have children,I would do my best to give them a good foundation in God and the Bible.
    I think a lot of it is the parnets' responsibility, but sunday school is something I believe is needed.
    If God directs you otherwise,then that's fine,since it isn't nesseceraly biblical.
    This is,after all, my opinion.
    thanks for reading my "little epistle"
  11. Michael C. Lewis New Member

    Apr 29, 2002
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    Yes, I see your point. But, I guess I'm just not willing to let the youth go, while we work on the fathers.
    You've probably heard the Christian saying, "We may be the only Bible some folks ever read". Well, I believe Sunday school provides the only Scripture some children ever learn!

    As I've stated before; in an ideal world (ie. a world where Christians are obedient, and the church is at least respected by the lost) the need for Sunday school could diminish. But, as long as their are children who are not taught Scripture by their family, the need persists!

    I guess I'm saying that children in nonChristian homes are my biggest concern, but there are others who benefit from Sunday school, also. For example, in my church there are several adults who can't read! Some for medical reasons, and some because they never learned. I believe Sunday school fills a needed niche here, too.

    Anyway, I respect a church's decision not to include a Sunday school program for the congregation, but, for the reasons I have mentioned -- for our present society -- I disagree.

    By the way, I consider Charles Spurgeon to be one of the greatest Baptist preachers of all time, and from what I've read, he too was against Sunday school programs in the church!

    In Christ,
  12. Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Yes, I know that Sunday school can be used of God for the unsaved. I myself taught for almost six years. But, I gave it up so I could teach my own children more fully.
    The problem I see too is a misunderstanding by many Christians. Many who know us know we do not frequent the "programs." So we are criticized for not participating. But, we like to see the fruit of pouring our lives into our own children.
    During homeschool months I teach Bible every day first thing in the morning. And Daddy does a night Bible study every night. When we are off from school in summer, like now I read through the Word in the morning and we still have evening devotions. We are currently reading through the book of Proverbs.
    I would jut like to encourage any parents who might be reading this to begin teaching your own children the Word.

  13. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    We are teaching Proverbs to our children now...there is so much practical godly living instruction there!
  14. dave brauer New Member

    May 10, 2002
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    Hello hrhema, There are several excellent Baptist Churches in the Ok City area. I suggest you start looking. Whatever time you spend at church is an important investment that you will be held accountable for. You ought to leave church nourished (from the word) and challenged in your relationship with the Lord. Sunday School may not have a biblical history, but it is a great opportunity for expository (verse by verse) teaching and cross referencing to compare scripture with scripture. It is a very effective tool here in our community and an excellent opportunity to serve the Lord I am in "full-time service" here. Keep in mind that every opportunity requires some serious responsibility on the part of the servant (teacher). Paul wrote that we ought to be able to teach and not still feeding on the milk of the word. We should not be incubator "christians". We ought to grow, mature and serve accordingly.
  15. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I love children's Sunday School. Call it what you want---again, it is only semantics, but gives opportunities to teach children and write the words of God on their heart.

    Yes, their parents should be doing it.

    But, since many aren't, how about us? And why not thru Sunday School?
  16. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    Yes,Saggywoman. Children need God's word in their lives. In addition to that,churches should be equipping parents to teach their the parents to teach them. so many parents thing taking their children to church is providing adequate teaching or a christian home environment. Wrong! It is the parents job to teach the children,it says so in Deut 6. It does not say to take them to a class to teach them. The parents are to do it. I think churches should offer family classes,so that parents and children do not separate into peer groups,but stay together to study God's word. That would be a nice option.
  17. hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    Both myself and my wife have felt the same things and we have discussed leaving.

    One of the problems with the class I attend is that the teacher has no control of the class.
    There also needs to be changes made. I have heard people tell about teaching a class for 30 years and when you talk to the people in their class they are unhappy. THis is why I think sometimes teachers need to be changed, though I know for sure that there probably those who have taught for years who are still great teachers.

    On the other hand I debate leaving because if everyone would leave then where would the church be. This is such a hard decision and that is why I ask others for their feedback.

    My wife sometimes questions why I write on these threads and the reason is that I feel there are Godly people elsewhere who know how to help others.
  18. Headcoveredlady New Member

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Amen, I am so thirsty for this type of class and church. There are many out there, just none in my area. There is a Primitive Baptist church here but we do not feel led there at this time. My children are always in church with me. My smallest one aged 20 months sits there and only whispers, because I trained the child to do that.

    Expository preaching is the best. We are blessed to have a wise pastor who uses this method. In fact he is going straight through 1 and 2 Corinthians verse by verse, not skipping anything and takes his time with it.
    My husband attended a Sunday School one time in a Southern Baptist church. The teacher asked the class for suggestions. They were using books like, "Experiencing God, " and "Parenting by Grace." I am not saying the Lord cannot use these books. Well, my husband said, "How about we go through a book in the Bible," The teacher went off and told him that it would take too much time to do that. That was the last day he attended that class.

  19. Mrs KJV <img src =/MrsKJV.gif>

    Mar 7, 2002
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    No, I don't feel this is normal for a Sunday School class. I really don't feel the arguement should be if they are scriptual or not, but what the purpose is for. They are to learn the word of God. Maybe suggest to take up prayer requests on Wed. evening or make a list up and have them put in the bulletins and give new ones to the Pastor or wait to Wed. There should not be anything allowed except the lesson. Talk to your Pastor and maybe he can bring out what the order of the church should be. Tell him your interested in growing as a christian and you are struggling with this kind of atmosphere. If he is a spirtual leader he will understand. :confused:
  20. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    HCL, have you ever seen the Experiencing God book? It is full of bible study. So full it requires about an hour a day. But I wouldn't say it was Sunday school material, it is menat more for descipleship training, which is different. Any church who uses any Sunday school material to help guide in bible study would fall under your post.