Takamine - Jasmine

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by Gayla, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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  2. steveo New Member

    Dec 22, 2003
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    Good deal for a descent guitar.
    It would be a great guitar to start with as the cheaper guitars today are a lot better than the starter guitars I sold in music stores 14 years ago.
    With the technology and machines today even the cheap guitars at Sams club are descent.
    They do have a 30 day return policy from what I remember which is good.
    The main thing I always told people looking for a guitar was to make sure the action wasn's so high off the neck that it would discourage them from playing. It hurts bad enough getting callouses.
    My main guitar I play at church and record with was about $350, so you don't have to pay $1000, but the more expensive guitars do have much to offer. My Alvarez Yari form 1987 was about $1200 and my $350 guitar sounds better. It has a better pickup for one and the Yairi is a thinbody cutaway whereas the other is a full body so that makes a huge difference also. If your wanting volume without plugging in, get a full size.
  3. PJ Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 20, 2003
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    It looks like a good bang for your buck. You gonna get one, Gayla?
  4. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Jasmine is a name brand liscensed by Takamine, they are not the same company. Chances are the Jasmine was made by Samick, an Asian company, if I remember correctly. The woods used & labor are much cheaper than American made guitars. You may get lucky, and get one that's playable, but my bet is it won't stay in tune, and will be impossible to intonate. You may get a few months of good sound, but it won't last.
  5. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    I had thought about ordereing through the musicianfriend website. I was drooling over some of the 12 strings and plus I am contemplating on getting a guitar for my grandson
    I do think it is better to go to a shop and test drive a model you like and buy it at the shop.
    Anyway, Gayla, I am anxious to hear how it turns out for you. Let us know when you get your Guitar.
  6. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Yamaha guitars get a very bad rap, but they are their own company, and I think their lower-end models are fine. For the extra $150, you would get a whole world of difference. You'll find them in Musician's Friend, as well. But I would go Rocko's route, and bring a picking friend you trust, and try out a few.
  7. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    maybe for jasmine..

    never buy a takamine brand that is made in the US.. terrible quality. though still good... but not comparable to those made in japan.

    mmm. jasmine isn't the best choice for beginners... my personal preference anyways.

    took a friend out and she got her first guitar...

    doesn't really matter on the brand.
    that is if you're just starting out..
    don't know if you're starting out or not..

    but if you are just starting out - or for those that are reading and starting guitar..

    go to a music store! don't get it off the internet..
    if you are starting out -- try the guitars out. see what is comfortable.
    if you're a smaller build - go for an OM body style of guitar (folk-ish)
    if average+ go for a normal size body.

    make sure it has lots of warranty (friend who got new guitar - got 10 year warranty -- $300 guitar. heck of a deal.)

    EDIT: solid top. solid top. solid top. get nothing other than a solid top. that is if you don't want to buy another guitar in 3-6 months...

    also (you would have to ask the music person at the store) - look for a guitar with low action... less space between the strings and guitar neck.
    other than that... price range, color, shape... that's all your preferences..

    i havn't been playing long... (four years or so) but i have played my share of jasmine's... (i own a takamine F-series)
    i think the takamine G-series is reletively similar to the jasmine.. just better make.. (if takamine... make sure made in japan..)

    mmm. sorry for rambling.
    i love music. i take it seriously. :p

    hope some of this helps?
    God bless!