Tax break for no income pastor

Discussion in 'Money Talk$' started by MatthewM, Feb 10, 2017.

  1. MatthewM New Member

    Feb 10, 2017
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    I am just curious if there are any church admin or pastors that can answer a question about tax credits or if they are worth even thinking about. My circumstance is;

    I am a bi vocational pastor that is currently serving as an outreach pastor and fill in at the pulpit at our congregation as well as other churches in our association. I do not draw a salary or receive any compensation so I have never even thought of taking any tax credits for any expenses I incur.

    I have recently been approached by a small congregation asking me to take over as head pastor for a modest salary but have already decided in my head that if any church calls me and I am lead there that I will not ask for any compensation because I do not want to be a burden financially on them and due to being bi-vocational I would rather them use any funds they have for me on outreach or benevolence.

    That being said, without drawing any type of income am I still eligible for any tax credits or housing allowance and if so would there need to be something written up by the church In lieu of salary or should I not claim any of my out of pocket expenses, housing etc. ?

    Thanks for any thoughts or information/advice.
  2. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    I applaud you concern about not overburdening the church, however, IMHO, it is good for the church to pay you something -that way, the church will be establishing a precedent for its church budget. As time goes buy and the church increases- they can move to a position of calling (even you) a full time pastor.
    Do not deny the church the opportunity to be a blessing.