Ted Haggard Is Still At It

Discussion in '2007 Archive' started by Martin, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Haggard's Overseers Squash Fundraising Letter

    Very interesting. The man is not working, he is working on psychology graduate degrees online, and he wants others to feel sorry for him and support him and his family. Why does this clown not go out and get a job? Does he think he is too good? Folks this man is a hypocrite.

    Graduate Level Tuition Cost At The University of Phoenix:

    Graduate $612/credit hour

    His program contains 39hrs which equals: $23,868 in tution (alone).

    University of Phoenix Master of Science in Psychology
  2. moondg Member
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    Jan 11, 2004
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    I am sure he would put the money to good use. I know he would not buy drugs with it. (I know before anyone says it he could have changed)
  3. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    been used to the "good life" and couldn't shake it off.

    this guy is not only a hypocrite, I think that somebody who was having a three year sodomizing affair with a sodomite/homosexual and was preaching the gospel every Sunday and Wednesday of those three years, plus other preaching schedules, is not really of God, but of the devil.

    The Lord knows those who are His, and known unto the Lord are all His works from the beginning.
  4. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    I hope he is allowed to pursue his goals. He should be afforded the same treatment from the Christian community as anyone else. Or should he not be allowed to repent and try to go on?

    I haven't followed this very much at all, but I don't like what I see here. Perhaps his sins were too grievous for reconciliation and restoration.
  5. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Of course they weren't.

    BUT I won't be sending money his way.

    A lot of us got our advanced degrees while we worked without asking for funds and drawing attention to ourselves. That might have been a wiser road to follow for Mr. Haggard considering the attention that had already been placed on him.
  6. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    I see your point and agree pretty much. However he's seeking funding from private sources, and I received much college funding from the govt. in grants and loans. I view him in a better light than myself, in that.

    In other words: He is asking for my contribution to help him in his education, rather than taking it from me.
  7. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    Well, I just don't think it was such a smart move on his part right now.

    Maybe he doesn't either in light of the article. I'd sure like for his poor family to be able to move on in any case.
  8. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Mr. Haggard used to pastor a very large congregation who followed his teachings and who loved him and supported him in every imaginable way, especially financially.
    I believe that the salary he was receiving enabled him to live a very comfortable life as a supposed "preacher" of the word of God.

    Now, we don't know much about the private life of Jesus, that is his pre-ministry life, but as the son of a carpenter we suppose he, traditionally, followed Joseph's footsteps and so the Master also labored for his money, calloused his hands, and sweated for his keep.

    Jesus, whom Ted Haggard allegedly follows, once said during his public ministry : "the foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head".

    Ted Haggard, and his likes, have comfortable beds, with comfortable sheets, in a comfortable home, or comfortable accomodations when on "preaching" trips.

    What a contrast between the Master, and his supposed follower !

    And now, Mr. Haggard wants people, perhaps the very same people whose trust he has so obnoxiously violated to help send him to school ?

    Why ?

    So he can go back to his "ministry" and live the good life again ?

    The Lord also said: Be ye harmless as doves, but wise as serpents.

    The Bible says to everything there is a season.

    I think the season to be "wise as serpents" for Mr. Haggard's admirers and followers is now.
  9. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    Some get in power and just do not want to let it go at any cost. I say, put such a one from among you so he can repent.
  10. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Maybe he and Larry Craig can be the next couple to host the Praise the Lord show.
  11. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    You know saturneptune, it would not surprise me in this day and age. I really believe because of "tithes", the word has had to be smothered. Some of the "mega" churches now, want to remove the name "Baptist" so as to get more members and it has to be for "tithes".

    Can you imagine how much a "mega" church takes in a week? They have to have a full time board to figure out how to spend all that money.

    "The love of money, is the root of all evil", no wonder the scripture says that. I think back when Jim Baker and Tammy were putting air condition in their dog house for the money of a bunch of old widows, who had to go without their medicine. Someone will pay dearly for that.
  12. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Of course he should be allowed to pursue his goals. However he should get a job and pursue those goals like everyone else does. There are various avenues of financial help, but that help should only be given to those who are "first" trying to help themselves. It seems to me that Haggard simply does not want to work. He wants to leave the ministry in disgrace, get others to pay for his masters in psychology (and his wife's undergraduate degree in psychology), and then go tell other people how to live their lives. This man, no matter what degrees he has, is in no position to advise others on how to live their lives.

    ==Repent? Has he repented? That is the very issue I am raising. The fact that he is still trying to get easy money from people makes me doubt his repentance. Personally, I believe the man is an immoral crook. He needs to repent of his sin, of his pride and arrogance, and he needs to be born again. Before he tries to tell anyone how to live he needs to recieve true life.