Texas silences schools on scientific theories, 2

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by RalphIII, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. RalphIII New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I apologize for the length but was compelled to respond. Sorry so slow just had a baby. Yea!:godisgood:

    Reply by Magnetic Poles

    Magnetic Poles you may correct me if you wish but I believe you are an advocate, proponent, or subscriber to evolution are you not? I know you do not accept Creation as God states He did it in the Holy Bible and some other Bible Truths. You and I have had Scriptural debate in numerous such areas. In each case I always give Bible truths and historical facts with such never forthcoming from you.

    In attempting to clarify the evolution question as submitted by Marcia I stated “To make a correction as Magnetic Poles explanation is misleading and highly abbreviated”. I then gave details in regards to the subjects as I thought best to do. You later followed up by stating “There is nothing at all misleading about what I (Magnetic Poles) said, so please stop lying. There is neither intent, nor actual misrepresentation in my comments”. I never stated you were purposefully lying but that your explanation was misleading. I also stated it was highly abbreviated. These are completely accurate statements.

    Whether you were purposefully misleading or purposefully leaving out pertinent information only you can say. It is completely obvious my post was not in regards to that. It however is something I have often seen with Darwinians and something seen in numerous of your past responses. Not necessarily in regards to evolution. You quite often ignore facts and Scriptural Truths as put forth when your points are shown weak. At other times you completely refuse to answer direct questions put forth to you by posters. You have displayed this many times especially in regards to homosexual topics or historical Christianity in America. You have on several occasions misrepresented me and at times resorted to insults. This is without question and when facts were only being offered. It is amusing that you demand I apologize to you but at the same time suggest I am incapable of such.

    Again, in regards to the Cambrian explosion. You gave an abbreviated explanation which would have only sufficed for evolution adherents or the ignorant! In doing so it did in fact give false impressions. You give the impression this is insignificant for scientists or anyone in regards to the truth of evolution. When if fact it is a great obstacle for evolutionists and strongly tends to disprove it. The fossil record also tends to disprove evolution as it does not support evolution or evolution predictions. Again the Cambrian Explosion is one of the great obstacles to evolution as many scientists, evolutionists and Darwin himself admitted. BTW, many biology text books do not mention the Cambrian Explosion or briefly touch upon it in the context you did.

    You failed to mention the above which would have been contextual. Though you noted the fossil record you completely failed to note it also contradicts or tends not to support evolution. Your post to Marcia seemingly attempts to leave no doubts in regards to evolution which was her point! You also failed to address what she was specifically speaking about in regards to evolution theory being changed to not require “eons” to be fulfilled. I did not offer specific terminology but did note Darwinians constantly have to tweak their faith in order to keep it alive.

    An example of this and as Marcia was specifically addressing is called Punctuated equilibrium.
    Stasis means little to no change. This is what the fossil record shows and what the Cambrian Explosion supports. This is contrary to what evolutionists and many biology text books wish to convey. The theory and lies of it are challenged by many scientists in many varying fields. http://www.darwinspredictions.com/#_2_DNA_predictions

    I don’t lie Magnetic Poles. I just offer facts and provable observations. My intention was not to call you a liar though. If you feel I did then I apologize but stand by my posting.

    take care:jesus:
  2. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Ralph, while you and I disagree on a number of things, I accept your apology, and also offer mine as well if I offended you. If I feel up to it, I will read your post with more detail later.

    God bless.
  3. RalphIII New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    I appreciate that Magnetic Poles.

    Yes, it is true we differ on many issues and that most likely will remain the case. Yes, at times my posts could be construed as overbearing or excessive. It is not because I am attempting to discredit anyone but because others may be reading the posts whom may be less knowledgeable to a given subject. I want to insure pertinent information is always given in order to avoid the possibility of erroneous conclusions being drawn.

    There is no need in following up but again thanks.

    take care, Ralph