The Elephants In The Room

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Martin, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    There are two 800 pound elephants in the room that I have heard very few people deal with. Both of these elephants have the same name andt heir name is the United States Constitution.

    In all the talk about "public options", "death panels", and economics, very few people are asking the very important question: Is a public option unconstitutional? I say it is not. But then again, that never stopped the Federal government before. Why should it now? I guess it is a mute point in modern America?

    After all, many self-proclaimed conservatives have spent the past eight years defending the unconstitutional growth in size and power of the Federal government under Republican control. We know that liberals love unconstitutional big government, but Republicans/conservatives? Since many of them have jumped onto the big government train I guess there is no hope arguing for small government.

    While I'm at it...let's deal with the second elephant.

    Nobody is asking if the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are constitutional either. They just want to "win the mission", never mind how many American families and lives they destroy in the process. Since when should American forces be used to defend other governments/peoples? Since when is that constitutional? How many young men/women have to be injured or killed before we wake up? How many? Would someone tell me? How many young lives to we have to sacrifice to this "cause" before we wake up? Does anyone remember that we have an American soldier being held prisoner in Afghanistan? What is our government doing about that?

    I am not a pacifist, nor am I against our military being used to defend our nation or destroy Al Qaeda. However I am very much against our military being used to prop up governments, rebuild nations, and fight other people's wars.

    O, well. I guess it really does not matter any more. I guess one could say that this ship has sailed....
  2. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    I am a NY registered Conservative (ie not Republican).

    Health care by the Federal Govt is un-constitutional according to the 10th amendment.

    In addition, I also oppose all this needless spending by the govt - whether it was voted by Blue or Red.

    Check my political website on my home page.
    (ps - I am not running for office this year)
  3. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==I'm glad to see that I am not all alone out here in constitution land.