The "How To Book Buying Church" Age

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Bro Tony, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I not sure that anyone even wants to consider this subject, but as a pastor I have great concern about it. It seems we live in a time when pastors and church leaders are spending more time in the Christian Book stores than in the Word. A pastor is blessed in his ministry and then he writes a how to book. (I sure everyone remembers the bus minitry craze of the 1970's). Now it seems every church I see is involved in the 40 days of preparation for the "Purpose Driven Life" the follow up book by Rick Warren to "The Purpose Driven Church". Can it possibly be that this kind of "how to" mentality is what God has called His Church to. I am not putting down what God may be doing in another's Church, but I really believe that the Lord would have us spend more time with Him and in His Word than reading the latest successful ministry book that has been released.

    Our churches need to be listening to the Head (Christ) not to what has been successful elsewhere. Especially those programs that are being promoted as "the" answer to "your" needs at a church that the author never has been to. I do like to hear what God is doing among the brethren, I just don't want to be given the latest how to manual from a man. I will spend my time seeking the Lord and reading His Word, He knows what is needed at the Church He has called me to.

    Keep preaching the Word and loving His people,

    Bro Tony
  2. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I guess it depends. If you're using a book, method, program, to ASSIST your scriptural walk with God, then bon apetit. If, however, it's being done IN PLACE of your scriptural walk with God, then we should sound the alarm.

    However, it seems that as soon as someone even mentions "A Purpose Driven Fill-In-The-Blank", people assume the worst, which is usually not the case.
  3. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    It was not my intent to say something specifically against any "Purpose Driven..." That just seems to be the latest focus in many churches. I really think the focus should be the Word. We could spend hour upon hour in someone's book (not stating whether the book or the author is good or bad) or we can spend our time in the Lord's Book. It just seems to me that all to often we replace the Best with just good- enough.

    Bro Tony
  4. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    You make a good point, but if I can use an example:

    Study of Scripture tells us that we should be financially responsible. For those who need help, you can buy a book on personal finances, or take a personal finance class. Scripture won't tell you HOW to be financially responsible, but it will tell you to be financially responsible. It would be foolish to say "We could spend hour upon hour in a book about personal finances or we can spend our time in the Lord's Book".
  5. Bro Tony New Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    You also make a good point in that area. And I am not saying we shouldn't hear or read what the Lord is doing in His Body. I not even saying that God may not lead one Church to use what another has done. I am saying that what has become unfortunate is that people have a tendency to jump on the latest craze without using any discernment. And rather than using the writings of others to aid in the understanding of Scripture they make the books their scripture. One example a few years ago is the craze that ran rampant over the "Prayer of Jabez". It became for alot of people and churches their prayer mantra. I hope and am sure that was not the intent of the author, but it sure turned out that way. I love to read about what God has done in peoples lives in and through prayer, but the Bible is my book of instruction and the Book I have to spend my time in or I would starve to death.

    I enjoy your imput
    Bro Tony
  6. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Yes, I do agree that some people jump on the craze-du-jour. Nothing wrong with examining it and deciding to use a book, program, etc, but a little investigation and discernment is always a good thing.

    I think we're in agreement on the topic, we're just burning the candle from opposite ends
  7. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    Being an avid reader, I find myself reading books other than the Bible much too often. Not that I don't read the Bible, but it seems almost too easy to get lost in other books.

    I try to be very selective in the books that I choose to read. I look for eternal quality, not the latest "fad" book. If it is something that will halp me to understand God better, help my in developing my ministry, help me in my walk, help my whatever, then I will consider it.

    It is true that there is a glut of "how to" bboks, and "this what worked for us" topics out there. But the problem is that not every church is going to be a Saddleback, or a Willow Creek.

    I have to agree with Tony, that many pastors grab and run with the newest book to hit the shelves instead of going to the word of God. But that is not a reason to throw the baby out with the bath water. There are some good ones out there, bu they should never become a replacement for the word of God.

    In Christ,
  8. j_barner2000 Member

    Jan 13, 2003
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    I spend about an hour each day reading and meditating upon the Bible outside of my preparation time for my Sunday school class, sermon prep and Seminary Extension study. I agree Bro Tony.. We must not allow these other resources to become more fo an authority than the Word that God has provided for us.
    Personally I ask why read a book about God's word when we can read His word ourselves?