the idiots of islam

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by freedom's cause, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    how about Islam jokes

    Islam dictionary

    cartoons + muhammed = Islamists become radicalized murderers Satan takes over
    you become his puppet obeying his will
    over you after death you get --- virgins
    as your great reward

    Muhammad + Koran = satan your god
  2. elijah_lives New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    How does the above help the lost come to Christ?
  3. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    by showing the utter stupidity of a false religion that should be abandoned by all
    who are going to an unrighteous HELL if they
    don't being in your face will hopefully wake
    some up in order to help them escape HELL before
    it is too late to few of us are speaking up
    what are you doing sitting on your laurels or
    doing something to reach those who unless are slapped in the face with the truth will never listen does this mean I should take up arms or act like the stupid followers of islam I see daily on tv destroying and believing that that
    will cause me to believe in their false god we need to be loud and clear and we should not tolerate their radicalized actions they must be stopped and know that they are not going to get away with their demonic actions without serious repurcussions I believe the bible view is to get out and be a witness for the truth and that truth can only be found in the Lord JESUS CHRIST
    the only BEGOTTEN SON of GOD something the koran strictly denies Islam is the lie and JESUS IS THE TRUTH muslims must know this before it's too late HELL is no joke and time is of the essence
    some will get reactions by comics jokes but as long as the truth is made known you have to know what's true hopefully this will get their attention it got yours
  4. Brother James New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Col 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

    Col 4:6 Let your speech [be] alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
  5. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    I remember the words you are of your father the devil those words could be deemed offensive
  6. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    islam dictionary
    definition of Islam

    we the people of Ishmail have decided the God
    of Israel is no longer good enough for us we
    thru mohammad have decided that we know more
    than Israel's God and we will even change His
    name from Yahweh to allah don't follow the Torah
    from this day forward discard it we will now by our new wisdom follow the koran after all we know
    more than God mohammad told us this so this is what must now be done
  7. Brother James New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Num 6:24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

    Num 6:25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

    Num 6:26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
  8. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    may God have mercy on us all and show us the true way and that we would make the choice to follow it and may all of Iraq Iran the middle
    east saudi arabia and all muslims become christians it is my hope that know one should go
    to hell following a false religion to all who are
    following mohammad on the pathway to hell leave
    the muslim belief before it is too late and may
    God warn them and help them to escape before it is too late
  9. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    may God have mercy on us all and show us the true way and that we would make the choice to follow it and may all of Iraq Iran the middle
    east saudi arabia and all muslims become christians it is my hope that no one should go
    to hell following a false religion to all who are
    following mohammad on the pathway to hell leave
    the muslim belief before it is too late and may
    God warn them and help them to escape before it is too late
  10. Brother James New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    What about the Jews over there who are just as blind? Should we warn them about Hell or just send them more money?
  11. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Brother James, I disagree with you a lot, but that is an excellent post.

    I don't align myself with F.C.'s views. He scares even me.
  12. Brother James New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    That's Ok brother Curtis. I disagree with myself qyite often. You know, if we weren't so hardheaded and avoided stupid political discussions like this one that only create a bitter spirit and cause dissension amongnst us, we'd all agree a whole lot more. Would to God we magnified Christ more brother!
  13. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    It doesn't. Respectfully discussing the falsity of other religions is one thing. But the outright disrespect of the OP is uncalled for. It is by no means appropriate Christian behavior. But consider the opening poster, and the OP doesn't surprise you.
  14. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    John V buck buck your no rooster but your egg laying capacity has increased dramatically

    no offense
  15. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    I rest my case about the opening poster.
  16. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Best to not even bother, eh ?
  17. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    brother james? the jews of Jesus day did not like Him questioning them but He did it any way
    you should know the answer to your question have you been warning anyone lately as to your question both
  18. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    09 February 2006 | 14:00:52

    Print E-mail story
    Saddam's general: 'WMD's were flown out of Iraq!'
    2/3/2006 8:41:10
    By Kevin McCullough

    Kevin McCullough: Gen. Georges Sada, welcome to the WMCA MuscleHead Revolution broadcast.

    Georges Sada: Thank you very much, Kevin.

    KMC: There is a common conception, that is going around in America today, and I'd like to play you a sound bite from last night's Democratic response to President George W. Bush's State of the Union address.

    SOUNDBITE: (Gov. Tim Keane, D-Va.) "We now know that the American people were given inaccurate information about reasons for invading Iraq."

    KMC: General, were there weapons of mass destruction ... what had Saddam Hussein done with them, and where did they go?

    GS: Well here I can say 2,000 times, that the WMD's were in Iraq, and that they were used against Kurds in the north, and people in the south against Shia people, and these weapons were there up to the summer of the year 2002. When a natural disaster happened in Syria, a dam was collapsed, and Saddam said he wanted to do an air-bridge humanitarian aid to Syrian people, those who were flooded in the area. But that was not true.

    The thing he did was, he converted two aircraft, two airplanes, a 747 Jumbo, and a 727 and WMD's, raw materials, many other equipment were put in that two aircraft, by the special Republican Guard, in a very secret way and they were transported to Syria to Damascus and they did 56 flights, to make all – whatever has to do with weapons of mass destruction to be in Syria. AND besides to that, 18-wheel tractor trucks, civilian trucks, were also loaded of what couldn't go in the aircraft, and this was also transported to Syria.

    KMC: You're saying 56 flights, 747s and 727s, transported – under the guise of humanitarian aid for victims of the dam break in Syria – Saddam Hussein transported his illegal weapons to Syria via that method, and also some 18-wheel trucks were also used in that effort?

    GS: That's TRUE!

    KMC: General, simply for telling these things to us today, you run the risk of being retaliated against by Saddam Hussein's friends and allies, why did you choose to speak out particularly at this time.

    GS: You see actually, I was not speaking this, I was not even writing the book, but, what happened in year 2004 on 26th of April, when the terrorists wanted to explode many tons of these same chemical weapons that we had in Jordan, Amman, and they were trying to destroy the prime minister's office, and the Jordanian Intelligence and the American Embassy. You see 20,000 people were expected to die of that explosion. As a friendly country, Jordan, the Jordan which I love, this had effected on me very much, and then on Feb. 2, 2005, I was in a conference in Phoenix, Ariz., where I met my two friends, Michael Coleman and Dr. Teddy Lowe of World Compassion. They listened to these stories that I had mentioned in the conference. They came and asked me very warmly to make the book of this because this is very important and these informations. So I was persuaded by their two people to write the book, and since Feb. 2, 2005, till now we have worked on the book.

    KMC: Let's talk about who you are ... what was your rank within the Saddam Hussein regime?

    GS: I was the air-wise marshall, in the Air Force, (second highest rank in the Iraqi military) and I was one of the people who did not attend the Baath Party. And that's why I was forced to retire in 1986.

    KMC: You were never a member of the Baath Party?

    GS: No never ... And they asked me in '86, it is not possible to be in this rank and second man in the air force and you are not a Baath Party. I said "sorry I can not attend that party, because you said in your principles that the body of the party is Arab, and the spirit of the party is Islam. And myself am neither Arab nor Muslim. I am an Assyrian Christian; therefore I don't fit in this party. And I'm sorry to tell you. I don't want to bluff you ... I just can not attend."

    They said, "OK, if you will not attend the party then you will be retired."

    I said, "OK, let me retire."

    So I was retired in '86, but when Saddam invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990, I was the first man to be recalled again to join the active duty, by the regime, by Saddam and to be the adviser on the air force.

    Now, for every liberal who claimed Bush lied. For every printed article that passed on the claim, and every TV channel that did as well. Will you devote yourself to pursuing the claims of Gen. Sada as aggressively as you passed on the disinformation about Bush's truthfulness?

    The nation waits!

    Kevin McCullough is heard daily in New York City, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and New Jersey on WMCA 570/970 from 2-5 p.m. He blogs at

    Print E-mail story

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  19. elijah_lives New Member

    Aug 12, 2005
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    I am in full agreement with you, Brother James, Bro. Curtis, and Johnv. Debating issues is fine (and enjoyable), but hate just drives people away and damages our attempts to spread the gospel. Civility is the mortar that holds the individual bricks of society together.
  20. freedom's cause New Member

    Aug 29, 2005
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    but it will do nothing to halt the oppression
    and demonic move of islam telling the truth is
    not hate pacifism doesn't solve the problem either revelation seems to indicate our Saviour
    coming back on a horse with a sword violence is not the answer tell that to those following the Devil Shatan himself maybe they will listen to you