The Mass Card

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Ray Berrian, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Protestants sell the Word of God for profit in Christian book stores. </font>[/QUOTE]Not the same thing. Buying an object (Bibles or anything else) that took time and materials to produce, that is the reason in itself that the purchase was made, should be paid for.
    When buying a mass card, the "product" being purchased is getting one's loved one out of purgatory.
    </font>[/QUOTE]So people should have to pay for the Word of God?

    You apparently didn't read my post. There is no collection taken up for weekday Masses (and there are not Mass intentions on Sundays).

    And no one is trying to get anyone out of purgatory. They are praying for them in a special way by offering that prayer intention especially with the offering of Christ's Body and Blood. No one expects their prayer to "free" anyone from purgatory.

    Are you saying that pastors should not be paid anything for the service? Do your pastors get paid? Is their salary more than $13,500?
  2. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    This would be much similiar to sponsoring a child and recieving a gift certificate to a bookstore. You didn't give to get the certificate- you gave to sponsor the child.

    Likewise, as Grant said- the giving or purchase is for support, and no one would deny someone prayer based on a gift.
  3. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Catholic Convert,

    You said, 'As the Scripture says "He that doeth righteousness IS righteous."

    Ray is saying, 'Your above Scripture comes from I John chapter three and you, on closer study, will see that John uses the Greek word, 'poiown' meaning practice. The chapter points out that every Christian practices righteousness and every sinner practices unrighteousness. Not the repeated use of the word, 'practice.' This word is repeatedly used in I John chapter three.

    Your explanation about Purgatory is fine but points to what Christ will do at the Judgment Seat of Christ in His evaluation of our lives. Purgatory is the faulty structuring of some RC way back in time. I read of no Purgatory in the N.T., but the Apostle Paul refers to the Judgment Seat of Christ in II Corinthians 5:10 and in Romans 14:10.

    And God speaking through Paul says in Romans, 'But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you set at naught your brother: for we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.'

    Ed, it's your choice. Will you believe the Catholic Church who without Biblical support teaches about a place or existence of Purgatory, or will you choose to believe God and what He inspired His penmen to write in His most Holy Word of the Living God.

    In the end we either believe in a man made religion or a faith that is grounded on the firm foundation of Christ and His spoken word to us.
  4. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    "Will you believe the Catholic Church who without Biblical support"

    There is biblical support for it, you just won't recognize it as biblical support. I know you know purgatory isn't a place, so we won't go there.

    I think you want to say "man-made doctrine" as we all are part of the same religion, and all of the doctrine of the Baptist faith is "man-made" with biblical support.

    Also, Catholics affirm both the judgement of Christ and the purification of the soul wherein one enters paradise. Neither contradict each other.
  5. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    I know of no other reason why a Catholic would pray for the dead.

    And yes, of course people who do the Lord's work here on earth should be paid/cared for. Whether we give to a ministry via collection or other method, we give to support the ministry to the living, spiritual or physical. That is not the point here.

    I do not know of anyone who ever obtained a mass card for free. They paid ("donated") to have a loved one's soul enrolled in a list so that loved one (now dead) could receive "spiritual benefits." The part about giving to the ministry, and just happening to receive enrollment of their loved one in the intentions list as a thank-you gift, is just semantics. The only reason anyone I know ever bought a mass card was so that the loved one could be prayed out of purgatory. And the more of these enrollments they could get, the better the loved one's chances are. And that's indulgences.
  6. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    You have a nominal understanding of indulgences. You also seem unwilling to hear me out, so we'll just leave it at that.
  7. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    If not for release from purgatory, then why pray for the dead?
  8. Kathryn New Member

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Debby in Philly:
    This is the point here. The donation is to support this ministry.
  9. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Carson Weber,

    People like Debby from Philly and I and all other non-Catholics think that priests and other people in cloisters should be paid for their ministry to other Christians and on behalf of the lost ones of our world.

    Our grievance with the Catholic Church is that people are praying for the eternal welfare of those who are already in Heaven or Hell. Purgatory is a twisted theology that keeps people praying in hopes that their relatives and/or friends will soon be released from this middle ground between earth and Heaven.

    St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome was built on the pennies of the poor who never saw a Bible, and trustingly believed their spiritual superiors. Tetzel said, 'As soon as coin in coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs!' A perfect message repeatedly preached among the poor, to help finance the pope's temple.

    For the Christian it is sudden death; sudden glory in Heaven. [II Corinthians 5:8 & Philippians 1:23] You're going to have to swallow what the words of Jesus has to say to us.

    My first post was: 'Perpetual Membership in the Marianist Spiritual Alliance

    has been conferred upon George Capuano who will share forever
    in the Masses, Prayers, and Good Works of the Marianists.

    Perhaps Carson Weber needs to clarify the meaning of 'prayers for the dead and the good works of the Marianists.' I think the rest of you Catholics are guessing or do not know the meaning behind these words. What do the Steubenville, Ohio professors have to say about one of their cherished, traditional beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church.

    In James chapter five God was dealing with the sick and with those who were alive and had sinned since salvation, and not for dead corpses. When people are dead it is to late to make their peace with the Lord God. There is no transfer of 'good works' from saintly people to those who lived in rebellion toward the Lord.

    Read the Gospel. John 3:16 & 18.
  10. Brother Adam New Member

    Jul 31, 2001
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    Nuts, he only wants Carson to answer *snaps fingers*.
  11. Harley4Him New Member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    Ray, I thought your question was really good and was looking forward to some great discussion. Is that what you wanted also?
  12. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Yes I wanted some discussion from everyone, but the Catholics don't seem to know the meaning of the 'merits of the Marianists' is all about. Some probably know but don't want to admit to it's full meaning. What else can we think?
  13. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    It's hard to "admit" anything when you change the wording. There is no mention of (and you even quoted falsely) the "merits" of the Marianists.

    This is what it says:

    "who will share forever in the Masses, Prayers, and Good Works of the Marianists."
  14. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Can someone answer this?
  15. dumbox1 Guest


    That might be an interesting question to ask of a member of one of the Eastern Orthodox churches, if any are around, since they pray for the dead but generally deny a belief in purgatory.

    Any Orthodox folks on the board who can give Debby some insights?

  16. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    A person in purgatory is in God's care. He is loving them and melting away the imperfections of their former life so that they are fully prepared to spend eternity with Him in Heaven, in the company of all the angels and saints.

    We certainly want these people who died in the friendship of God to be there with Him. In praying for them, we are joining our prayers with the intention of God.

    Because purgatory is not the purification of the eternal punishment or guilt to do sin (which is removed when sins are forgiven), but the temporal punishment that remains (in essense, our sinful nature), our grace-filled prayers and works (because they are spiritual in nature) can be applied to their purification, not because this is necessary, but because God desires it (as he desires us always to pray for and work towards the spiritual wellness of all of our brothers and sisters.

    You are partially correct in what you are saying, because they do have spiritual benefit. The reason I disagree with you is because it's not like we say a Mass for somebody and we believe that *POOF* they fly out of purgatory. That person WILL be in Heaven, and as has been already stated, time is irrelevant. It is simply a good thing to do (to join our prayers and intentions with the will of God).
  17. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Grace Saves,

    When I started the topic I quoted the phrase correctly. At a later post I asked if the 'merits of the Marianists' could be placed to the account of the needy person in Purgatory? This was said to get a correct answer from a knowledgeable Catholic.

    In your post you said and confirmed the concept of referred 'merits' to the needy soul in Purgatory when you said,

    ' . . . our grace-filled prayers and works (because they are spiritual in nature) can be applied to their purification, not because this is necessary, but because God desires it . . . '

    I Corinthians 3:11-15 is dealing with the Judgment Seat of Christ as found also in II Cor. 5:10-11 and Romans 14:10; if the Lord God had wanted to use the word Purgatory He would have done so. In stead, our Lord, used the words as noted above. This judgment is for Christians only where rewards will be given to His faithful people of God. Sinners will at a latter time stand before Christ at the Great White Throne Jugment as found in Revelation chapter twenty. Rewards are never given to the lost and damned souls other than the 'second death' which is to be cast into the Lake of fire. [vs.15]

    Christians are saved at last not because of some brown robed friar and his cloistered life, but through the blood of Jesus Christ [I Cor. 15:3 & I John 2:1-2] has been applied as a covering because that person has received God's only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. [John 1:12 & 3:16]

    The same snake that was in the presence of Adam and Eve also slithers his way through all of this Roman Catholic traditions that are not found in the Word of God and, therefore, did not come from the precious heart and lips of our Lord Jesus.

    After a sinner or Christian is dead it is too late to 'pad the books' with alleged 'transferred good works' before the holy a majestic God of holiness, with whom we have to stand in His Presence.

    I think you probably have expressed the Catholic view as well as Carson Weber might have done. I thought because he is in a theological setting, the institution might have a formal spin on what this system of 'good works' is all about.

    Will anxiously await your Scriptural backing for soul purification in the fires of Purgatory. . .
  18. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    Purgatory is a word describing a concept. Why you say, "if the Lord God had wanted to use the word Purgatory He would have done so" is besides the point and irrelevant.

    And now I can see that you did not TRULY care to know what the "merits of the Marianists" were. You only wanted to tell us how Satan has infected our doctrines. How shocking and surprising, that you didn't actually want to know anything new.

    Tell me, Ray. Is sanctification a lifelong process or a one-time process? A simple yes or not to one or the other will do.
  19. Ray Berrian New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Grace Saves,

    In answer to your question. 'Sanctification a lifelong process. That is a definite. He is still working on me.

    I wasn't trying to prove anything. I wanted to know the true meaning of 'the good works' of the cloisered brothers and sisters. I don't at all doubt their devotedness to the Lord; I have sat with a couple of brothers in New Ringgold, Pennsylvania. I think is was called, St. Mary's 'something'. I cannot remember the last word. They live over the Appalachain Mountains on the north side of the mts. and do seminars there and entertain visitors, along with their other devotional activities.

    I am merely saying that their prayers would be more effective to pray for the living who are both Christian and non-Christians, which they probably do.
  20. GraceSaves New Member

    Mar 15, 2002
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    If sanctification is a process, and sanctification lasts all your life, and perfect sanctification is necessary to enter into Heaven...

    What happens to the person who dies who has not been yet completely sanctified?