The Media is Vile

Discussion in '2007 Archive' started by Martin, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    After the firing of Don Imus it would look like the media would be more careful when making statements and reporting a story. However such is not the case. While reporting the Virginia Tech story reporter after reporter has sought to create anger, division, and malice on the Virginia Tech campus. Why are they doing this? Because they view this story as entertainment. This is why CNN's Wolf Blitzer went on the air yesterday asking the father of a young lady who was killed if he was angry at the University (etc). Never mind the fact this poor guy had not even received the body of his daughter yet, much less had a funeral (etc). Yet there is CNN trying to create another angle to the story so they can suck more ratings out of it. The behavior of the media during this tragedy has been sickening, vile, and offensive. I would like to see CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News fined for their offensive coverage of this tragic story.
  2. Jaaaman New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    I totally agree. The media has been very offensive during the coverage of this story. It got to the point yesterday morning that I had to turn off the 'Today' show for those very reasons.
  3. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    I am disgusted a the coverage on this. The attemt to place the college in a bad light at this point is premature and can add so much ugly emotion to what is already very emotionally charged. But the audience puts up with it so they continue on. I emailed the today show. And I will contact their sponsers. I'm one person. I probably will not have any impact but I'm not going to just accept such poor & irresponsible behavior either.
  4. Joseph M. Smith New Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    And while I know nothing about the spiritual commitments of the family and father you mention, I have to say that he comes across as Christlike. I agree that the media need to stop trying to assign blame. It seems they love nothing more than hounding a situation until someone resigns from his/her position. Wasn't it fascinating and affirming that the students stood to applaud and honor the University's president during the memorial convocation? At last, some appreciation for the burdens that people in leadership have to carry.
  5. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Yes that was an amazing turn of events. However it has not stopped the media. They have continued this morning trying to make people angry at the school. On one station I was watching this morning the reporter actually seemed frustrated that very few people were angry at the University's leadership. Instead of simply reporting the facts and letting things take their natural course the media is trying to re-create the story. They act as if the University knew this was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. The FACT is that the University had no reason to believe that the first shooting was anything other than an isolated event. They had no reason to lock down the entire campus and, even if they did, it would not have stopped the shootings. The killer was on campus and in the buildings already. A total lockdown would only have (a) changed the location of the "massacre" from the classroom building to another dorm, or (b) delayed the "massacre". Mostly likely a lockdown would not have stopped this tragedy. All the Monday night quarterbacking in the world will not change those facts. However the vile, money driven, media is trying as hard as it can to get people to ignore/forget those facts.

    Then we have our elected leaders, excuse me, money driven politicians who we send to Washington so they can live like kings with our money. They are using this tragedy to spark a new debate on gun control. Never mind the fact that no amount of gun control laws would have stopped this adult (23yrs old), who did not have a criminal record, from legally purchasing a weapon. Gun control is not even the issue here. However those facts have not slowed down the money driven, power hungry, politicians from turning this tragedy into a campaign spot.

    I am deeply saddened by the media's behavior and the behavior of many people who claim to be our leaders. Their collective behavior is sickening, vile, and shameful.

    I am deeply saddened by the tragedy at Virginia Tech. That is why I don't want to see the media and the politicians turn this tragic event into a source of entertainment, ratings, and political debate. The last thing those poor people in Virginia need is a bunch of media folks down there trying to create anger and division.
  6. Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Hey, every movement starts with one person. :thumbs:
  7. pinoybaptist Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 17, 2002
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    A reporter named Shepard Smith (I wonder if I got the name right) had a cool head, though, when he went and cautioned his studio to "go easy" on assigning blame on anybody. That was on day one. I liked that.
    He was reporting, if I remember correctly, for Fox and Friends, and they had these pair of "experts", one of which was, I believe, a retired Nuh Yoik city detective or whatever, who was saying something to the tune of second shootings could have been avoided if correct analysis of first shootings had been right since if it were anywhere near a murder-suicide then the weapon should be near one of the dead bodies, or something to that effect.
    Mr. Smith said something like "go easy on finding fault". Not verbatim, but along those lines.

    But you all are right.

    In general, the media is nauseating. Makes me look towards the bathroom door.
  8. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The media is vile, disgusting, nauseating, but we can't stop watching it now can we? Why don't you guys do yourselves a favor and unplug the TV for a month and see how peaceful it can be.
  9. Jaaaman New Member

    Oct 28, 2005
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    I have done that before... and it was very peaceful. Turning off the boob tube from time to time can bring peace and quiet to one's life. :thumbs:
  10. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I don't often watch the news, and when mainstream media starts talking favorably about somebody or something, I am usually very suspicious.
    I'd rather watch the discovery channels, if I'm not reading the Bible or my lessons.
    Makes for a quiet life and a peaceful mind, especially for one who had been a political activist/detainee in his time.
  11. amity New Member

    Dec 1, 2006
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    The gravest mistake the media is making in their coverage of this event is the constant harping on how it is the "nation's deadliest massacre" "highest number of fatalities in a shooting incident" etc. That is waving the red flag in front of every sociopath in the nation to top the mark. I am seriously afraid it is going to become like a huge video game competition across the country within the next few months to see who can beat the record score. 41? 58? 117 anyone?
  12. JFox1 New Member

    Sep 4, 2005
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    Reporters have a saying: If it bleeds, it leads. They're ghouls, I tell ya!
  13. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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  14. pinoybaptist Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 17, 2002
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    And now they're zeroing in on the perp himself, with no regard for the fact that this guy also has parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and other souls who love him as much as the relatives of his victims loved his victims.

    Dead is dead, leave them alone, is what I say.

    The question I would like to see answered is: why is it that the fact that Cho had been a mental outpatient at the order of a court of law not appear in any of his files so much so that the gun store background checks brought up nothing ?

    (sorry for the double post).