The Political View of Baptists

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by HisMercy, May 7, 2004.

  1. JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    I don't know about that, sometimes I think that true Christians are a minority in America and around the world. Doesn't the Bible say that there are fewer on the narrow road than on the wide road?
  2. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    There are certainly more Christians in America than homosexuals. As to abortion, there are Christians plus non-Christians who are pro-life, somewhat offset by many who claim to be both Christian and pro-abortion. But I think the numbers are in our favor, if only we would act accordingly.
  3. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Hey, I believe that's MY line (which I blatantly stole from someone else ).
  4. rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Looks like we're going to have to have joint custody ...
  5. Ronald New Member

    May 8, 2004
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    What do you mean by Christians? The Roman Catholic church IS the largest in the United States. Yet I would venture to say that very few are truly "born again BELIEVERS". Sure, a great many take a stand against abortion, but many live a wordily lifestyle.

    And what of the Anglicans, the Lutherans and Methodists. They are now bending a knee in allowing practicing homosexuals and lesbians to become a part of their denominations.

    And then that leaves the Baptists and Pentecostals. Are all these people living and following Christ as they should? I would say a great many TRY, but in the long run even they will vote on candidates who will take stands on fixing THE ECONOMY and what their union recommends.

    One poster said I was wrong. That America has more Christians than immoral people. Really? My television shows and Hollywood movies don't depict that. Prayer is removed from learning institutions and now there is talk of removing the title "in God we Trust". Where is the public outcry from all these Christians? To me a great many Christians are more apathetic and more concerned about putting food on their table and lowering the high cost of gasoline, then rallying against anti God issues.

    So I do not see the Christian majority voting for a godly candidate and by the way please name one who is running for the office of the president?
  6. JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Your right the Christian majority is not voting for a godly candidate, there is one running, he's got my vote, but I don't expect him to win. His name is Michael Peroutka.
  7. Pennsylvania Jim New Member

    Oct 8, 2000
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    The things that you point out are the shame and irony of the whole matter. My point in my previous post was that Christians have the ability to make things better, but won't because they go a whoring after worldly and ungodly candidates, as though it's a junior high popularity contest or a footbal pool.

    As NP pointed out, there is a Godly candidate for President, MICHAEL PEROUTKA
  8. HankD Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 14, 2001
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    I am an Independent and a Baptist.

  9. bobby c New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    In response to the original question. I have no idea how a born again christian could support a party that thinks it okay to suck a child into a vacume are stick a knife into the back of that childs head. And someone said the democratic stance is safe legal and rare abortions. and they are okay with that. Someone else talking about is this a sin is that a sin years ago some didn't consider it a sin. What a bunch of liberal hog wash. Shame on the church in America for being a bunch of limp wrist cowards. I believe if someone believes in killing babys you should not vote for them democratic are republican. But MOST not all democrats fall into the catagory of baby killers and Gay rights that is enof for me to not vote for that person/party and it should be enof for any God fearing Christian.

    Bobby C
  10. Jeff Weaver New Member

    Oct 10, 2001
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    That was me. I should explain. I don't favor a blanket ban on abortion--I think there has to be an exception for the life of the mother. Maybe I misunderstand the position of the pro-lifers, but to force a woman to bear a child that would in most likelhood would kill her, perhaps orphan other children, is something I think has to be left to a woman and her doctor. That is what I meant, and understand that to be the preferred policy of the Democratic party. However, I dont think that making abortion illegal will stop it, the rich will just go to a country in which it is legal, and the poor will go to the back-street.

    I used to be as radically pro-life as anyone. Once upon a time, a friend of mine, great with child, with two others, and a husband just killed in an auto crash, was told she couldn't carry that child to term. She insisted, probably as much as anything wanting something of her husband to hang on to. She and the child both died. Left two kids literally orphans. In such rare cases as these, I believe that abortion would have been morally acceptable. Maybe I am wrong, but I certainly believe those two kids left behind would have been better off with a mother than without.
  11. bobby c New Member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    You know Im not sure what I think about the position if the mothers life is in danger. My wife is a counsler at a Pro Life organization and I do know that many times that excuse can be used when the mothers life really is not in danger.
    I also feal for your situation with your friend very heart breaking. But you know rich people will fly to countrys to get the abortion and saddley women will die because of back ally abortions but that being true, it just can't justify legal abortions I mean talking about people who die what about the babys millions. I also believe that God will not keep blessing a country that does such things He knew us before the begging of time He formed us in are mothers womb.

    Bobby C