The Power of Gospel Tracts

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by evangelist6589, Apr 29, 2014.

  1. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Gospel tracts are a great way to witness to the lost and to people you will never see again. Some make assumptions that most throw them away and do not read them, but this is false as I have personally witnessing DOZENS of people reading the tracts that I passed out. Hardly ever (besides those produced by Fellowship Tract League & Chic Tracts) have I seen a tract on the ground after I had passed one out. In many instances we are AFRAID to witness and talk about sin to our family, friends, and co-workers and why a gospel tract is a great way to reach someone. In the Way of the Master handbook there is a page or so on the reason behind this and a strong defense of tracts. In my view I believe that God will bring forth His elect to salvation and he expects me to be out witnessing, but I leave the results to Him to call the elect at his due time.

    There are many different tract ministries and my personal favorites are those from Living Waters and Tract Planet as they use the law in evangelism. However I use others from other ministries as well, and recently ordered some apologetics type tracts from CBD which was produced by Good News Tracts as no question about it my area is filled with Relativists. Here are some of the tracts I recently ordered.

    So I challenge you to get out there and pas out tracts. I also will sometimes place tracts on cars in parking lots. A great tract suited for this purpose is here.
  2. rivers1222 Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    Evan, if you want to open air preach and you feel that's your calling, then fine. My personal opinion is it does more harm than good, but hey, follow your calling. The same with distributing tracts. HOWEVER, I would advise caution about putting tracts on the windows of cars. It can push buttons of the people you are trying to reach, and I don't mean In a good way. Putting a scratch on the fender of a car reaching over to slide it under a wiper is not a very good witness. And it could lead to, um, unintended physical consequences.