The role of the Ruah HaKodesh in the People of G-d.

Discussion in 'Baptist Theology & Bible Study' started by Ben W, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    - Introduction

    The Ruah HaKodesh is the Representative of Messiah Yahshua in His people. As Head of His people. He has delegated the Ruah HaKodesh to be His Representative on the earth. The Ruah HaKodesh and the Community are indissollubly linked, the Assembly having been formed by the immersed in the Ruah HaKodesh.

    The Ruah HaKodesh was Instrumental in the birth of the Messianic Community 1 Kefa 2:9;
    The Begining of the Messianic Community was found in Acts 2; 1 Thess 1:5,6;
    "sealed with that Ruah HaKodesh of promise Eph 1:13
    The Holy Spirit dwells within the Messianic Jews and Messianic Believer (Non-Jews have a common faith in Messiah Yeshua.Eph 2:22;
    Holiness is required of us as individual members of the body (1Cor 3:16, 17; 2 Cor 6:16)
    The figure of the body 1 Cor12:27; 2 Cor 6:16
    The whole progress of the Congregation depends on the Ruah HaKodesh in Acts 9:31

    The indwelling Ruah HaKodesh is the bond of unity in the Messianic Congregation
    In this connection, the following Scriptures should be noted:-
    1 Cor 12:12, 13 (in one Spirit immersed into one body);
    Eph 2:18 ( both have access by one Spirit);
    Eph 4:2-4 (one body and one Spirit)

    How do these truths work out in the life of the Messianic Congregation? To maintain this unity:-
    The Ruah HaKodesh directs the principle of the Messianic Congregation. Acts 13:1-4 on the expansion of the Messianic Congregation and the appointment of workers.
    The Ruah Ha Kodesh equips men for particular tasks Acts 6:3,5; Acts 4:19,31; Acts 17:6; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Rom 12:6-8; Eph 4:4-12.
    The Ruah HaKodesh inspires the worship of the Messianic Congregation. Eph5:18-20; 1 Cor 11:17; 1 Cor 12-14

    The Ruah HaKodesh is Sovereign
    The local assembly should always recognise the sovereignty of the Spirit. By this we mean He can do as He pleases, and that He will no always choose to do things in exactly the same way, though He will never act contrary to the Word of G_d. Some of the symbols of the Spirit used in the Scriptures - fire, oil, water, wind - speak of fluidity, of unpredictable behaviour, and believer should allow Him this divine prerogative. It was so in the early Messianic Community, but soon people became uneasy with meetings that were "free and social" with the minimum of form. Thus controls were added and formalism and ritualism took over. The Ruah HaKodesh was quenched, and the Messianic Congregation lost its power.

    Every new believer who wish to be immerse in our Church need to go through this book, he/she must fully understand the meaning of Salvation first, received Messiah Yeshua as their Messiah then follow by Mikvah (immersion) and have choose to obey the ordinance that G_d has laid in His Word.