The war in Iraq

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by le bel, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. le bel New Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    I just wanted some opinions about the war. I supported it to a degree in the past, but not sure where I stand now.

  2. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    le bel you are in the same boat ,as with a lot
    of people. God is no respecter of persons, that being meant to say that if I use deception I will
    face consequences and if a national leader uses
    deception their are consequences.

    You see that in real time with loss of trust in
    national leaders who hyped and cherry picked issues to take us to war.

    You might want to parse your question in the form
    of a poll to get an overall view of the BB for the troops is extremely
    strong across all political lines , which is a
    very good thing.

    As for the war and the so called soundbites from the past "stay the course" or "finish the job" is
    still relatively strong but is waning because of
    truth coming to fruition.

    I would say the voice from the heartland is
    "Do the job right" with a lean towards the Powell
    doctrine of overwhelming help for our troops to
    get the job done right in a quality manner and
    efficent time frame.

    As it stands now you have massive wastes of billions of dollars that have gone missing without have outsourced mercenaires being paid twice and three times what
    a soldier is being paid...we still have the problem of armor being provided....we have recruited non-citizens up to 7% to fight in Iraq
    some actually fly the Mexican flag outside their
    tents...which I find offensive...You have major
    contracts going to American firms in the billions
    it is in their vested interest that this keeps
    going on as well...good or bad it means "Someone
    has to die", and of course you have mis-steps and
    bad things happen such as abu gharib and civilians being killed.

    I think it is too late we have lost our chance
    to declare victory and bring the troops home..the
    after glow of Saddam being removed and the elections have faded and now it is the constant
    droneing of war and streets filled with smoke and

    Yes I know over 2,000 brave Americans have paid the ultimate sacrifice and technology has saved
    countless thousands, but no one talks about the
    maimed and wounded which are in the 10's of thousands they would rather compare teen accidents as justification to continue a war based on hype, deception, and cherry picking.

    "WAR IS HELL" a famous general once said

    I agree.

    btw your web site is very well done and congrats
    on the birth of your child.:)

  3. Brother James New Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    This from another post:

    This nation will lose in Iraq bacause of one reason. We are wrong. UnGodly wickedness and sin lead our "leaders" there in the first place and it was based on LIES and DECEIT. It has cost the lives of tens of thousands and it should be condemned by "conservative" christians just as loudly as they "condemned" Clinton and his lies.
  4. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    First thing you might want to do is find out what kinda of power structure is running the United States (and the world) and where they are taking this country and others.

    Most people have been convinced that we live in a democracy, even though our founding fathers set up a republic. Neither of these terms fit the power structure that rules America today, I reckon a more accurate term would be autocracy or rule by the rich, or maybe a kleptocracy, rule by rich thieves.

    In any event, any war that we find ourselves in now or threat (bird flu) we may face in the future only benefits those that have set themselves up as economic fascists, ie the bankers and lenders like the IMF the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, the United Nations, The World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, the international pharma conglomerates and those connected to these unelected wannabe world rulers.

    We aren't in Iraq fighting to spread democracy or defending America, we're there fighting for the advance of the NWO and their creedo is...Order Out Of Chaos. Their MO is Problem Reaction Solution.
  5. le bel New Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    See, that doesn't sit well with me. I have thought about it over the past months and researched and read up on NWO stuff. Wolves in sheeps clothing comes to my find.

    One can still remain a conservative without supporting the war? That's always been where I stumble.

    Although, speaking about NWO to many liberals doesn't seem to do much. Those that I know who are conservative in their politics tend to know the workings of it. Whereas, liberals only focus on the "world peace" and "Bush lied", not so much the underlying agenda.

    "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes."-- Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court.

    "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." --Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England, in 1844.

    "[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United
    States to change it's perceptions." -- Henry Kissenger, World Affairs Council Press Conference,
    Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994
  6. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Bottom line is that the reasons we went there don't matter any more when it comes to the current mission.

    Continue to support the mission and the troops. This job must be finished properly. It will be with all our support.
  7. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Mine too.

    Sure you can be a conservative and still not support the war. I'm more conservative than not but that doesn't mean I have to believe that imperialism is something other than what it is.

    World peace is a great idea but it's not going to happen. Bush did just what what the elite expected of him. No more no less. Same as Clinton.

    Liberals have fallen for the same propaganda as the conservatives. It's all funded by the same people. The NWO doesn't play favorites they play people. Doesn't matter to them which ideology you subscribe to as long as you subscribe to one. As long as they can play one side against the other they got it under control, they got a handle on it.

    The bottom line is that the mission is to centralize all the wealth and power to the elites. When the job is finished properly you me and our children and our children's children will be slaves to a few sicko plantation owners.

    I can't support that mission no matter how much red white and blue propaganda they use to pretty it up for mass consumption.
  8. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I supported the war at the beginning. Had some doubts for a few months, then overcame my doubts.

    I support our troops in harm's way and I support the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and I support the defeat of al Qaeda.
  9. NiteShift New Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    People can and do argue as to whether or not we should have gone into Iraq. But we are there now and have to be successful.

    The Muslim extremists have been at war with us for quite a few years, and we could continue to ignore them or go after them in their own back yard. Al Qaeda considers Iraq to be the main front in their war against the infidels. We have lost alot of our people over there, and some here at home are ready to call it quits. Some were against it from the beginning. I think it would be a waste of those lives to quit the job before it is completed.

    The war in Iraq is similar to US military action against Tripoli and Algiers in the early 19th century. The Barbary pirates attacked the merchant ships of all nations, took the crews captive, and often sold them into slavery. Hundreds of US citizens were killed or captured, never to be seen again. The US could either ignore the threat and continue to lose our people, pay the barbary nations tribute, or go after them on their own turf. We eventually did attack those states ("to the shores of Tripoli") and helped to end the piracy. It is a similar situation in our current fighting against the terrorists.
  10. Daisy New Member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I thought we were already successful - we got rid of the WMDs (such as they were), we deposed Saddam Hussein and we allowed the Iraqis to vote and write a constitution of their very own.

    So, haven't our stated goals been met?
  11. Bunyon New Member

    Jul 31, 2005
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    No because if we leave now, the government will colapse. It takes time.
  12. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Their permanent government is not yet in place. The process is not complete.

    We also acknowledged to the world an obligation to provide security until they were able to provide it for themselves. Which is clearly not yet.
  13. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    No hurry, the longer it takes to privatize the Middle East the more money the military industrial complex can make.
  14. church mouse guy Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2002
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    The Democrats are really trying to play both ends against the middle. It is the Democrats alone who decided to gut the intelligence services after the withdrawal in Viet Nam (which unleashed a communist bloodbath in that country) under the leadership of Democrat Senator from Idaho Frank Church.

    Then when the intelligence comes up faulty in the following decades, the Democrats say that it was manipulated, etc. The trouble is that the CIA was the best agency in the world and our reliance upon other countries' agencies to do what ours was forbidden to do by Democrat law only led to disaster as those other nations could not afford and did not have good intelligence agencies.

    Nevertheless, the Democrats almost all (except the usual doves who would not vote for war if foreign troops occupied Washington DC) spoke for war and voted for war. Even Clinton supported the war.

    Now the Democrats want everything questioned all over again because the war has lasted a long time and has been very violent. They hope to get some political gain, maybe regain Congress.

    The problem with the Democrats is that they refuse to tell their plans. If the Democrats take over the Congress in 2006, will they end the war as they did in Korea and Viet Nam and call a retreat and leave Iraq to the fate of those other oriental nations abandoned in the midst of war? Or will the Democrats, having gained power by calling attention to a situation that they supported from the beginning, continue the war until victory?

    In other words, is the Democrat attack upon the government mere sour grapes and a demand for personal power for themselves at the expense of our military in the war theatre? Aren't the Democrats nothing more than opportunists who have just concluded 70 years of domination of the government and now demand it back or they will threaten to ruin the country if necessary in order to get it back?

    Aren't the Democrats consumed by lust for power? Isn't it just rule or ruin with the Democrats?
  15. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    No it isn't sour grapes CMG, it's misdirection. The globalists in control of both parties want to keep us from looking into the real issue here.
  16. kubel New Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    We gave the wrong reasons to go in, but there's still plenty of other reasons to get rid of Saddam and establish a free nation there.

    Unfortunately, I don't think democracy, a new leader, and western presence is going to calm down a holy war between the Muslims and the Jews (and all their allies).
  17. le bel New Member

    Oct 23, 2005
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    So so true, Kubel. When there is peace in the middle east, I will be worried.
  18. nate New Member

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Saddom was clearly not the threat he was made out to be. That said President Bush has done a nice job of keeping terrorist from attacking the US again! Although I disagree with almost everything in the Patriot act.I think as Christians this war will produce one positive ascpect-there is now a muslim country open to missions! To me this is a great blessing and maybe God used the war there to accomplish this goal.
  19. NiteShift New Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    Most people would probably say that when the elected leaders of Iraq feel they can stand on their own, and no longer need US troops, we will have been successful.
  20. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Personally, I look hopefully forward to the day when the Israelis and Palestinians are able to live side by side in a two State solution in peace - especially for the sake of their children.