This has happened at Baptist Church I have been attending.

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Bro. Talmadge, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. Gershom Active Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Do you mean some agreed but most didn't?

    Good luck finding someplace that will agree with you 100%. You're in for a long journey if that's what you seek.
  2. Filmproducer Guest

    Bro T.

    I'm sorry you were offended, but you got to admit, NONE of us would have known what the church was like, (i.e., fixed incomes, two scheduled for nursery duty), until reading your final post. Could you blame us for making assumptions? It is not like you initially offered the information.

    I still believe you should talk with the pastor. He may have stopped the nursery/childrens church because there just isn't enough interest/kids. With only 45 regular attending families and 1/3 of them on fixed incomes I would say that there might just not be that great of need for it. Perhaps there coul;d be a section set aside for fmilies with young children so that others will not be as disrupted during the service.

    As for the shorts. Well, honestly what would you have him do? Would you kick the girls out or make them change that instant? Wouldn't it have been wiser to go to the parents? Maybe the situation has been taken care of, you would never know since you have not been back, right?. Personally, the shorts issue does not bother me, and I still believe in dressing modestly. I would be more concerned with the conditions of the hearts in the service than the condition of the clothing, or lack thereof. (but that's just me)

    At any rate, I hope you find a chirch that suits your needs and wants. Good luck to you!
  3. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    Perhaps a quiet room? In our church, the mothers with young babies go into a room downstairs, where we have wired a speaker that is connected to a microphone in the auditorium. Works well.

    Good. I've never figured out why some churches find the need to segregate people like that. "I'm a member of the 14-17 boys church; you have to go to the 10-13 boys church." Children are capable of learning. Preach to them. As an adult, we might be able to easily chew on a piece of meat, but so can a child; it just takes longer.

    Are churches to be fashion police? Although it's only happened a couple of times, I've had to go directly from work to preach, and once it was in shorts and a t-shirt, and sometimes it was in a rainsuit with rubber boots. In the Spring during breakup, when so many people can only access their homes on 4 wheelers, people will come wearing all sorts of things because they don't want to get their Armani suits muddy.

    We leave our thermostat set to 55 all the time, except when we have services, in which case we turn it up to 72, which is a bit warm for most people, but we do have a few elderly people that we have to keep warm. If you don't keep things from freezing, you get problems with the piano, water pipes, kitchen, etc. As others have pointed out, you can have similar problems if things get too hot.

    See the "quite room" suggestion.

    By "young leader", are you tallking about a young person who is followed by many or the youth director? Either way, why did he wear shorts and a t-shirt? Was it extremely hot? Did he just come from some function that a Gavinchy suit would have been inappropriate? Was he going somewhere as soon as the service was over?

    My son has had to wear his football pants to church, with mud on his face, but he did at least change into a clean t-shirt so he wouldn't be all stinky. By the same token, there is more than one family in our congregation that cannot afford to buy anything more than the clothes they have, and often those clothes are torn and stained. I would never dream of telling them to leave. (As far as the comment about shaving, shaving is also optional for many people here, although I've been told that I'm going to hell because I have a goatee; after all, if you look at all the pictures, the devil has a goattee, although it's usually a VanDyke.)

    We haven't heard anything about the preacher at the church, only complaints about the lack of fashion police, lack of segregation, and the temperature (I'm not sure if it's A/C or heat, since I didn't see where you're from, but I'm assuming A/C.)
  4. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    Gershom said:

    Why do we always exaggerate and go from one thing (wearing shorts) to the extremely ridiculous (birthday suits) as a means of justifying our own beliefs/convictions?

    Hey, don't knock it. It's a great substitute for critical thinking. :rolleyes:
  5. gb93433 Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 26, 2003
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    We did when the church I was pastoring began to rapidly grow and we did not have enough building in the main service to accomodate everyone if the kids were there. We had already added another service and were looking at adding another.
  6. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Your motives might have been pure, but now the whole world knows your church has a problem with your pastor...

    I am probably not the only one that went to your profile to see it. and you list your church there...

    Now you may not have wanted to slander your pastor, but when you post something on the WWW you need to be sure of what you are doing...

    I learned the hard way also.... a couple yrs ago, I made a fool out of myself here, and others showed me the errors of my way.

    Yeah, I am a pastor... but even if I werent I wouldnt want people talking about me on the WWW.
  7. EdSutton New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  8. Pipedude Active Member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    Link? :smilewinkgrin:
  9. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Yeah... let me think..
    Not in a million yrs!!!!

    Come to think of it, I do that quite often.
    But we all are not perfect. I thank God for BB. Even for those that don't agree with me. Believe it or not, even after walking away from a thread that has me angry, or one on which someone has "set me straight", I am still thankful for BB. Iron sharpens iron.

    Of course bricks hurt...:tonofbricks:
  10. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    When I was there age, I had a tie even on and no air conditioning.

    You sound like a real slacker in the holiness department. Truly sanctified men don't only wear a tie, they wear a hairshirt and a cilice belt. And what are you doing in July sitting around in no-air-conditioning comfort? Turn the furnace on, man! If you're going to put on a big show of suffering for your faith, then suffer, don't just pretend to suffer.