"This Is Why Switchfoot Won’t Sing Christian Songs Anymore"

Discussion in 'Music Ministry' started by evenifigoalone, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Sapper Woody Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2011
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    It does. I said that if I were an unbeliever, I'd interperet the words as as talking about a lover. But the message is still there, for those who listen. And as others have pointed out, other songs are even more overtly christian than the one I quoted.

    It's not exclusively christian. But it is christian. I'm not understanding why you refuse to understand this.

    You try and lecture me on not understanding what "infer" means, while in the same post saying this? You can answer something before it is asked. And it doesn't have to be a question to be answered. Surely you understand this. "Answer for your crimes"; are crimes a question? I can't believe I even have to go here.

    Ever hear of double entendre? You say something, but those on the inside know what you're really talking about. It's usually used to mean something dirty while seeming innocent, but it can be used to mean anything with a seeming meaning, and then an inside meaning. That's exactly what is going on here. The words seem to mean something to someone. But it's obviously (one could even say "overtly") something else to those who know.

    No, I don't consider their music christian. But their christianity shows through. It's not a hard concept.

    I think that anything that Jesus CHRIST said is overtly christian, taken out of context or not. After all, his words were "of Christ". Now, if the world wants to take on christian values and apply them to themselves, they're still christian values and originating with Christ, or the Bible.

    You asked how they were different. I told you.

    Use of hyperbole aside, you're wrong. I used to listen to skateboard music (a subgenre of punk), and it's not like that at all. For instance, listen to "Simple Plan", a leading band (they've switched genres since then, but used to be more skateboard back then) in the genre. Try "perfect", "alien", "I'm just a Kid", "God must hate me".

    Really? Playground taunts?

    I'm sorry that you don't understand that you can infer something from something that's overt. Russia invades Ukraine. An overt operation. From that I can infer that Russia wants to occupy Ukraine. Interesting concept here.

    Not sure what CARM is. I am on a karate forum, however. Haven't posted for a couple years though. Not sure if you meant that as an insult, but as I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just gonna leave it at that.

    I gave examples, and so have others at this point.

    Anyone could say it, true. But it's still christian.

    Now you're erecting strawmen, and just being ridiculous.

    Well, since I thought that before I even knew they were a group of christians, you're statement is obviously wrong.
  2. evenifigoalone Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2013
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    Would also point out that there are quite a few praise and worship songs, commonly used in churches, that say "You" rather than "God" or "Jesus".
    A few examples:
    One Thing Remains
    Your Love Never Fails
    Break Every Chain
    How He Loves Us
    Lead Me to the Cross
    You Won't Relent

    These songs were actually written and fully intended for the purpose of worship, so the use of "You" (or "He") aside, their meaning is much more obvious than the other songs I was talking about. But thought I'd mention since the whole "You" thing came up.
  3. FriendofSpurgeon Well-Known Member
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    Feb 24, 2003
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    Along the same lines...

    A friend of ours is an artist. She’s also a Christian. Her painting is not “Christian” art. She doesn’t paint scenes from the Bible, angels, church buildings or anything like that. Instead, she paints the human experience. Pain, grief, sorrow, forgiveness, love, joy and peace are all depicted in various works. She doesn’t sell her pieces as “Christian” art. She's just an artist (actually a darn good one). And yet, as Christians, we often see the Gospel in her work. Not sure if others do, but we do.
    Recently, an older gentleman stopped by and spoke with her at one of her showings. After reviewing her work, he asked her, “Are you a Christian?” “Why yes, I am,” she replied. He responded, “I thought so.” Intrigued, she asked him the same question, “Are you a Christian too?” “Oh no,” he replied back, “I’m Jewish.” And with that, he turned and walked away. It’s interesting that a non-Christian could still see Christ in her work as well.