To Primitive Baptists, Time Salvation :

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by UMP, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. UMP New Member

    Jul 27, 2004
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    To "Primitive Baptist" and "JohnP".

    Here is a little something I found from A.W. Pink that seems to hit the nail on the head.

    "An “evangelical spirit,” then, is one which cleaves to the happy means between two evil and fatal extremes: legality and lawlessness, self-righteousness and self-pleasing. Against these two evils the Christian needs to be constantly on his guard both in doctrine and practice, for while on the one hand there is ever a tendency in him to “frustrate the grace of God” (Gal. 2:21), to “fall from grace” (Gal. 5:4), which is done whenever we bring in anything of our own as the ground of our acceptance with God. On the other hand we are ever prone to “turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness” (Jude 4), which is done when we presumptuously give license to the flesh and follow a course of self-will on the pretext that this cannot jeopardize our eternal security in Christ. To counter the uprisings of the spirit of legality we must constantly remind ourselves that we have nothing good but what God has wrought in us, and therefore we have no cause for boasting— that we are what we are by the grace of God. To oppose the workings of licentiousness, we must continually ponder the fact that we are not our own, but “bought with a price” and that we most glorify Christ as we follow the example He has left us. "