Troubled Marriage...need advice

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by mhoward1999, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Yes. I am going to try to find that original thread.
  2. dianetavegia Guest

  3. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    M??? Let me put my hand on what I think will help you guys tremendously! Its gonna be hard to swallow what I say--but if you receive the truth from the word of Scripture--and begin to apply it to your lives, I believe you may see light at the end of the tunnel!!

    What does the Bible say???

    "A man shall _________ his father and mother and shall _________ unto his wife. And the two shall be one _________."

    As much as it might hurt---he's got to "kiss daddy and momma goodbye!"----don't swing a deal with daddy about the "studeo" house---don't borrow a dime from daddy---they'll always be a crutch for him! The remedy to your marriage is not leaving YOU-----but its in leaving THEM!! I'm not saying---turn his back on them and act as if they no longer exist---oh, no! Rather than turn his back on them---he needs to turn his head toward you!!! You and him as "one flesh"---inseperable partners! Him and you---not him, you, and his parents!!!

    Marriage takes hard work--it ain't no picnic! But he'd come out better saving his marriage by working on IT---and not on these other things!! The Bible also says that the husband is the savior of the wife---see Ephesians 5---v. 23 talks about the husband as the savior of the wife in a picture!! He's gonna have to change his mind---for the mind of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    Brother David
  4. TaterTot Guest

    M, is HE happy?
  5. DavidsAngel Guest

    -walks in and whistles-

    M I know how you feel. MY family And I live with my father and it is VERY hard at times to get what I want across. I have a few suggestions for you, which at first may be difficult BUT, they will do the trick and become wonderful habits.

    If thier house is filty, Clean it up. Love where you live, even if you cannot move. It is your home as long as you are in it. MAke it an expression. If his mother dosen't like you cleaning maybe she will do something about it.

    For some VERY helpful and uplifting help in that dept ..... TRUST me it works

    Second thing i'm going to suggest.

    GO out on a date with your husband. HAVE some alone time OUT of that house.

    And hun, let go of being so upset. Take a breath and take control. LEad by example. Hun there is one thing, men are the "rulers" of the house, but they couldn't do it without us. Sometimes they need an example to live by. Be one of encoragement and peace. TRUST me I heard this once and just snorted. But, i'll tell you now, it was the best advice i've ever recieved.
  6. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Diane, You were right.

    Blackbird, I have thought about the leaving the parents and cleaving to your mate. I actually started making a councious (sp?) effort to do this last spring- right before we moved in with his folks. Ironic, huh? I have talked to him about it, and told him my feelings. What more can I do? I feel that him leaving his parents and cleaving to his wife is HIS job. I can't do that for him. What can I do to encourage him in that direction other than doing so with my own family? As far as forgetting the studio. I feel trapped. The thought of having to drive through their driveway to get to my house every day for the next three years turns my stomach. If I could I would move out today. But at this point we have an emotional and a financial obligation to finish what we started, do we not? It's almost ready for sheetrock. If we walked out now it would be almost certain ruin of family relationships. At this point I wouldn't really mind that, but I don't think it's appropriate to cause hurt feelings (understatement) if we know that's what it would do...and we do know that.

    TaterTot, I can honestly say that I don't think so. He has been on medication for clinical depression for about two years now. He says he is happy. He also says he doesn't always have to be thinking about something all the time. I cannot fathom this. My mind is constantly thinking- usually about ten things at once. I don't really believe him when he says he isn't thinking about anything. Am I wrong? Do any of you experience a relaxed state of the mind where if someone were to ask what you are thinking you could truly say "nothing?" In short, I really don't know if he is happy. He says he is. He seems to be content. I couldn't be happy if I were in his situation, but he says he is. One of the things I pray for almost hourly is for God to give him ambition.

    David's Angel, Easier said than done. Their floors have rotten places, their shower wall is rotten behind the fiberglass panels that are glued to the wall. When you scrub the panels they give about 3-4 inches, and when you rinse, the black junk just keeps running out from behind the panels. Their toilet is wobbly and overflows all the time. Their dryer is not vented at ALL!!! It blows lint into the air every time they do laundry. I am not kidding. I never would have believed it if I hadn't lived there!!! All the house is covered with dust/lint/cobwebs as a result. Since one of my allergies is dust mites, this is very beneficial. (SARCASM)They use wood heat stoves and their is bark all over the house, tracked throughout constantly. My MIL collects bottles, which are on a shelf in the kitchen. They fry everything, and the bottles are covered with that thich greasy film that comes from oil being vaporized into the air and then they have layers of dust on them as well-- imbedded in the grease, of course. On and on and on. When we first moved in, that is what I thought I would do. Just clean it as if it were my own home. I seem to be the only person in the house who cares if it is clean or not. My husband dislikes the filth, but knows that cleaning it us is an exercise in futility. He just wades through it and shrugs. There is absolutely no consideration that maybe you just worked your rear off getting the floor clean and now someone is going to come tracking mud in while the floor is still wet. It never enters their mind to clean up after themselves. The kitchen countertop is porous wood composite stuff. It's the stuff that used to be used in bathrooms, but the finish is completely worn off. I am talking, if you leave a wet rag sitting on the counter and come back in 15 minutes, it will be spongy where the rag was sitting. They buy their eggs in the case- like 3 dozen or something, and they don't refrigerate them. They have a big bowl that they keep sitting on the counter all the time with the eggs in it. For me to clean their house and just have them totally trash it out within a day makes me angry and bitter with them, but I have not right to be. It's their house, they can treat it however they want to! GRRRRRR! I agree with leading by example. I am doing my best to do that. I feel that I have been the picture of patience. I have lots of Christian friends, and only one still advises me to stick with the marriage, everyone else says get out while you can. I don't want to do that. I know it's wrong, but I feel that be even being in that house I am "casting my pearls before swine." Does that make sense at all?
  7. dianetavegia Guest

    Again M, NONE of this is grounds for divorce or leaving him. You made your choice in husbands and also agreed to the 'studio'. If it's nearing sheetrock stage, you're almost there. I'd be outside everynight helping in anyway I could to get that little home finished.
  8. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    David's Angel, I would like to add that the rotten and ill repaired home is not due to poverty. Granted, they are not wealthy people, but they choose to spend their money in what I consider to be foolish ways. They own OVER $6000 (yes, six thousand dollars) worth of movies!!! ( I counted one day. It's 600+ videos and DVDs, so $6,000 is a conservative figure) My FIL spends $30 a week on cigarettes. He does buy the cheap ones, he goes through two cartons a week, minimum.
  9. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    I agree, Diane. However, I can not do it alone. I know what needs to be done, and even how to do it, but I am not strong enough to run the tools. My husband works evenings, and I work days, so we only see each other on Saturday and Sunday. I try to get him to work on it on Saturdays, but he drags his feet and then wants to work on it on Sundays. I am taking a stand for God and refusing to stay home on Sundays any more. When I get home from church, he is comfotably settled in for an afternoon of football on TV. When I try to get him to work on the house, he gets mad.
  10. dianetavegia Guest

    Our daughters in laws have a house like this and they're quite wealthy. There's a hole in the kitchen floor covered with a black plastic bag. You could actually fall through to a sub floor if you stepped there, I'm told. Our daughter won't allow her girls to go there.
  11. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I know what I would do, but that doesn't help you any.

    This is a very difficult situation. Diane is correct. This certainly is not grounds for divorce.

    If you left, would your husband follow you?

    Do you have a job? I might work two or three jobs just to get out of this situation.

    Perhaps you can suggest that he leave with you?

    Are you obligated to live with the parents?

    Blackbird has given you very sound advice.

    I just read your post that answered some of my questions.

    Explain again why you are obligated to build this studio. Perhaps you can move out and complete the studio, but not live there.
  12. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    WHY do people choose to live like that?!?!?!?! I grew up middle class. My dad was a sheetrock hanger and my mom stayed home. We didn't have much money, but we NEVER lived like that. Our house was clean and kept up, even if it wasn't fancy.
  13. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I would say that you have to do something to get your husband's attention, and that something would not be complaining, griping, etc.

    Perhaps he has lived this way all his life and is comfortable with it. You say he was not like this when you married him?
  14. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Bless your heart M, you have landed in the middle of it, haven't you?

    My husband's family are all packrats as well. Maybe I should say he and his family are all packrats, cause sometimes HE is worse than they. I've done the packrat thing, over and over.

    I hope you have a lot of energy, cause you are going to need it. Everyone here has already given you some excellent advice. You should listen to them.

    For your household situation, I'm going give you a couple of things that might help. First off, you have to give yourself tunnel vision. Only see that which you chose to see and can do something about. Don't worry or fret over things you can't change. Don't blame your husband for things he can't change. See to it that YOUR relationship with your inlaws is in order. Love them even if you don't want to. Be cheerful(this takes constant work). My MIL hated me when T and I first married. We are the best of friends now. But it wasn't easy. It's their money, if they want to spend it on movies let them. They probably think they are SAVING money by buying the DVD's instead of going to the theatre or renting. They are, we do this at our house.

    Is your husband keeping up with his doctor visits? He may need a new antidepressant or he may have other health issues going on. Right after our third child was born my husband became a booger bear. You couldn't talk to him and if something went wrong I had to deal with it. The kids were afraid of him. He caught a cold one day and went to the doc for it. While there the doc discovered that his sugar and blood pressure were wildly off. While getting both problems under control helped it didn't entirely solve his grouchyness. It took a couple of antidepressants to find one that worked.

    Now for some practical help: in the bathroom, get yourself some Comet bathroom cleaner for the tub. Spray it on, wipe it off with a damp sponge. If the countertops have lost their finish ask you MIL if you can put some Contact paper over them. It'll freshen up the bathroom and if you buy the right kind it's waterproof. I used it under one of my sinks for years because I couldn't figure out where the leak was. It cleans easily.

    Dust from the dryer vent can be controlled quite nicly with an old nylon sockie. Just slip it over the vent and remember to change it out once a week or so depending on the amount of lint that accumulates. My mother vented her dryer in the house for years "to save on the heat bill".

    The bottle collection can be washed in the dishwasher. They will come out sparkling and your MIL will love you for it. If you don't have one, get a friend to let you borrow theirs. Wash on the china setting of the dishwasher.

    One more thought: Your husband may be feeling guilty that his parents house is in the condition it is while the two of you are building new. You may want to approach him about fixing his parents house as soon as yours is finished(or now if that is what he wants).

    All of marriage is a sacrifice. Be prepared and willing to let your goals go for a time in order to do things in a way that will honor God, your husband and your inlaws.

    May God Bless You.
  15. DavidsAngel Guest

    M, I'm saying a prayer for you. I lived in a house like that once and it about killed my spirit and my marriage. We didn't have a dime but left anyway. Decided they "WE" had to get out to get away from the holes, termites, ect.

    I'm always here for you to vent to, just pm me and i'll listen for as long as it takes. If it were me and I was to the point your at, I would be out working on that house myself (just kidding) but, I wish I could find some way to help you.

    Let me know what I can do, please.
  16. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Thankful: What would you suggest that I do to get his attention? I would have thought the moving in with my dad, frequent tears, etc. would be enough, but obviously not. He was definitely not like this when I married him. In fact he made it a point to take me to his old house and said, "This is how I live. I am not my parents and I do not choose to live like they do." I believe that he is definitely not nearly as troubled by their house as I am or we would have been in our house on schedule. THAT I am sure of!

    Menageriekeeper: Yes, I have definitely landed in the middle of "it." I do my best to treat my in-laws with respect and love. Even when I don't usually feel that way. I believe that if you act on what you want to feel you will start to feel that way. I pray frequently for God's Grace in this area. As far as I know his parents like me. I do think they think I "put on airs" because I do my best to be clean and presentable, including our bedroom. I understand about buying movies rather than going to the theatre, but owning in excess of 600 is just crazy to me. You are right, it is their money and I have no right to tell them how to spend it, and I don't. But I can't help feeling that the money would have been better spent on household repairs rather than entertainment, and if they took the time they spend in front of the tube and used it to clean, well, it wouldn't be so dirty. I know that my husband goes to his doctor every three months. the doctor won't renew a Rx without a visit. I agree that there may be something else going on either with his health or needing a different medication. Is it appropriate to contact his doctor without his knowledge? I am going to try the cleaning tips you suggested. I didn't know that contact paper came in a waterproof version. I am going to look for that. How to get the stocking on the dryer is going to be a real trick. Not sure I can handle that one because of how it's situated. Maybe I can get my husband to pitch in on that one. I haven't tried to clean the bottle collection because most of them have decorative paper labels that are "part of their value." There is no dishwasher, either BTW. I own a portable one and tried to get them to let me hook it up when we moved in (it's in storage), but they wouldn't hear of it. I have thought about the guilt thing, too. I agree. However, my husband says that trying to help them by fixing things up is a waste of time because they won't take care of it and they will tear it up, too. I halfway think they may move into our studio when we move out and tear their house down! That's sure what I would do...but FIL insists it's going to be his woodshop. Thank you for your support and advice.

    DavidsAngel: Thank you for your support. It helps to know that someone has been there and understands. I am dying to get away from it, but as I have said, it would mean ruined family relationships. That is the ONLY thing keeping me there, believe me!
  17. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Oh my, "putting on airs" sounds just like some of my relatives. Keep it up, but do it sweetly so even if they think you are being uppity they won't mind it.

    Contact paper may not say it is waterproof but it is. Do not make a mistake and get shelf paper. You must buy sticky back Contact paper. This will feel like plastic(and cut like it). Make sure you overlap about an inch and press the overlap well. This will help your seams to be waterproof.

    DO NOT go to your husbands doctor without his knowledge! That would be a breach of trust. Instead tell him that you have been worried about how tired he seems all the time and you would like the doctor to explain the side effects of his meds to you. Make it all a part of trying to help him, otherwise he will become defensive and you will get no where fast.

    Also if he says no this time, stay home and work on him for next time. Always let him make the final decision. That is his right as head of the marriage. If you can do it quietly, enlist his mothers help in this. If she thinks it is a good idea it is a good bet he will too. (BTW, T caught on to this one fast, but it still works)

    One more piece of advice: Staying to keep from ruining family relationships ain't going to cut it. You MUST start looking at this from God's perspective. It is only with HIS help that you will make it through victoriously. And it will not happen overnight. It took ya'll 5 years to get into this shape, it may take ten to get out of it. If you only have family relationships supporting you, you'll never make it. You have to have God himself helping through this. Make sure you spend time every day on your knees asking for His help to make YOU what you should be. Then pray for your family. It all has to start with you because they don't see a problem. They have probably always lived like this and are in a rut so deep they'll never dig themselves out.
  18. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Menageriekeeper: I am currently trying to do just that (with regard to "putting on airs"). I don't let on that I know how they feel. I try to be as kind as I possibly can. Okay dokey. That's good to know about the contact paper. I will try talking to my husband about his condition with the you seem really tired route. I hope that will help. Getting his mom on board is not going to happen. She is angry that he is on anything at all. She doesn't believe anyone should be on "nerve pills" as she calls them. Basically any drug that is for psychological problems, even though they are chemical.I do spend time in prayer daily, and I do pray for everyone in the family as well. I will pray for God's guidance with regard to whether it's His will for us to follow through with our commitment. I'd like you to be more specific with what you mean in that last paragraph. My thinking is, "What kind of a witness is it if we don't keep our word. DH's dad stands to gain a lot from this arrangement, even though we do, too. The psychological cost is turning out to be much more than the financial savings for my husband and me."
  19. Benjamin Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 6, 2004
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    A few things,
    While I wait for the tires to be put on my truck.

    I also believe that Blackbird has given you very sound biblical advice. Take these verses:

    Mark 10:7 (KJV)
    7For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
    Mark 10:8 (KJV)
    8And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
    Mark 10:9 (KJV)
    9What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

    Hang them on the wall and see if your husband can read the writing on the wall. (Dan 5:25) When he asks you why it is there, tell him to remind yourself that you and he as a couple are “one flesh” and he is the head. You don’t need to tell him that you are the body and the neck that turns the head any direction it goes, nor do you need to tell him you are the feet, hands and heart of this body. If the heart says it’s time for a change and the feet start walking the head is sure to follow. My 2 cents: Your depressed husband is in the wrong comfort zone and needs to be removed from the situation, start making plans to save enough money and rent a small place.

    In the mean time know this: That Satan has many weapons in this world. Do you and-or your husband have your armor on? (Eph 6:10) How sharp is your sword? (Heb 4:12)

    Realize that Gods words CUT like a two-edged sword, that the bible is the instruction book for life and you must know and understand His words of wisdom in your heart to defeat Satan’s fiery darts. Read about the love and faith that David had for God in Psalms, Proverbs, and the NT to start. As you read and God touches your heart-situation, highlight the verses right in your bible. Get yourself a spiral notebook with 3x5 cards and write them down, memorize them, meditate on them, put them in an order and when you feel like crying or can’t sleep go through them. This is your sword, your strength.

    God makes you many promises and gives you many blessings when you do things His way. He always keeps His promises, bank on it, His blessing may not come the way you think they should, but be patient and trust in Him.

    Luke 11:9 (KJV)
    9And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

    Start knocking and He will give you PEACE and HOPE. BTW hope isn’t something that you see, it’s something that you feel. (Romans 8:24-26)

    Now when your husband says he’s lazy and proud of it:

    Proverbs 6:6 (KJV)
    6Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
    Proverbs 6:7 (KJV)
    7Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
    Proverbs 6:8 (KJV)
    8Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
    Proverbs 6:9 (KJV)
    9How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?
    Proverbs 6:10 (KJV)
    10Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
    Proverbs 6:11 (KJV)
    11So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

    Lay this on him, cut him up with your sharpened sword. GODS WORDS ARE POWERFUL, plant the seeds and let God do the work. Watch how fast your husband stops saying he’s lazy when he hears this every time!

    Now your saying your with your husband because you had nowhere else to go, because your dad talked you into it, YOUR depressed husband. You are NOT building him up or putting a crown on his head with these statements. Remember your hands (one flesh) are for putting a crown on his head.

    Proverbs 12:4 (KJV)
    4A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

    Proverbs 12:5 (KJV)
    5The thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit.

    Satan wants you to believe that is why your with him!

    Proverbs 31

    Last but not least get that man in fellowship at church, tell him to stand up and be a man of God, it is his responsibility as a man of God and being the HEAD of your union. Make it a condition when he comes following the feet if you must. Lay this on him:

    Ephesians 5:23 (KJV)
    23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
    Ephesians 5:24 (KJV)
    24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
    Ephesians 5:25 (KJV)
    25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

    Love isn’t always hug and kisses, sometimes its discipline, stay in the Word,

    Luke 8:15 (KJV)
    15But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with PATIENCE.

    All right, 5 cents!
  20. mhoward1999 Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Benjamin: Thank you for your advice and the scripture to back it up. I am creating a document with all of the verses written out that will be attractive to hang up. I will definitely be applying those strategies.