Tucker takes aim at military's newest required reading

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by RighteousnessTemperance&, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. RighteousnessTemperance& Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    Here’s another entry in the Tucker Carlson tradition to be ignored or bashed by those with too little discernment where it counts. Don’t forget the running caveat.

    White-people hating, ultraracist Abram X. Kendi (Henry Rogers) and his book recommended by US Chief of Naval Operations.

    Tucker takes aim at military's newest required reading
  2. RighteousnessTemperance& Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2017
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    You can read it here. (Boldface emphasis in excerpt added.)
    Tucker Carlson: US military is intensifying a political purge of the ranks

    Kendi’s premise is as simple as he is: any system that produces unequal outcomes must be racist. Period. That’s it. That’s the entire thesis. Kendi applies it to everything. If some people make more money than other people, the economy is racist. If Ibram X. Kendi decides there aren’t enough Black astrophysicists, then astrophysics is, by definition, racist. If it rains in a Black neighborhood, but not across town, then what you’re watching is weather racism. Actually, Kendi didn’t really write that, but only because he has no detectable sense of humor. But there’s no question he believes it. The book is that militantly dumb.

    The funny thing is, in his book, Kendi admits that he, himself, is a racist. "White Democrats stood aside and let Bush steal the presidency on the strength of destroyed Black votes. Bush’s team transitioned that winter; I transitioned into hating White people. White people became devils to me, but I had to figure out how they came to be devils."

    So, this is the man Admiral Michael Gilday – it’s hard to believe that Admiral Michael Gilday has any power in the United States, but he does – thinks the United States Navy should study. Imagine working for someone like Admiral Michael Gilday. Most normal people can’t imagine that. So they’re leaving the military.