Two Scenarios

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by Rant, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. Rant Member

    Oct 29, 2017
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    Non Baptist Christian
    One of two major scenarios may soon play out for our country that will impact its relationship with Israel. The first is God’s judgment upon America happening prior to the rapture. If this happens it is probable that our country will be reduced to some kind of secondary status with a European conglomeration of nations taking prominence in global affairs. No one knows what form this judgment may take, If this happens our country may well draw in to itself in an effort to preserve whatever might remain. In such a case our relationship with Israel will no longer command the emphasis it commands today. Our attitude will be, “We have enough problems of our own; let Israel look out for itself.” That will be a giant step in the direction of Zechariah 14:2.

    The second scenario is the rapture happening prior to God’s judgment of our country, which has also been mentioned in these pages. When it happens there will be great pandemonium because of those suddenly missing without a trace. Not only will there be panic among families, but there will be panic in the halls of government, finance, the military, etc. Chains of command will not simply be broken, but in many cases there will be large gaps between the creators and managers of private and government goods and services, their distributors and their users. For obvious reasons Israel will not get much attention from the U.S.

    In either case the U.S. will be in a struggle for simple stability, and perhaps even for survival. At the rapture there will be fewer people taken in pagan and communist countries simply because Christianity is very rare, and in some cases virtually non-existent in their populations and especially in their top echelons of government. Once they see the U.S. in chaos with serious gaps in its command and control authority they just might feel it is time to strike. Does anyone really have to wonder if China’s Xi Jinping, Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Iran’s Ali Khamenei, or North Korea’s Kim Jung Un would consider such a golden opportunity? Those men know such an attack would cost them, but if they would ever be willing to roll the dice in such a war with the U.S. then would be the time. If this happens it will happen quickly.
    Bible prophecy does not even give a hint at any role the U.S. will play in global events post-rapture. What we do know with certainty is that the U.S will be among those nations which will eventually stand against Israel, and even then there is no indication of a dominant, or even an important U.S role. Remember, it is Jerusalem that is the center of God’s world, not Washington. Further, even when other nations and cities are mentioned in scripture it is always in context of their relationship with Israel and the Jews. The Bible is a Jewish book about the Jewish people, their Jewish city of Jerusalem and their Jewish Messiah. It is not a book centered on the western world.
    Mr. Trump, or somebody, will be the American president in those post-rapture tribulation days, and it will not matter that he was an ally of Israel in December 2017. When these things happen nothing that has happened in the past will influence what will happen then. It is painful to say it, but America will suffer greatly. With each sunrise basic survival will be shrill and excruciating like the electrical charge that results from biting aluminum foil between dental fillings, only this will be unrelenting. Political decisions will turn on a dime and the landscape of human existence will be in a constant state of instability with the only sure thing being that things are getting worse with no hope in sight.
    But we are Christians so we do not fret about the future. We take confidence in the fact that Jesus could return for us at any moment. Should God judge our country before that moment we still do not agonize over what might happen. We simply make our plans to do what we can with what we have in order to protect and provide for our families and those who can’t help themselves.
    Though these end time scenarios are highly speculative, they are not impossibilities. But, no matter at what point God judges our nation, we know that the church will not enter the tribulation period that is soon coming upon the entire world. This means we do not look for Antichrist. We look for Jesus Christ
  2. Rant Member

    Oct 29, 2017
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    Non Baptist Christian
  3. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    That will not happen. Revelation 13 points to the United States becoming the dominate world super power, arising to power shortly after the end of the dark ages in 1798... This has already happened and the chapter points out that the United States remains dominant in that case.

    However not in all cases 'for good" for though it starts off lamb-like in many respects - a change will come.

    And Lev 18 pronounced a nation-ending curse on nations promoting LGBT , and promoting child-murder and a number of other "problems".

    That will not happen either.

    1. The rapture happens at the 2nd coming according to Matthew 24. After the tribulation. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days.. He will send forth His angels to gather His elect.."

    2. The 7 last plagues of Rev 16, comes just before the 2nd coming of Rev 19

    3. in 2Thess 2 Paul says the antichrist comes before "our gathering together to Christ'
  4. Rant Member

    Oct 29, 2017
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Hi> BR> I can not post or even get a little aggressive of my true thinking on this forum >the little I dribbled out got me 2 week bann>> I as a person can not really talk to you what I really think: on this FORUM!>>GODJESUS BLESS>ARE YOU RAPTURE READY!
  5. Rant Member

    Oct 29, 2017
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    Non Baptist Christian
    So >I can not reply to your threads!>>sorry.
  6. BobRyan Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Non Baptist Christian
    ok - well how about this?

    1. I am not raptured.. the rapture will not happen until the 2nd comnig .. :)

    2. I would bet You are free to point to some Bible text that makes your point on doctrine

    3. You and I don't have to post any sort of ad hominem or vitriol of any kind to each other just because our views differ on doctrine. All we need is to just post the texts that we believe would make our point. I bet they would allow that.