U.S. to Impose Tariff on Tires From China

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Crabtownboy, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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  2. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    Thanks for the good news. About time we had a president who is interested in protecting US manufacturing jobs.

    Is there any job that can't be sent off shore besides mowing the lawn and cleaning hotel rooms? We bought some land and looked at factory made houses. The best quality manufacturer around here claims they can
    custom build most any room arrangement for less than $60/ sq ft. My Kid, The Builder, says he can't buy his building supplies for that.

    Half the housing starts in the US are factory built. One of these days some smart China Person is going to realize that any house that can be towed behind a truck can be put on a ship and Wal-Mart will be selling houses to scab Boeing workers in S. Carolina.
  3. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    I'd like to see a crackdown on unions & policies that drive our businesses overseas.
  4. Crabtownboy Well-Known Member
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    Feb 12, 2008
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    Would you be happy with a Chinese wage?
  5. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    So rather than paying your son the builder a living wage so that he can provide for your grandchildren you are going to buy a vinyl covered box made out of particle board and plastic so that you can save a few bucks.

    Please, don't ever complain about Walmart again.
  6. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Nope. I've worked to hard. I feel I am worth at least what I pay myself. Would you ?

    Now why don't you answer some of the questions posed to you for the last few days.
  7. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Bad, coming from Obama. The move is probably designed to court union mobs, and to provoke retaliation from China.

    The original crime is the fact that China is our largest trading partner. Now that we enjoy low prices (at the expense of totalitarianism and a persecuted church), if China were to retaliate we would indeed see another economic upheaval, and something that those Dem Socialists* in washington could exploit to sieze more control.

    *Pun intended.
  8. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    My kid builds houses for millionaires. He estimated that one house he did some work on, with change orders, cost the owner $1,200/sq ft.

    He says Marlett factory houses are as good as most stick built houses.

    I don't complain about wal-mart but prefer COSTCO. Their customers look cleaner.

    If the people who run the Big Three Auto companies are at least as smart as the people on this list, would one of you please explain why they would sign a UAW contract that would bankrupt their companies?
  9. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    And there are no builders in your area that could employ out of work carpenters, plumbers, electricians, drywallers, flat concrete workers, painters, roofers, carpet installers, etc? to build you a house for less than $1,200/sq ft?

    You need to buy a house built primarily with the same type of automated assembly line production methods that you complain put other people out of work?

    Does he believe that stick built house builders use plastic plumbing fixtures, paper covered particle board kitchen cupboards, hollow particle board interior doors, and cheap plastic framed windows?

    I think he just doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

    I suggest you go take a closer look at the materials that they will be putting into your prefab. You won't find any copper pipes and with the size of that electric waterheater I hope that you don't like to take baths.

    Why don't you build a house that will get the economy going a little in your area?

    Why don't you buy a repo and hire contractors to spiff it up a little? It could possibly come in for less than the cost of your prefab and you would have a better constructed house while helping the local economy.

    The economy is built off of the consumer making little contributions like that.
  10. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Because the government is holding a gun to their heads.
  11. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    So the government threatens every major company who resists a new labor contract?

    Kent, WA, school district is currently the only school district in the country on strike. Why isn't the government forcing the district to sign?

    A local judge has imposed monetary sanctions against the union and the individual members. I thought Lincoln freed the slaves? What is the moral difference between the state forcing teachers to work in public schools and the USSR forcing people to work in gulags?

    When Lincoln started his war, black people were officially defined by the Constitution as not 100% human and could not vote. Can't have non-humans voting. If the CSA was smart and better at planning they would have simply freed the slaves. The slaves would still have to work the fields for set wages if they wanted to eat. THe BIG economic difference would have been that the white men would have had to pay prostitutes for sexual services instead of using slaves.

    Our owners are much smarter than the CSA leadership. They let live, marry, worship, move . . . even own guns and vote for our tax collectors and Americans think they are "free." Free to pay taxes!

    Most of you argue that the Fed is evil because the Fed is secretly owned by foreign banks. If Americans don't control their own money system then Americans are slaves! If the federal government takes half my life's energy in taxes then I am a 50% slave.

    Maybe the CSA should have given the slaves a 2 week paid (grits and greens) vacation vacation every year. Then we could have still had our slaves? The slaves would have almost been as free at Kent public school teachers.

    (If the school board had any guts and honesty and patriotism they would simply hire scab teachers, being that they have no contract with the union.)
  12. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Let's say you had a baseball game. Team A is required to play by the traditional rules, 3 strikes, 4 balls, 3 outs. Team B on the other hand gets 5 strikes, walks on 3 balls, and gets 4 outs. Who do you think will win the game?

    The answer is somewhere in the middle. Low prices are good, but not at the expense of jobs at home, and supporting a totalitarian government overseas.

    But people here have to get realistic. The reason business is leaving here to go overseas is because of high wages, and even more so high taxes and bureaucracy.

    I live in Connecticut and show business is flocking here. Several shows like Deal or No Deal and the Jerry Springer show have moved here, and many companies are making movies in the state now. Why? Because the state gave tremendous tax breaks to these companies. Why can't people see that regulations and high taxes is what sends companies overseas? If companies could operate here and make a profit, they would stay. Why would you want to ship your product across an ocean? Why would you want your business to operate where piracy is a tremendous problem and quality is sub-par?

    Unions were good 80 years ago. But today we have many laws to protect the worker from abuse. People are more mobile now and can go elsewhere for a job if they do not like their work conditions. Unions have a long history of corruption and gouging the public. They are no longer necessary and are a hindrance to being competitive.

    We need to ease up on business, make it easier to make a profit. And we should hold foreign companies to the same standards and regulations as those at home.

    Make the rules equal, and we will win the game every time. :thumbsup:
  13. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    > Because the state gave tremendous tax breaks to these companies.

    Did the state government lower the budget in the amount of the tax breaks? If not, who will make up the difference? Other business owners (owner class) or the working class?

    The jobs generated by the tax breaks . . . do they mostly pay minimum wage or the median wage? Isn't Connecticut one of the richest states in the country?
  14. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    Why doesn't the school just replace malcontented leeches?

    Enough with the union-thug rhetoric. If you don't like your job, quit. Otherwise, obey the Biblical mandate to be content with your wages and work diligently for your employer.
  15. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    It is well known that Obam is economically brain dead.

    This is one of his more idiotic moves. Te chinese own him and will make Americans pay in so many ways.

    I hope this move keeps his union thugs warm at night. It'll hurt everyone else.
  16. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    Me, I had a great job and am probably the only person on this list who will admit to being overpaid.
  17. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    Why do you feel that you were overpaid?

    Did not the market dictate the fair wage for your labors?
  18. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Depending on the application, tariffs can be either. If a tariff puts the retail cost of goods into a price similar to its domesitic competitors, then it's a good thing. But the tariff should not be so high as to not encourage competition of domestic producers, nor should a tariff make it difficult for a foreign product to compete with domestic products.

    Interestingly, in the early days of the nation, the majority of federal income came from tariffs, not taxes on sales, uses, or incomes.
  19. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    >Why do you feel that you were overpaid?

    >Did not the market dictate the fair wage for your labors?

    Sort of . . . not exactly. I was a police officer. I read that the latest SPD contract will top out at close to $90k for a patrol officer with longevity. That's a lot of money even for Seattle. The market is influenced by a great propaganda machine which exaggerates the dangers, difficulties and education required to do the job. It is the same sort of propaganda machine that turns any GI who gets himself killed into a hero. There are probably more construction workers killed by ditch cave-ins than police officers killed by bad guys but the construction industry has a terrible (non-existent) propaganda.

    Seattle may be different than NYC or LA but not that much different. In 30 years on the job, the very few times I felt fear it was when confronted with crazy people or when I had bitten off more than I could chew . . . my fault, not theirs.

    I could rant on about police work . . . but with 30 years the worst my pension could pay at the end of the contract is 60% of $90K, $54K for sitting on my butt. Not bad, not bad. I loved the job! Worked 15 years in Chinatown, great people, great place . . . people would say, "Isn't it dangerous?" I felt safer at work than in my neighborhood in Everett, WA.