UN Conference Pushes Abortion in Guise of Promoting Women's Health

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by 2 Timothy2:1-4, Nov 4, 2007.

  1. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    ......World Conference of Families International Secretary Allan Carlson commented: "The conference devoted little time to such crucial concerns as pre-natal care, sanitation, clean water and basic nutrition. Instead, advocates trotted out the standard dubious statistics about deaths attributed to illegal abortions. Naturally, there was no consideration of deaths due to legal abortion. The World Health Organization doesn't even keep such statistics."
    "The 'Women Deliver' Conference arrived at foreordained conclusions, determined by the ideologues in charge," Carlson charged. "The United Nations has never directly endorsed abortion, in any of its treaties or conventions. Indeed, abortion goes against the spirit of the 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights. Still, feminists have succeeded in co-opting committees whose mandate is advancing women's health to promote death for unborn children."....

  2. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Have you ever read Malthus?

    Here's the online version of his...

    An Essay on the Principle of Population

    Now compare his notions to the UN's. The global elite know whats best for both us "useless eaters" and the earth. The herd needs to be culled from time to time to protect the earth and enable them to engineer an orderly society. To be ruled by them, men of better breeding and of more importance and understanding than you and I.
  3. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Oh yea. I am well aware that abortion population control, ( for both animals and humans) and the environment are all tied together for these folks.
  4. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Then you are also aware that it's not just liberals and the radical left that are Malthusian minded but all the global elites that look down on us mere peasants and chattle to manage and control any way they see fit. Right?

    No matter which party is in office in a government, one piece or another of their policies and agenda is falling in place for them.
  5. 2 Timothy2:1-4 New Member

    Dec 22, 2006
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    Well look this is where you and I part company. Those on the right do not support these measures in order to bring in communism as the left does.
  6. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Actually we agree about those on the left right up to the point where you seem to have trouble seeing past their foot soldiers and useful idiots. Those on the right are more concerned about consolidating power in the hands of their corporate sponsors and themselves. Power that was intentionally and for good and sound reason divided and even denied the government by the framers of the constitution.

    Your leftist threat is certainly a threat to these United States but that's only half the picture. Those on the right support those (mega corporations) that in turn support the leftists and liberals and the La Raza folks. It's all out in the open! Go to the La Raza site and check out their corporate sponsors and "advisors", go to Mecha's site and check them out.

    Dude! They're all feeding off us like parasites? We're the American consumers, that's all we are now and they're the salesmen and manipulators. They sell us everything from toothpaste to presidents and sell our children on what to watch, what to eat, what clothes to wear, what tatoos and piercings to get, what music to listen to, they teach our girls to dress sleazy and our boys to dress like bums. They incite the illegal aliens already here and open the door to the U.S. wide open for the invasion with their massive media and sales empires and their endless advertizing and mass conditioning.

    Why do you buy one brand of laundry soap over another?

    Listen. Rupert Murdoch (Mr. "conservative media) himself said in public that he and his Newscorp would begin to propagandize for the global warming crowd! Have you been watching newscorp productions lately? Global warming global warming global warming. And he admitted in public that he and his Newscorp was a propagnda outlet for the Bush administration's rush to Iraq. Now here we have a neocon media empire not only pushing propaganda for war, wars amd more war with the "muslim hordes" to the "republican/conservative/Christian" crowd but pushing global warming propaganda for the "liberal" global tax and control nanny state crowd to deluded liberals that lap it up like it was the best tasting Big Mac they ever had!

    This is all information from the mainstream media, but they don't run reports on this kind of information then loop it endlessly until you've "purchased their product" like they do a report they want you to remember and internalize, if you get my meaning. They run it once, archive it, then flush it and forget it. And if it's in print it's on page 8 or 9. All the really important news in the last pages of the nespaper.

    They did their civic duty by reporting it and made sure most everyone either missed it, forgot it in ten minutes or paid no mind to it all. All so people can deny that what is going on right under their noses is really going on at all.

    Hey, all I'm offering is the antidote to their kool aid. You can either keep drinking the kool aid and stay fixated on foot soldeirs and useful idiots or step it up a notch and get in the real fight. That's up to you. :)