Understanding Obama’s Support for Israel

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Revmitchell, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    ... Romney claims that Obama hasn’t supported Israel, while the President brings hard facts to show the opposite. Who is right? The answer: Both of them. The key is understanding two important – yet very different – types of support. One is financial support and the other is political support. Additionally, it’s important to differentiate between support backed by Congress as opposed to support initiated by the administration.

    President Obama has supported Israel by increasing funding for different joint research and development between the US and Israel. These projects are not only good for Israel but also benefit the US because they create jobs in the US. However, the driving force behind these projects is not the administration, but rather Congress, the real pillar of US support for Israel. President Obama has also pointed out that he increased military aid to Israel even during the US’s economic crisis. Yet, the increase in military aid was part of a ten year agreement between the Bush administration and Israel to increase military aid between 2007-2012, which the Obama administration has merely continued.

    This financial support for Israel has not continued because of the support of the Obama administration, but rather has continued despite the Obama administration. In a few sentences, on a sunny afternoon in Cairo, Obama expressed exactly what he thinks of Israel: “the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied”. Thus, Obama’s perspective is that Israel is an anomaly in the Middle East with no historic roots there, a people who unfortunately were transplanted there despite the “indigenous Palestinians” – the rest is details.

  2. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Forget the Biblical significance for a moment. Israel is one of our few true allies, maybe along with New Zealand, Australia, England, some of the Eastern European countries, and maybe France and Canada. There has been a shunning of Israel during the Obama reign compared to previous administrations. There is also a support that costs no money, besides financial and political, and that is moral support or friendship.

    It seems ironic we spend at least if not more tax dollars on countries that hate us to the core like Eygpt, Pakistan, etc, and we are heavily in deep debt to a former bitter enemy, China.

    The Constitution calls for bilateral alliances or small groups of national alliances through treaties ratified by the Senate. There is no concept of the UN or tax dollars to support our adversaries. There is no mandate to put our stamp of approval on other nations.