Unmasking ISIS

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Declassified documents from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) suggest that ISIS is simply a convenient — and dare we say welcome — side effect of the West’s destabilization agenda in Syria and Iraq.

    View the entire DIA document on Syria and ISIS on Judicial Watch.

    Sanchez continued to describe this plan:

    “Then, after the 2011 ‘Arab Spring’ of popular uprisings reached Syria, ‘The Redirection’ went into overdrive. The US-led regional coalition (Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc.) has been strenuously trying to overthrow the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad since at least 2012 by heavily sponsoring an insurgency led by jihadists including Al Qaeda and ISIS.”

    The Wurmser plan seems to be materializing before our eyes in Syria.

    Continue . . . http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-...ly-admits-syrian-conflict-us-russia-proxy-war
  2. StFrancis Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I think that USA contributed to the rise of IS. By fighting alqaeda, they thought that they had won against terrorism, instead terrorists re grouped and formed IS. Now IS is being funded by European countries who say ransom so that their captured citizens can be freed.
  3. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Okay . . . I'm getting a different picture from all the evidence I've been looking at.
  4. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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  5. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Syrian War: The Prequel

    2007 New Yorker Article Exposed US-Israeli-Saudi Conspiracy to Overthrow Assad.
    by Tony Cartalucci

    • Muslim Brotherhood is funded by & serves as the primary instrument of US, Israel, & Saudi Arabia.
    • Lebanon was designated as staging ground to destabilize Syria with sectarian extremists.
    • Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood anti-Israeli and American sentiments are feigned.
    • US intelligence knew in advance unleashing sectarian extremists would result in genocide.
    • Saudis & Americans admit sectarian extremists - the foundation of Al Qaeda - are under their control.

    May 10, 2012 - As previously stated, the Muslim Brotherhood and various "hardline" sectarian political factions sweeping into power in the wake of the US-engineered "Arab Spring," have been feigning anti-Israeli and anti-Western sentiments in an attempt to swell their ranks with followers before ultimately forming a united sectarian-front against Iran.

    The creation of a united sectarian-front was noted by geopolitical analyst Dr. Webster Tarpley who hasfrom the beginning stated that the various possible governments resulting from these engineered revolutions "could then be used to support the fundamental US-UK strategy for the Middle East, which is to assemble a block of Arab and aligned sectarian countries (notably Egypt, Saudis, Gulf states, and Jordan) which, formed into a front with the participation of Israel, would collide with the Iranian Shiite front, including Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, and various radical forces."

    < snip >

    Clearly, what has been recently portrayed by the West as mere "claims" by the Syrian government that the Saudis, Lebanese, and NATO were conspiring against them, is simply the fruition of the US policy exposed fully in the New Yorker in 2007. While many analysts have treated the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and their involvement in Syria's uprising as a somewhat nebulous phenomenon, the New Yorker's 2007 makes it clear that the Brotherhood is one of the primary instruments used by the Saudis as part of a US-Israeli-Saudi effort to eliminate Syria and Iran. Not only that, but the report indicates that the US itself has been funding and using the Muslim Brotherhood as well.

    Continue . . . http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2012/05/syrian-war-prequel.html
  6. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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