War and Faith

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by KenH, May 14, 2006.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Bush hasn't goofed Rocko and neither did Clinton. They'd like us all to keep believing that and not reading their documents to get the real facts though. They were following orders not making mistakes. The CFR doesn't write things like Building A North American Community planning to abolish our borders for comic relief. They expect it to be implimented, Bush isn't the decider he's the implimenter of his globalist handlers will, same as Clinton was, same as the next pres will be unless we wake up soon.
  2. Rocko9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    Hi Poncho,
    Without a doubt Bush is probably a small player in creating the globalistic community. It just amazes me that some people get so caught up in idealism that they will not see past thier prideful nature that we are being sold down the river by someone who has not earned our trust.
  3. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    This sums up most of your posts!
  4. ASLANSPAL New Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Of course bush is arrogant just look at how he was raised...very little humility and a lot of get out of jail free cards...a humongous silver spoon inserted into his mouth at a very early age.

    bankrolled in oil to drill dry holes..did not think of paying anyone back!

    he is still on the books for his Harken stock transaction...his dad slapped his hand and that was that!

    Oh yeah the lil ol national guard privleige thingy...actually telling his commanding officer
    how things would go.

    His profane gestures to people.

    Scott J if bush has not had episodes of arrogance
    and profanity ..then you need to get your head unstuck from between those hay bales and join the rest of the world in reality, and while your at it apologize to the Llama! ;)

    little snippet on bushs latest gesture of arrogance.

    Bush's Hostile Middle Finger

    Did George W. Bush give the First Finger salute to the White House Press Corp? Or was he merely giving the thumbs up to his CAFTA Victory?

    The White House actually called Americablog to say that it wasn’t Bush’s ‘hostile' middle finger that the world saw extended on Jay Leno, rather it was his elongated thumb. If anyone takes this White House at its word, they haven’t been paying attention.

    Everyone Together Now: First Finger Salute Experiment

    The best evidence supporting the contention that Bush flipped off the press is at The Litter Box:

    "Try a little experiment for yourself. It’s OK. No one is looking. Hold your right arm up and extend your thumb. The thumb goes up and the rest of the hand goes up and right at about a 45 degree angle. There is a distinct “V” between thumb and hand. Nothing is visible to the left of the thumb.

    Now try your index finger. The index finger goes up and the rest of the hand is all on the right. Again, nothing is visible to the left of the index finger, except maybe a little thumb bump, if your hand is unnaturally rotated inward. (Normally, when your arm is raised, the palm of your hand faces out, not forward.)

    Now try it again with the, um, social finger. Even with the palm turned outward, part of your hand (the part extending down from the index finger) is visible to the left of the upraised finger.If you look closely at the picture, this is exactly what you see when you look at President Bush’s hand. Scientifically proven. I don’t know why anyone is surprised. It is something he obviously likes to do.” (see First Finger Salute close-up here) but don’t miss the killer photos at the Litter Box.

    John at Americablog responds that he has a problem with the First Thumb Theory:

    “I have to say, I'm not real convinced by the thumbs up excuse. It's possible, of course, but the video doesn't look like his thumb, and Bush has a history of flipping off reporters (there's a video we posted last fall of him flipping off a reporter in Texas while governor). (photo also)

    There are also unconfirmed reports of Bush flipping off protesters last year. Bush called a NYT reporter a "major league asshole," and let's not even talk about VP Cheney's mouth. And while, yes, it would be really stupid of him to flip off reporters while on the Hill, well, it would be pretty stupid to lie to the nation about going to war, and to keep Karl Rove and Scooter Libby on staff after it's already been proven that they outed a CIA agent. I'm not going to put it past Bush to do something really stupid. ”

    Go here for more on: "There's Adam Clymer, major league xxxxxxx from the New York Times."

    White House denials have led some to go back to the video and view it again and again. Wonkette says: “Upon many, many viewings, we think it could be his thumb. His hideous, elongated thumb.”

    The evidence for the thumbs up theory? Bush has a deformed hand? Keith Olbermann reports that while many of us got a good laugh from the episode, those who were there say it was the thumb. I like Keith, but he is not infallible. His report is at best vague and unconvincing; it falls far short of the evidence to the contrary.

    There is one witness who claims it was the thumb, a reporter who works for the publisher of the ultra-Bush-friendly Wall Street Journal. Given that crossing Bush has resulted in lost jobs for many a man and at least one woman, this source, like the White House itself, is simply not enough to convince anyone other than militantly loyal Bush fans.

    George W. Bush is not exactly a model for civility. For many of us the most telling evidence is that when all is said and done this President’s past behavior provides no reason whatsoever to believe that he would not stoop to unpresidential behavior. Whether Bush targets journalists or world leaders, civility is simply not his forte.

    Scott J if you cannot discern the look and act of arrogance in this then you are too far gone
    with overloading on the koolaid and now you just
    snort it from the package.

    <this image has been snipped as it is inappropriate for the BB - LE, Moderator>

    [ May 17, 2006, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: LadyEagle ]
  5. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    First as President, by Law, by Constitution he IS the decider in many ways...

    But, especially as Commander-In-Chief...

    Secondly, whether you believe it or not President Bush acknowledges God as Sovreign and freely confesses he prays over his decisions...

    That is not arrogant...

    That's being who and what the job requires...

    The earthly buck stops here...

    But, our President passes it on to Jesus...

    And, before you cast stones on his "hearing"...

    He that "hears" perfectly may cast the first stone. :D

  6. Rocko9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    First as President, by Law, by Constitution he IS the decider in many ways...

    But, especially as Commander-In-Chief...

    Secondly, whether you believe it or not President Bush acknowledges God as Sovreign and freely confesses he prays over his decisions...

    That is not arrogant...

    That's being who and what the job requires...

    The earthly buck stops here...

    But, our President passes it on to Jesus...

    And, before you cast stones on his "hearing"...

    He that "hears" perfectly may cast the first stone. :D

    </font>[/QUOTE]Where did you get this from MAD MAN, from one of those books that alleges that George Bush is a Christian. Well it is good P.R. and it worked rather well during the last election. The Bible warns us about wolfs in sheeps clothing.
    Serouisly, I do hope that Bush is a Christian, evidence is lacking though. :D
  7. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Perhaps by your standard?

    Which may be far more stringent than God's standard...
  8. Rocko9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    From The American Prospect
    As God Is His Witness
    Bush is no devout evangelical. In fact, he may not be a Christian at all

    Once and for all: George W. Bush is neither born again nor evangelical. As Alan Cooperman reported in The Washington Post last month, the president has been careful never to use either term to describe his faith. Unlike millions of evangelicals, Bush did not have a single born-again experience; instead, he slowly came to Christianity over the course of several years, beginning with a deep conversation with the Reverend Billy Graham in the mid-1980s. And there is virtually no evidence that Bush places any emphasis on evangelizing -- or spreading the gospel -- in either his personal or professional life.
    I can understand how embarassing it might be for you to suddenly realize that your hero may not be a Christian, after all we took pride in believing that this man was one of us and yet some still let that same pride remain a stumbling block to the truth.
  9. Scott J Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Apr 25, 2001
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    That's an assumption... not proof.

    One of the heirs to the Morton salt fortune got saved and devoted his life to missions. After training, he went to the field and died. The point is that a wealthy upbringing is no more evidence for arrogance than a poor upbringing... and I have met people who were raised poor who were arrogant.

    Well uh... If you make an investment, you assume risk.

    No proof for anything except your hatred for Bush.

    The merit of that whole argument has been found to be zero.

    Bush logged more than his rightful share of hours in a plane that had a very nasty habit of falling out of the sky... Yep, sounds like he was avoiding danger to me.

    That wasn't the charge. Everyone of us... including you (as evidenced by this comment) have episodes of arrogance. The claim was that he was arrogant. Especially when compared to other politicians... say Bill and Hill for example... that charge is simply unsupported.

    How many times did that occur that you have proof of? What was the mood when it was done? Anger or jest? What is the context?

    Wow! I can only imagine why Bush might be miffed at a reporter for a paper that uses millions of dollars of ink and paper each day to undermine him and run him down. Forgive me while I forgive him, OK?
    I have disliked Cheney from the start.
    Yes. That apples to apples comparison reveals someone's arrogance and lack of reasonableness.
    You can't out someone whose already outed themselves or been outed by their husband through political activities directly intended to use privileged information and official position to undermine the President's policies.

    Not only should Plame have been outed, she should have been fired and charged with a violation of her oath.
    So he must be mistrusted while we trust those who hate Bush, right? I am not making a statement about the photo just your kneejerk reaction to dismiss anyone who doesn't hate and tear down Bush.

    I have listed numerous differences I have with Bush on this board. I am not blinded to him nor by hatred of him.
    That's laughable. Can you name one that was moved out just "because"? I can cite a whole travel office that was swept aside so that the Clintons could reward contributors and friends.

    No. I'd say he is quite human and has done some things that I wouldn't have done and that he probably regrets.

    Interesting though that liberals think worse of Bush for making a gesture that means something than they did for Clinton who actually acted it out then lied about it.
    I can... I have just responded to the look and act of arrogance.
  10. Terry_Herrington New Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Good ole Bush-loving Scott! I wonder how the koolaid from the White House taste like?
  11. Rocko9 New Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    I remember the time in Late 80's when the Jim Bakker Tammy Faye scandal broke out.
    A news reporter was questioning one Bakkers die hard supporters, this man obviously had an abundance of mis-guided faith in Jim Bakker. He told the news reporter that he was confident that if he left a pile of money on the side walk and Jim Bakker came along and spotted it that the money would still be there when he came back.
    George Bush has that same kind of blind loyalty from his followers.
    My advice----follow Jesus not George.
  12. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    Terry I don't think either Scott or I would ever be invited for KoolAid at the Whitehouse. :D

    BTW: You can like a person without agreeing with everything they've done...

    And, If you'd like, you can disagree with someone (Bush) without impuning thier character at every turn, too.

    But, would that be the Christian thing to do?

  13. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    &gt;The State exists to keep order among non-believers...

    This is also Reconstructionist dogma. They will impose the Levitical law on the rest of us but it will not apply to them because only theu have the law written on their hearts.
  14. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I had to go do a search to find out what you were talking about, Reconstructionist wise.

    I do not believe in what I read on the web site in regards to the secular state...

    And, I do not believe in a Theocratic State until it is Ruled by Jesus Himself...

    As regards to applying the Biblical Standard to Society...

    As long as we call ourselves a Christian Nation.

    And, where the Christian Faith(s) can come into common agreement, I think we should petition and vote our conscience to make such changes as we are able to legally effect...

    As regards my statement,
    Please don't go beyond what I've written and read into it something that is not there...

    The State would not have to exist if everyone had God's Laws written on their Hearts and we truly preferred one another in Love...

    Therefore, in my way of thinking, the state doesn't exists for the Godly...

    I know it's a bit idealistic...

  15. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Scott J,
    You are the epitimy of arrogance, every time you post. What makes your posts on politics and foreign affairs quite sickening is that, as we have discussed before, you never lifted a hand in sacrifice to this country. People like this folks are a dime a dozen, talk the talk, but dont walk the walk.
  16. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    What does that have to do with the debate at hand?

    Yes, and in all fairness people like you, SN, are a dime per fortnight... :D

    It's really distressing that when people disagree with a certain political correct stance that when they can out argue they start pillaging a persons character...

    Surely, this is highly 'Christian' behavior?

  17. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    If you do not like my opinion of the subject at hand, you are welcome to click on another thread.
  18. SpiritualMadMan New Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    It was not your opinion of the subject that is offensive...

    But, rather, your treatment of other posters.

    And, until a Moderator tells me otherwise I'll post where I please. Thank you very much! :D

  19. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Maybe you should read the way the person you are defending treats others. Maybe this has nothing to do with you.
  20. The Galatian New Member

    Aug 18, 2001
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    When Nixon was in Bush's position, the Rev. Myung Son Moon announced the same thing. "God put Nixon in office, and only God can remove him."

    Wrong. In America, the Constitution governs, at the consent of the voters. He was put there by voters, and he can be removed for malfeasance.

    Indeed. But there aren't many people left who still trust him.

    The surveys I've seen show that there aren't any more atheists in prison than in the general public. Regrettably, there are a lot of believers who stray.